Hop betting

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Hop betting

Post by advdel77 » Sat Mar 25, 2023 9:23 am

I never have really done any hop betting except for hopping the 7 on the come out roll. I saw this post of hopping the 4,5,7,10. $2 on each bet. 1/3,2/2,2/3,1/4,1/6,2/5/1/6,4/6,5/5. $18 total, then $36, $72, $144,, $288, $576. I doubt I would go past $288 but interesting. Have not done the math but supposedly each level will get your money back plus profit. Might be a strategy for bubble craps when tables are full?

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Re: Hop betting

Post by Golfer » Wed Mar 29, 2023 1:37 pm

Hi Advdel77,

Hop bets are the crack cocaine of craps. I never did cocaine, but I have hopped untold bets during my 45+ years of playing craps. There are a lot of strategies here and there. I have 3 types. 1st I hedge on come-outs when playing dark. I will size the hop bets on the 7, and sometimes on the 11, to cover my flat Don't bet.

2nd is playing the PL, I will hop the red and play a world plus a $2 Hi-Low (the hi-low part was taught to me by his Heaviness). This stuff is pure "game within a game" stuff. Search the Board for come-out strategies. For kicks I allocate a portion of my bankroll to see what happens. On winners I usually press.

My 3rd strategy is called, "Feeling it". That's when I have a DP and maybe one or more DC bets up (usually with odds) and I feel the 7 is coming. I will toss out $6 or $15 and hop the reds. The last few years I will toss the stick $10 and tell him Hop the Red for $9 and $1 for the dealers.

It is fun when they hit.

My biggest single win on the hop bets was when I was up and had $25 up on a hardway number. $25 * 30 = $775 and down.

My favorite is hopping the red when shooting. My best there was hitting 7 five times in a row. I pressed after each but if I would have parlayed like some I know have done, I would have had as much cash as Heavy :lol:

Test the waters slowly. Enjoy, but always do it with discipline.

Good Luck\

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Re: Hop betting

Post by kumar » Fri Mar 31, 2023 3:08 pm

The time I hop bets is
-When a shooter is deep in his roll and there is a disturbance,enough to call bets off. At that point I will hop the number that has been pressed up the most so in case that number hits I dont miss a payoff
-A number is repeating significantly;in that case I will hop it on the come-out

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Re: Hop betting

Post by Tgold » Fri Mar 31, 2023 10:46 pm

Good thread advdel77

Thx for all the replies.

I seldom Hop although I will occasionally utilize a Hop12 on a Dc in the chute. Typically, this is only when my wager is pressed to a higher level. The Hop amount is only for covering the amount of $ that I have at risk in the wager. I then lay odds for the amount (rounded up slightly for breakage) of the just-lost Hop bet.

All the best,
All the best,

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