betting strategies for novices

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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betting strategies for novices

Post by kumar » Sat Jan 11, 2025 11:20 am

A strategy that comes to mind is place the 6 and 8 for $30 each;one hit and regress both bets to $18 each.If roll continues on each hit press one unit.Once one achieves a profit of $60 on subsequent hits spread to other numbers

Any other thoughts?

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Re: betting strategies for novices

Post by heavy » Sat Jan 11, 2025 2:07 pm

That is one of my favorite plays, Kumar. I might add to that - skip the Pass Line and Odds with this play unless you are the shooter or there's a qualified (DI) shooter handling the dice. It doesn't do you any good to lock up $20 - $60 off the Six and Eight play only to lose it on a $15 PL bet with $25 - $50 odds.

If you're going to spread out to other numbers after doing that initial regression on the Six and Eight, then collecting, pressing, and collecting again - be sure you are making note (either mentally or on paper) of what numbers the shooter is rolling. If there's a number that he's repeating - that is the number to bet. Don't waste money, for example, betting the Five and Nine if only the Nine has been rolling. Instead of betting $15 each on the Five and Nine - bet $25 - $35 on the Nine. Press it to $35 or $50 on the first hit. Then you're off to the races on a Take - Press schedule. Always TAKE at least every other hit. To err on the conservative - take two and press one when first starting out - and any time you think you have too much money on the table - regress or take it all down.
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Re: betting strategies for novices

Post by 220Inside » Sat Jan 11, 2025 3:31 pm

Love the 30 6/8 regression play as well, especially on randies.

After the regression, I'll generally go up a unit on hit. Next hit on the number go up one more unit and place the adjacent number for table minimum depending on how the shooter is looking at that point. If I'm not feeling it with the shooter, I'm happy to just keep going up a unit on each hit and forego spreading out.

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Re: betting strategies for novices

Post by kumar » Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:54 am

Thanks Heavy and 220 inside
I am also going to suggest the following
If one did not at least break even on the previous shooter than use the 3 count to avoid the quick seven before placing a bet;go back to original betting style once table corrects itself

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Re: betting strategies for novices

Post by 220Inside » Sun Jan 12, 2025 9:14 am

I qualify every shooter. No 5 count for me though...

I want to see a box number after setting a point. If the point gets bullfrogged, I wait for at least one roll after setting the next point.

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Re: betting strategies for novices

Post by kumar » Mon Jan 13, 2025 6:46 am

220 inside
Dont understand the terminology "if the point gets bull frogged " also dont understand " i wait at least one roll after setting the next point"

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Re: betting strategies for novices

Post by 220Inside » Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:43 am

"Bullfrog" = immediately hitting the established point.

"I wait at least one roll after setting the next point" = pretty much what it says. If the shooter immediately makes (bullfrogs) their first point, I wait for at least one roll after they establish their next one. I've seen way too many immediate 7 outs after the high of hitting that first point, particularly if they hit it quickly, so I wait until they get past that before betting.

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Re: betting strategies for novices

Post by kumar » Mon Jan 13, 2025 5:34 pm

Thank You 220 inside
I play it a little differently;when two point sevens occur then for the rest of the session i wait one roll after the point is made;after two points are made i dont use this rule for that shooter;also on a good table I ignore the rule

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Re: betting strategies for novices

Post by 220Inside » Tue Jan 14, 2025 8:54 am

The important thing is to have a qualification strategy for other shooters, not necessarily what it is (well, unless you're talking about the 5 count :mrgreen: ).

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Re: betting strategies for novices

Post by Rickhem » Tue Jan 28, 2025 9:30 am

I'm what is probably a low-roller, and also in the 6 & 8 club. For me, the six possible ways of throwing a seven is eclipsed by the ten ways of throwing a 6 or an 8. Yes, the bet needs to be bigger, since you're on the favorite side of the odds when betting both the 6 & 8, but for a moderate $300 to $400 buy-in, you get a lot of bullets in your gun.

My standard play is to place a $12 bet on both the 6 & 8, so I get a white back from tossing out a green. My first hit would see me pressing up both bets to $18 each, and I'll get two whites back from that. Another hit and I'll hand over the three whites in my rack, and press both bets up to $30 each. If I get the third hit, I regress both bets back to $12 each, and put $71 in my rack. This boils down to betting a max of $25 per shooter.

Since I consider every roll an individual event, and the ten positive outcomes outweigh the six negative ones, I have my bets always ON. Yes, I've been beat up with come out sevens, and even repeating ones occasionally, but the hits on the 6 & 8 exceed those losses, and get my progression started sooner.

I'll usually set myself a 25% to 33% win limit, and a 50% loss limit. That equates to me locking up $100 profit, and letting anything out on the table work for the duration of the roll that puts me up that 25% to 33%. That's happened on the first shooter more than a few times, which makes for a fast session, but discipline matters. I can always just color up, take a walk, cash my chips back into bills, and then start that whole process all over again.

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Re: betting strategies for novices

Post by heavy » Tue Jan 28, 2025 6:44 pm

FWIW, I use the term "bullfrogged" interchangeably" with the term "hopped" as in "the shooter hopped that number right back." I swear, I was the guy who originated that term over forty years ago. I used to use it all the time in these old backwoods casinos - some of them not exactly legal - and was surprised something like twenty years later when a dealer called a "bullfrog" at a table I was playing at in downtown Vegas. I said, "Hey, man. I invented that phrase "Bullfrogged his point." And he quickly called bullshit on me and said he'd been hearing it for years. I told him I had come up with it twenty years before and he just shook his head. Oh well. A prophet is never known is his own town. LOL.
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