If you keep a log, what do you record in it?

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If you keep a log, what do you record in it?

Post by dork » Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:38 am

Mine has

1) date
2) casino name
3) time at the table
4) won-loss amounts
5) dealer tip amounts
6) current W/L status for Year-To-Date
7) any significant prop bet payoffs (to account for "Hail Marys" that might skew more 'regular' numbers)
8) if I won--whether I won betting on myself or others only, or a combination.
9) if I lost, a general statement about what spiral I took.
10) table atmosphere (players, annoyances, etc.)

Is there anything else should I add to it? Is there something on my list that tells you something about me that I shouldn't be doing?

Thank you.

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London Shooter
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Re: If you keep a log, what do you record in it?

Post by London Shooter » Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:37 am

Well how about the numbers you rolled, then in the long term you can see if you have an edge on certain numbers?

Recording dealer tip amount is an interesting one. I know this is part of the game - an "expense" of playing. I wonder how much % of somebody's bankroll, or winnings, tips adds up to per session, per trip, per year?

This may involve too much work, but if you are recording significant prop bet pay-offs, then how about doing the full detail and record all prop bets made then you can see how much leakage there is from your funds from these bets - of course you may somehow be overcoming the high house edge on such bets, in which case keep up the good work :D

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Re: If you keep a log, what do you record in it?

Post by bobthetree » Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:41 am

I'll look at my official list but things I do that are different that come to mind:

1) Table plaque number (Ex. CR-404)- The one in front of the box man. That way if tables are different in the same casino I know exactly which one the data belongs to.
2) Buy in amount - Color amount
3) BEFORE I start I try to force myself to write down exactly what strategy I am going to play on 3 groups: Myself, other DIs, Randies. Part of my end session notes are if I stuck to those plans, and when I deviated. A post-session discipline evaluation in and of itself.
4) Each roll. I use the hardways set so I started tracking individual die faces, but not keeping up with left/right. It still gives foundation frequencies with the Hardways set though.

One thing I would recommend... DO NOT put total win/loss for the year on these pieces of paper. If you lost it, it could be bad for the casino to see that. Some would hate to even see you TRYING to have long term wins... Not to mention a bad individual got ahold of it and could associate your face with that kind of $$$ it could be bad. Just my $.02 on that. I have an official list somewhere of what I try to track. Maybe later I can see if I missed anything. I want to come up with something to print to keep these tabs and that way I wont be scratching my head wondering if I forgot to record something. I just started doing this last trip and it helped a ton! I felt like my discipline was always at stake, needing to stick to my pre-set-up plan!
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Re: If you keep a log, what do you record in it?

Post by HornHighJoe » Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:08 pm

I also record the amount I spend on fire bets as well.

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Re: If you keep a log, what do you record in it?

Post by dork » Fri Apr 11, 2014 2:59 pm

In reading all your posts there's an inference that you keep your logs 'live'. That is to say, you record your data right at the casino. (at least, some of the data seems too complex to me to remember until you can get back to your room, or home, or wherever)

Am I right? you're keeping records on the casino floor?

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Re: If you keep a log, what do you record in it?

Post by wild child » Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:02 pm

Multiple players may be tracked...
..just accounting for the number of tosses and the NUMBER ROLLED

Sat aside space for the CRAPS MATRIX....

...gives a visual of specific numbers showing
GREATER than or LESS than PROBABILITY related to 7

You may or may not wish to enter the game with an update of current events....(HOT-COLD-CHOP )
Expect that should you note a TREND or RUN

such events are transitory and MAY or MAY NOT BE SPECIFIC to an INDIVIDUAL SHOOTER

Time.Date.Specific Casino may all be entered later when away from the CRAPS PIT/CASINO.and permanent log book..

Just me saying


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Re: If you keep a log, what do you record in it?

Post by bobthetree » Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:11 pm

dork wrote:In reading all your posts there's an inference that you keep your logs 'live'. That is to say, you record your data right at the casino. (at least, some of the data seems too complex to me to remember until you can get back to your room, or home, or wherever)

Am I right? you're keeping records on the casino floor?

I try to write down everything except closing notes and color up amount before I get my first bet out. But if the dice are coming, I will shoot and then fill in the buy in / start up info as needed. I leave my pad right in the rail unless told otherwise (some make you put it in the drink rail). Record my dice outcomes while the dice are in the center.

So yes, I take my notes right there in the casino. I get asked questions by the crew sometimes, I just say I don't get out to play much, love the game and want something to look at when I get home.
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Re: If you keep a log, what do you record in it?

Post by Bankerdude80 » Mon Apr 14, 2014 12:11 am

My record-keeping is still a work in progress. It is evolving. I've always tracked my Buy-Ins and what I left with for each session at the tables. I usually record the following:

1) Date
2) Casino
3) Game Played
4) Buy-In
5) Cash-Out from session
6) Net Win/Loss from session

After reading one of bobthetree's posts, I recently started tracking my rolls at the tables with a small notebook. I'll probably continue doing that. I did not get too much heat other than the occasional wisecrack. I don't bother tracking tokes, I figure its just a cost of business expense. I'll also notate minor things like my mood, table conditions, how my toss looks, shooting position, etc.

Keeping detailed notes/results requires a lot of discipline and I will be the first to admit that I haven't always been so resolute in recording. Relying on my memory to record things at a later time hasn't always been the most accurate.
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Re: If you keep a log, what do you record in it?

Post by Mad Professor » Mon Apr 14, 2014 9:26 am

The 'objective' things like time, date, table-number, buy-in/cash-out, etc are important; but I also like to look at the 'subjective' things too because they often provide the much needed insight into what went right...what went wrong...what my attitude was BEFORE...DURING...and AFTER the session...what 'triggers' were noticed (or un-noticed until it was too late)...and where the improvements need to be made.

I have come to learn that codifying how I feel and what my attitude is (à la Lyle Stuart) before, during, and after each session; offers insight into how things will go…why things are going a certain way (or at least why I feel a certain way when things go one way or the other) during a session…and why things went so well or went so awry during a just-played session.

If you make notes about your energy, outlook, and attitude before each session, and then "re-measure" them again after each just-played session; you might be surprised at not only how much you learn about yourself, but you may discover some behavioural-patterns about yourself that you were completely unaware of. ;)


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Re: If you keep a log, what do you record in it?

Post by Maddog » Mon Apr 14, 2014 9:49 am

Mine is pretty simple

1) Casino/table
2) Buy-In/Time-In
3) Cash-Out/Time-Out
4) Notes

The First two I try to record BEFORE I buy in to the game. I know the amount that I am going to buy into the game and can record the time easily. I often sit at a bank of one-button-bandits to do this as it is simple and inconspicuous. The last two I try to do BEFORE I go to the cashier (but sometimes forget until later).

The buy-in/cash-out, for me, are the most important as they keep me on track as to how I am REALLY doing. The Time-in/Time-Out is important to me to keep track of my session lengths. For me personally it is clear that there is no question; shorter sessions are more successful then longer session. The Notes part is usually just quick thoughts about how I felt and/or how the table played. Things like "Could not get in rhythm", "Great energy", "Forgot to focus on target", "targeted low and deep, worked", etc.

I have found it interesting to see correlation between my notes and the session results.

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Re: If you keep a log, what do you record in it?

Post by heavy » Mon Apr 14, 2014 9:54 am

Date - Casino - Amount of Buy In - Amount of Cash Out - Net Profit/Loss - Comps Received - Comments.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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