Could this qualify as regression betting?

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Could this qualify as regression betting?

Post by Bankerdude80 » Thu Jul 31, 2014 8:10 pm

In lieu of a straight regression, I was wondering if it made any sense to initially place bet across, then use Come Bets at table minimum to regress, converting them again to a place bet when they hit?

For example, the Point is 8. Place $210 across ($50 4 & 10)($25 5 & 9)($60 6).
$10 Come bet, number tossed is 4. Take $10 odds, rack $140 (regression). Number 4 is tossed again, come bet & odds get paid/come down. Place 4 now for $25 buy. Start to collect and press from there on out. If number continues to repeat, press up odds 1-2x unit at a time until maxed. $10 Come bet, number tossed is 6. Take $10 odds, rack $62 (regression). Number 6 is tossed again, come bet & odds get paid/come down. Place 6 now for $30. Start to collect and press from there on out. If number continues to repeat before place conversion, press up odds 1-2x unit at a time until maxed. $10 Come bet, number tossed is 5. Take $10 odds, rack $50 (regression). Number 5 is tossed again, come bet & odds get paid/come down. Place 4 now for $25 buy. Start to collect and press from there on out. If number continues to repeat before place conversion, press up odds 1-2x unit at a time until maxed. Etc.

Goal is to convert each place bet to come with odds, then place/buy again for $25/$30 minimum. I realize the inherent risk from leaving the bets up after a few numbers, but I was thinking this may be another way to regress while keeping the game interesting. I'm sure this play could be modified if certain numbers are not hitting with a "bring my ___ down..."
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Re: Could this qualify as regression betting?

Post by freak » Thu Jul 31, 2014 8:42 pm

Good concept. Try it on the home table. I expect you'll get few hands that hit all the box numbers. I'd suggest taking down the non hitting numbers after a few hits to reduce exposure.

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Re: Could this qualify as regression betting?

Post by wild child » Thu Jul 31, 2014 11:10 pm


Only you know your personal Comfort Zone and TOLERANCE for $ @ RISK of loss
If you are comfortable with placing across OR just the INSIDE NUMBERS
or perhaps THE SIX & THE EIGHT ....individual choice...still $$$ at RISK

However factor NO RISK NO REWARD

Run this through some War Gaming using a number of
past recorded hands....Then test it against a R N G program just for grins
TEST THIS BOTH Working On The Come Out and OFF during the C O..
Also test run for one,two,three,four,five,six ROLLS and or longer........
You will want to feel comfortable as well as confident you are not missing much
Commit to the number of rolls you will leave your Place Bet WAGERS at risk
prior to removing any PLACE BET WAGERS
not showing during that _X_ number of rolls ( if you have any SEVEN FEAR)
and leaving the CONTRACT COME BET(s) WAGER(s)
and /or Don't Come(D/C) Bets
Could be any number of rolls from ONE ROLL AND DOWN Let 'em rip ......
Since you are taking down your original CHIP $ at risk PLUS the $ PAID,
you may be comfortable placing at risk only the TABLE MINIMUM $ VALUE
with NO ODDS ,just leave that chip naked as the day it was minted...
The PLURALITY of dice players have no or qualms little leaving D/C Wagers go behind a number NUDE with zero LAY ODDS and those DARK SIDE wagers
have perhaps a slight mathematical advantage over DO SIDE WAGERS ........
When you WAR GAME, play the "WHAT IF GAME" and measure if there
may be a juncture when DON"T COME WAGER(s) contribute to your increasing your collecting chips hobby....
Once past those decisions :
My feeling is to COME BET or DON"T COME BET "X" number of rolls
After all that...proceed with confidence COME BET WAGER Vs DON"T COME..
As always stay aware that our sport IS A CRAPS GAME and as such ANYTHING can and may happen with the most inconvenient timing.......

Just me saying


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Re: Could this qualify as regression betting?

Post by heavy » Thu Jul 31, 2014 11:45 pm

Short answer - yes, this is a regression move.

Expanding on what Freak said about taking down non-hitting numbers after three rolls - excellent move. Not only is it an additional regression at a critical point, it allows you to focus on the numbers the dice have given you already.

Now let's take that one step farther and look at some numbers:

$10 on the PL - $20 odds - Point is FIVE - Place $150 across ($30 per number) - $10 in the Come

Now let's throw some dice:

First toss: SIX rolls - pays $35 - Come Bet travels to the SIX - take $10 odds - lock up $25 - put $10 in the Come
Second toss: TEN rolls - pays $59 net - Come Bet travels to the TEN - take $10 odds - lock up $40 - put $10 in the Come
Third toss: NINE rolls - pays $42 - Come Bet travels to the FIVE - take $10 odds - lock up $32 - put $10 in the Come

Now take down the bets on the Four and the Eight - taking $60 out of play (regression).

At this point you have $30 out there in PL and odds. You have three $10 Come bets with $10 odds on the table. Total on the table is $90.

Unless my math is long, you have locked up $97.

That puts you with a net $7 win with a total of $90 action on the table and a shot at winning anywhere from $22 to $40 on the next toss of the dice. That ain't bad.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy


Re: Could this qualify as regression betting?

Post by freak » Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:49 am

BUT...why not just do a similar thing with only placed bets? Why come bet at all? $20 on a ten pays $39. $10 odds on a $10 come bet traveled to ten only pays $30. It just doesn't seem worth the one roll where you get $10 for a 7/11. If you PSO for $150 across $10 of last come gets some doesn't really help much. And for me, the big problem with a come bet is I never want to bring my odds down. If I place ten and it hits I leave it there a while. But if my placed 10 sits for a while not repeating I'll take it down completely. My brain never wants to take the odds off a come bet traveled to 4 or 10 no matter how long it sits. It just seems a sin to get paid even money on a four/ten. And so I ignore the "bring sleeping bets down rule" and that means when I come bet I leave a lot more on the table than when I place bet.

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Re: Could this qualify as regression betting?

Post by wild child » Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:21 pm

when it comes down to personal preference of comfort is that..personal preference

Certainly do not want to spread any SIN AROUND a Craps Table

The original hypothetical wager was $210 across namely$50 ea #4 & # 10 ,$25 ea #5 & # nine, $60 # SIX the # eight P/L $10 with $10 ODDS NO...KNOW :?:
:!: The idea was to get some $ at risk into the safe zone and the concept of utilizing THE COME or THE D/C was suggested to mitigate the amount of
$ @risk........the SUGGESTION of three rolls and pull down is sound and
some may wish to duck for cover after one or two rolls...or have offered perhaps X# of D/C wagers.....none of it is ever suggested as MANDATORY...

w c

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Re: Could this qualify as regression betting?

Post by heavy » Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:38 pm

I play it occasionally when I want to put my bets on auto-pilot at certain levels and just focus on the hand rather than the betting.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy


Re: Could this qualify as regression betting?

Post by bryfromtheharbor » Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:38 pm

I like the look of that play. Worked sweet in practice.

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