betting strategies

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Re: betting strategies

Post by drbobsd » Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:02 am

advdel77 wrote:i played with a guy on a cruise ship out of charleston, sc who played exactly that way. he was from north carolina and had a table at home. one of the nights on the cruise he bought in for $2000 and cashed out approx. 15,000. he set the dice 1-6. he was good at rolling 2 and 3. he actually quit playing the 11 and put $500dp and $100 field. advdel77


Can you please give me exact dice set (top and front) the NC guy used when betting DP and Field? Just wanted to play with it at home and make sure I am doing it right.

Sputnick's description T5/6,F6/5 playing the "11" was quite fun and productive in practice. I brought it down to $100 DP and $20 on "11".


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Re: betting strategies

Post by heavy » Sat Jan 31, 2015 3:53 pm

You probably need to be more specific than that when referring to the dice sets. For example - when you talk about the "front" faces of the dice you need to specify whether this is the side facing you when you set the dice - or if it is the side facing toward the box or down table. This is why way back in the day when I first cranked up the Axis Power thing I referred to the dice sets by the numbers on the lateral (axis) faces. For example, the hardway set would be the 6-1 6-1 set. Though the years the descriptive terms for the various sets has evolved to where we are presently. The hardway set would be something like 5-4 5-4. Looking at the left die as you're setting the dice the 5 is on top and the 4 is facing you. Ditto for the right die. The V-2 set might be the 2-1 2-3. You have the 2 up and the 1 facing on the left die and the 2 up and the 3 facing on the left die. Of course, this really gets complicated if you simply refer to a set as the V-2, V-3 or X-6 because there are multiple variants of each set. Confusing? Sure. Hopefully we'll get all of this together and be consistent throughout teh dice control community.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy


Re: betting strategies

Post by drbobsd » Sat Jan 31, 2015 5:06 pm

Thanks Heavy

In ,Sputnick's description T5/6,F6/5 playing the "11" , should it be 5-6 6-5 set? ( #11 on 2 sides and #3 on 2 sides if rolled perfectly with #3 on each end)

I was hoping Advdel could make me more clear on dice set described by as follows: " he set the dice 1-6. he was good at rolling 2 and 3. he actually quit playing the 11"


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Re: betting strategies

Post by Sputnick » Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:43 pm

Heavy & Drbobsd
Thanks Heavy.

As the shooter is looking at the dice as he/she is setting: the left die was 6 on top and the right die on top was 5 and the dice are parallel to the pass line and facing the shooter with the left die facing the shooter with 5 and the right die facing the shooter with 6 showing. Sorry for the confusion.


Re: betting strategies

Post by drbobsd » Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:18 pm

First time I tried this on practice rig thought piece of cake betting $100 on DP and $20 on "11". Next 2 sessions it kicked my ass. Seemed like I needed to have much better dice control playing this aggressive "Don't" strategy than I do playing the "Do" side. But I think it will be fun to try when I'm feelling dialed in.

Thanks Sputnick
Sputnick wrote:Bobbylee,
I will share the strategy of a very successful DI that plays the don't side only. His comment to me was"why not shoot for the easiest number (7) to make and not fight it. This player is a black chip player with the following strategy: He would bet five hundred on the don't pass line (and never take odds) and with one hundred dollars on the 11. His dice set on the come out roll was 5/6 on top with 6/5 facing you. He would generally either roll an 11, 3, or an outside number. With the 11 he wins $1,500 and loses the $500 don't bet, with the 3 he wins $500 loses the $100 on the 11, with an outside number, he changes dice set to an all 7's and more than half the time wins the don't pass bet. I played with him at the Gold Strike in Tunica on a $100 minimum table. He won $16,000 for that session I played with him, and I won several $1,000's with very manageable volatility. He had has own table and practices the two dice sets that I mentioned above exclusively. Also, he would place a $25 bet for the dealers on the don't pass. He had the dealers chanting for the 7.


Re: betting strategies

Post by bobbylee » Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:27 am

Many thanks for relating that Strategy. The biggest hurdle of course, is avoiding CO-7.
(I once tossed five consecutive 7's betting DP, trying to establish a point - Ouchl!! bad memory.
Make me think later on of the adage of "never reducing your bet size if you want to at least break even" - was glad I did reduce bet size)

It avoids the double whammy from losing a bet with Odds, while making the level profits that using Odds does achieve.
Nice to hear also the mystery shooter wining over 50% of bets, as witnessed by you and also Avd.

From your description, the shooter started out playing Yo, then switched to Field - correct?
The reason would have been after a sufficient sampling and seeing what numbers he was tossing(?).

Observations from each of you:
1.Did he have any reservations with the 6/8 numbers?
2.Would you say he was a DI shooter, a so-so DI shooter, etc?
3.What was his shooting position around the table? If SO, I would expect even fewer losses from 1st stick and more than the 50+% ratio.

Good stuff.

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Re: betting strategies

Post by Sputnick » Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:12 am

I understand your reservation. I am a right side player. I have tried this strategy in casino play with limited success. I feel more pain when shooting from the don't side and then make my point than I do when losing from the do side. I believe it is a big mental adjustment that has to be made when shooting from the don't side and rolling box number after box number and you can't bring the seven in. I think about the money I would be making on the do side.

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Re: betting strategies

Post by Sputnick » Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:37 am

As to your questions:
1. The 6/8 did not change his betting
2. He was a strong DI - he told me why fight the easiest number to throw - 7
3. He played SR1, shot right handed, with a grip that Americraps uses - dice resting on top of the side of his right index finger with his thumb on the top seam of the dice

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