Americraps' 4-step Rgression + MP's $204 + VDC's HW system

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Americraps' 4-step Rgression + MP's $204 + VDC's HW system

Post by dork » Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:42 pm

I was having very good success with MP's $204 Across, but lately, repeated PSO's have slowed me down. I'm also tracking a live-play favoritism of the 5 and 9 as my sig numbers, (5 better than 9). I thought it might benefit me greatly to stay Inside; especially since MP's $204 is designed for generic DI shooting, where we believe the shooter has an advantage, but we don't know what the sig numbers are. In live play, my 4/10 occurrences are dropping off almost as much as 'average' statistics might forecast for a RR. I'm not sure yet if/how the dice set (x6's) is influencing my 'lack' of 4/10's. (The 5/3-5/1 seems to yield a ton of inside numbers, but not a lot of prime axis results.)

Something's changed in my delivery, and I'm now though I'm hovering steadily at 50-52% On Axis, part of the reason for the increase is an increase to 14-17% double pitches, which is killing me with the Red. (I can't figure it out; at Biloxi 2015, Howard RnR gave me advice on a different dice set. I'm testing it now. My delivery is underhand with a diagonal grip, so I'm not sure how to change finger alignment, and maybe Howard wasn't sure he could see my problem either.)

The heavy repetitions of OnAxis 7's has forced me to consider other regression schemes that both favor my sig number(s) but yet aren't so risky; rolling for "~$40" on the second roll is very palatable for me especially in this circumstance. When I was all over the board (no pun intended) the $204 Across was a gem, but better-focused bets with that $110 regression are a nice band-aid.

With that as a backdrop, I've melded the initial steps of Americraps' with my own 3x Parlay 'hero number' system and a modified version of VDC's Hardway scheme. I've played it like this in my last three sessions:

CO w/ $5 on the PL. Establish a point (e.g., 4)... '4' is the point. (if an inside number had rolled, say a '5', I'd bet $30 Odds and $120 Inside $60 - 6/8 and $50 - 9) With '4' as the point, I bet:

$5 PL w/$25 Odds, $220 Inside; on the first paying roll, regress to
$5 PL w/$25 Odds, $110 Inside; on the second paying roll, I regress to

$5 PL w/$10 Odds, $37 Across ($10 each on my sig number 5 and 9) and $6 on 6/8, $5 on the 10...

This regression guarantees a profit of $53 after two paid numbers and I'll have $52 bet on the table. At this point, on the first hit, parlay (bet goes to $24 5 or 9 or a $12 6 or 8 or a $15 10) $1 change on the 6/8 goes to $1 HW 6/8; second hit parlay again--go to $60 on the 5 or 9, $24 on the 6 or 8, or $40 on the 10. On the third occurrence of a repeating number, reduce the bet to $10 and skim the profits: e.g., 5 is rolled--a $10 Place 5 will parlay to $24. Another 5 is rolled--throw the dealer a dollar and parlay to $60. (The payoff is $35. $35+1+$24 = $60.) Another 5 (the third 5) is rolled. Payoff is $84. Your choice here... I reduce the Place 5 to $10 and skim $134. All other bets are up one unit, though I use a completely different scheme to bet the 6/8. Here's how I treat them:

I use the Place 6/8 money to fund their corresponding HardWay bets. I start off with a $6 6/8 bet. Parlay the first hit to $12 and bet the $1 change on the H6 (or H8). If the 6 (or 8) is the number rolled for the second parlay, parlay the Place bet to $24, you'll get $2 change. Yyou might have lost the $1 Hardway bet made in a previous round. Bet the $2 change on the HW. A third soft 6 is rolled; press the 6 to $42. You'll have $10 change... replace the lost $2 bet with a $10 H6. A 4th soft 6 is rolled; take the $49 payoff and bet $10 H6 again (we gotta make some money on the Place 6/8; it's time to rack some winnings). A 5th soft 6 is rolled; press the 6 to $60, rebet the H6 with $15 rack the extra $16. A 6th soft 6 is rolled; press the 6 to $72 , bet $15 (or more) on the H6.

If the parlay number is the Place 10... first 10 rolled, press $5 to $15 (throw the dealer $1). Second 10 rolled; press to $40. Third 10 is rolled, regress the Place 10 to a $10 bet.

The 3x Parlay is a trigger to change (thanks to VDC for the concept)... Throughout the quest for that 3rd Parlay, all other place bets are up one unit until the 3x parlay bet is won (excepting the 6/8 betting scheme).

When you've skimmed the profit on a 3x parlayed Place bet, from that point on, ALL bets are full press parlays up to the 14th box hit (but I'll still bet $10-15 on the H6/H8 each time they hit). The 14th box hit is a trigger again, and I regress to $54 Across and start over--the goal now is to full parlay every Place bet til the 15th box hit again, and take down all but $54 again.

How does it work? I've only done it three times. It took some 'gumption' the second time. The first time it worked like a Swiss watch... The scheme netted $622 for 4 hands in one session, and I quit. Two students whose aliases I dunno watched me start out with a $220 PSO handicap but didn't see me recover; they quit the table when my PSO killed their bets, too. Can't blame'em... but it gave me Treasure Bay's table to my lonesome and I did well as a repeat shooter.

The second time occurred just before London Shooter, Carroll and two students whose aliases I forgot (so I won't name them)... before they arrived I went PSO, PSO, PSO consecutively, followed by a PPSO for tally of -$700. Then they joined the table. I made the "$220 Inside" bet one more time and they watched me recover to a net $136 profit on one hand (16 numbers including the ATS for 2-2-2). Carroll hit the 5 four times and the 9 five times, and I skimmed ~ $250 from his hand. All that time they didn't know I'd used the scheme to recover from -700. Why did I hang on?? Because all three of my PSO's were double pitches... I felt good about the roll and delivery, even though the results were ugly. Also, when I saw them sidle up to the table, I thought "if I can't roll well, one of them might bail me out"--which happened the next day in the third session...

Five of us students hit the $10 table in the morning when it opened. Two cycles and I was down $420 (I'd lost $220 outright on my own PSO); but I had faith that somebody of us would have a decent roll. SlowDriver came to my rescue and rolled about 14 box numbers. I ended up down $117, and that's after tips. He had a good roll; I could have quit ahead ~$100 with a regression to $54 Across, but I took a chance and the Red caught us.

But the point of this looongwinded report is, Americraps' $220 Inside regression idea worked for me (twice under "extreme" pressure). MP's $204 was a great jumping-off place for me. It's a sound system, and I did very well with it for the last 6 months. When I get my delivery sorted out, though, I'll go back to a modified MP bet--$220 Inside for 2 hits to an ISR is the next step. It feels like I'm sooo close...

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Re: Americraps' 4-step Rgression + MP's $204 + VDC's HW sy

Post by Americraps » Mon Mar 02, 2015 11:25 pm

The $220 didn't work for me. i am doing more work on Dicers 3hit strategy.
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Re: Americraps' 4-step Rgression + MP's $204 + VDC's HW sy

Post by edice1 » Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:52 am

Hey Americraps...edice is a fellow practitioner of the dicers strategy. however I was getting clipped by the 7 too often waiting for the second or third hit to take my bets down(too many crappy crap shooters local joint). my bankroll only survives and thrives at the one hit and down level. first hand 44$ inside then on the next hand I press 22$ one hit and down. I thought it would be boring but losing less chips to the 7 has been quite exciting, and I just gradually press up by 22$ for some nice session wins. by only exposing my bankroll to one or two throws per shooter I can come out positive even when I still get caught by the 7 a few times in a bad session.. edice

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Re: Americraps' 4-step Rgression + MP's $204 + VDC's HW sy

Post by Americraps » Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:18 pm

Hi Edice1. I'm liking this system a lot. have won 7 out of 9 sessions using the 3 hit, smallest win was $6, biggest was $585. Largest loss was $445. I get thru the first 3 levels, then decide whether to start again from the beginning or try level 4 for 2 hits. I always start at the beginning for each shooter. We have some pretty good shooters at our local place, I have made it all the way thru level four 3 times so far. Haven't made it thru twice in the same shooters roll yet.
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Re: Americraps' 4-step Rgression + MP's $204 + VDC's HW sy

Post by dork » Tue Mar 03, 2015 6:09 pm

irish wrote:Dork,

Not to sidetrack your thread, but did you cross post this thread to the new gambling forum? There are a couple of threads lifted word for word, including one from Heavy.

Irish, I'm lost... what "new gambling thread"? Unless I fat-fingered something, I only posted this once as "Americraps' 4-step Rgression + MP's $204 + VDC's HW system" on APC.

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Re: Americraps' 4-step Rgression + MP's $204 + VDC's HW sy

Post by heavy » Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:26 pm

Yeah, as it turns out the other forum's bots are skimming posts from the public portion of the board's RSS and reposting them there. Unfortunately, since they're posting attributions and links back to the APC forum it's legal. I have expressed my thoughts on this to the forum's owner without reaching a satisfactory solution. I'm considering turning off the forum's RSS function as a result.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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