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Post by heavy » Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:36 pm

By now you have probably figured out that you can utilize a personal avatar on the site. I thought I'd have a quick word with you about that. An avatar is generally a cartoon representative of your character or persona. For years I used the "Texas, So BIG!" postcard for my avatar. Shootitall used a "redneck crossing" roadsign for his. CrimsonTide had an Alabama Elephant/Tide logo. The list goes on. I have no problems with you using avatars here on the site. Have a little fun with it. However, you do need to remember a few basics. The system cannot handle an avatar greater than 90X90 pixels. I have my cartoonized photo set up for 89X89. There are also some file size limits to consider. Generally when your computer asks what quality you want on the photo you don't really need anything over about 72% when working with avatars. If you try that and aren't satisfied with the look then go on up to 84%. Just remember the higher the percentage - the bigger the file - the slower it loads - etc. ALL avatars have to be hosted somewhere. I've recommended tinypic for years because they're primary niche is small picture for websites and bulletin boards. Go to http://www.tinypic.com to upload your avatar, then cut and post the web address into the link space in your profile. Just remember that those tinypic links typically expire after one year so you'll have to go back and re-upload those pics again and again and again. Last of all, while we're all adults here I'd appreciate it if you'd keep it clean. We don't need any Anthony Weiner shots. Cheers.
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- Heavy

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Re: So, where were we?

Post by Dicepops » Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:19 pm

Kelph wrote:Just glad the board's back up.

Had a hell of a time with the avatar but then I'm not the sharpest die in the bowl. Looks like some clean up is needed.

The world returns to normal or what passes for normal.

Man, I still can't get my avatar loaded...maybe I was loaded???

Any help appreciated from y'all.

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Re: So, where were we?

Post by heavy » Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:31 pm

First off you have to resize it so that it is no larger than 90 X 90 pixels. You can do that with just about any photo editing program. Once you've done that you have to "host" it somewhere. Some of the guys use tinypic.com, but those links expire after one year so you have to keep doing them over and over. Once you have it uploaded there you simply cut and paste the link there into the avatar box in your profile page.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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