The Repeater bet - a first look

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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The Repeater bet - a first look

Post by DarthNater » Thu Jan 19, 2017 6:59 pm

What do we know & how do we strategize the Repeater Bet ? I've searched the forum, here's hoping for a productive discussion....

I’ve seen it at SunCoast and Gold Coast, but since I’ve been thrown out of both places, I haven’t done much analysis on it. Then earlier this month I see the Repeater at the primary craps table at M as they have resurfaced the table and instead of sticking with the ATS – they have added the Repeater Bet. For those that may not be familiar with it you can bet on the numbers repeating. Repeating the 2 twice pays 40 for 1, repeating the 3 thrice pays 50 for 1, repeating the 4 four times pays 60 for 1, repeating the 5 five times pays 80 for 1, and repeating the 6 six times pays 90 for 1. Tossing a seven wipes out all the counters and you start over – same as tossing a seven with the ATS. Payouts are similar for the 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. Minimum bet is $1 on each (or any of the 10 numbers). Not sure what the max is.

So what Strategy to exploit?
Since I was standing at an empty table, I made a realtime decision. I opted to bet $1 each on the 2, 3, 4, 10, 11 & 12. My rationale was that if I had done Game within The Game and bet a Horn or World on the Come-out that that was either $4 or $5 dollars. I opted to add the 4 & 10, because I have been using the V-2 mutant which frankly spits out more horn numbers than I’d like (as Heavy is quick to notice last summer), and also gets a preponderance of 4s & 10s as well.

The first session……
With $5 on the line and $6 on the Repeaters, first toss a seven – reload the repeaters and this time went to a $10 PL. First toss 4 (one down-3 to go); then ace-deuce: back – to – back; a 6, 8, 12, 4 for the point two down two to go. 2nd come-out: Yo, aces, 8, 8. 3rd come-out: 4, 6, 5, 8, 4 (point and the repeater paid $60). Fourth come-out: aces (Repeater pays $40), ace-deuce ( bingo!! $50), 5, 8, 8, 10, 5. Fifth come-out: 9, 5, 4, 8, 7. Bottom line, good hand, put out $12 for repeaters, “earned $150 – not too shabby.

The second session…. One each, then a seven out, minus $6

The third session: 11, 12, 12 ($40!), 9, 8, 8, 7 $6 bet, $40 earned.

The fourth session…. Short hand…..nada… minus $6. on repeaters.

Final results for Repeaters only: $30 wagered, $190 earned for the 4 hands.

I’m interested to hear what others have done with the Repeater bets. Yeah, I know it’s a wee small sample size, and I read up on it in the Wizard of Odds since playing, and appreciate the flaws from a random perspective; but then ya gotta start somewhere…..

So let’s hear it, D.N8r
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Re: The Repeater bet - a first look

Post by heavy » Fri Jan 20, 2017 12:33 am

Howard and I did fairly well on the repeater bet in Vegas last year, particularly at Gold Coast. I don't recall exact numbers at this point, but it did put money in our pockets.
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Re: The Repeater bet - a first look

Post by London Shooter » Fri Jan 20, 2017 3:20 am

Played it briefly at Gold Coast with no success. Seem to recall playing it on 2,3, 11,12. One hand had a co7 and I wasn't allowed to reload and then went on to hit 3 x 11s :(

I'd probably stick to just playing the outside numbers next time I see it. If I have a decent hand with lots of box numbers, I should be making money there anyway, so the repeater could be a nice icing on the cake.

House edge is eye watering though - right up there with the firebet, so I'd keep this bet in perspective relative to buy-in with just two or three goes on my own throw only.

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Re: The Repeater bet - a first look

Post by DarthNater » Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:31 am

Agree, I'd never drop a $1 on it for a randy. I see the four outsider numbers as strictly an add-on for a DI.
I like those four simply because I toss a lot of horn numbers - usually in bunches or alternately, so this is a way to play them for the length of the hand and not just ride/replenish the horn bet, or "see a horn - bet a horn". I'm usually on the inside numbers, so don't see the point of even considering those as a Repeater play. Though would consider the 4 & 10 on tables that I tiptoe in.

I'm indifferent to the house edge on the Fire Bet, I am always on it when I'm tossing; and kind of have the same outlook with the outside numbers here as DI kinda scrambles the house edge anyway.

What I'd like to know is - where is the Repeater game that the Wizard mentions where the repeater is OFF on a comeout - that's got me interested.

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Re: The Repeater bet - a first look

Post by Golfer » Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:06 am

Interesting. Anyone know about this bet being in Reno?

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Re: The Repeater bet - a first look

Post by Bankerdude80 » Sun Jan 22, 2017 1:35 pm

I've had some good sessions winning on the repeater at the Gold Coast. Repeating most horn numbers, especially the Ace-deuce. The seven-out on the Come Out is a killer for that bet. They don't let you go back up until the dice circle around again. I prefer the ATS and Fire bets to the repeater, but if my bankroll can afford it I usually give it a few tries.
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