Creating a Table in your post

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Creating a Table in your post

Post by Maddog » Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:47 pm

This board support posting grids, sometimes called "Tables" inside your posts. Yes, doing tables using the BBCode is a pain in the derriere, but once you understand the hierarchy of the tags it is at least doable.

Here is a short tutorial on how to create a table within your post.

First understand the nesting of tags which goes as follows:

Code: Select all

...[tr]  <- tr is “table row”
.....[td] <- td is “table data” (i.e. cell in the row)
........”data for this column/cell”
.....[/td] <- End table data
...[/tr] <- End table row
[/table] <-End table
So, if you want a table with 3 columns and two rows, it would look something like this:

Code: Select all

 [td]........”data for row 1, column 1”.....[/td]
 [td]........”data for row 1, column 2”.....[/td]
 [td]........”data for row 1, column 3”.....[/td]
 [td]........”data for row 2, column 1”.....[/td]
 [td]........”data for row 2, column 2”.....[/td]
 [td]........”data for row 2, column 3”.....[/td]
This would then render out in your post like this:
[tr] [td]........”data for row 1, column 1”.....[/td] [td]........”data for row 1, column 2”.....[/td] [td]........”data for row 1, column 3”.....[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]........”data for row 2, column 1”.....[/td] [td]........”data for row 2, column 2”.....[/td] [td]........”data for row 2, column 3”.....[/td] [/tr]
I highly recommend that you use an editor outside of the Board and then paste the result into the post. Making a table of any size is almost not worth the effort. But that’s how you do it within the BBcode.

Here is a table code example that creates the distribution chart for the “X6” set. The first row becomes the “header” text row, the second row is the X6 distribution information.

Code: Select all

[td][color=blue][b]Axial Set / # Rolled[/color][/b][/td][td][color=blue]...2..[/color][/td][td][color=blue]...3..[/color][/td][td][color=blue]...4..[/color][/td][td][color=blue]...5..[/color][/td][td][color=blue]...6..[/color][/td][td][color=darkred]...7..[/color][/td][td][color=blue]...8..[/color][/td][td][color=blue]...9..[/color][/td][td][color=blue]..10..[/color][/td][td][color=blue]..11..[/color][/td][td][color=blue]..12..[/color][/td]
[td][color=Blue]3-4/5-2 (X6)[/color][/td][td][center]1[/center][/td][td][center]1[/center][/td][td][center]1[/center][/td][td][center]2[/center][/td][td][center]2[/center][/td][td][center][color=darkred]2[/color][/center][/td][td][center]2[/center][/td][td][center]2[/center][/td][td][center]1[/center][/td][td][center]1[/center][/td][td][center]1[/center][/td]
Which renders as…
[tr] [td][color=blue][b]Axial Set / # Rolled[/color][/b][/td][td][color=blue]...2..[/color][/td][td][color=blue]...3..[/color][/td][td][color=blue]...4..[/color][/td][td][color=blue]...5..[/color][/td][td][color=blue]...6..[/color][/td][td][color=darkred]...7..[/color][/td][td][color=blue]...8..[/color][/td][td][color=blue]...9..[/color][/td][td][color=blue]..10..[/color][/td][td][color=blue]..11..[/color][/td][td][color=blue]..12..[/color][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][color=Blue]3-4/5-2 (X6)[/color][/td][td][center]1[/center][/td][td][center]1[/center][/td][td][center]1[/center][/td][td][center]2[/center][/td][td][center]2[/center][/td][td][center][color=darkred]2[/color][/center][/td][td][center]2[/center][/td][td][center]2[/center][/td][td][center]1[/center][/td][td][center]1[/center][/td][td][center]1[/center][/td] [/tr]
Hope this helps, and I do take pity on you if you are going to use this much… heh heh heh.

P.S. The tables on the "ForumPosts" tab in BoneTracker are supported on this site.

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Re: Creating a Table in your post

Post by heavy » Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:50 pm

The tables on the "ForumPosts" tab in BoneTracker are supported on this site.
Please note that this is the most important part of the above post!

Thanks to Maddog for setting up the "table" and "youtube" BB tools. The forum unpacked with the BB codes shown on the top row of buttons above (when you are creating your post). Obviously there were several things missing that we'd grown used to on the old forum. Still haven't figured out how to create a "last 10 posts" link, but if you use the "view new posts" link above you'll essentially accomplish the same thing.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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