Not a Forum Member? Here's what you're missing . . .

Welcome to the original Axis Power Craps forum. Before you register on the forum or get too deep in the belly of the beast, please take a moment to read the posts on this section. The vast majority of the content of this site is for registered members only. There is no monthly subscription charge to be a member, however, there is a one-time $12 Registration fee. This fee is in place to discourage spammers, flamers, and trolls from registering, and to help filter out Spambot registrations on the forum. Should you choose to register and pay the $12 fee, there is no instant gratification when registering! All new members require a two-step administrative approval that includes an IP address verification by a moderator. Again, this is to assist us in keeping Spambots out of the group. We do not accept registrations from IP addresses from countries known to sponsor Spambots, ransomware, or hacking of websites in general, including but not limited to Russia, China, and North Korea. It's ultimately for your account protection and benefit. I promise it will make your stay here much more enjoyable.

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Not a Forum Member? Here's what you're missing . . .

Post by heavy » Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:46 pm

Hundreds of "guests" hit this site every day. Many leave without ever getting a peek at what's behind the curtain. The sub-forums guests can view are limited to the boards on betting strategies and games other than craps. Members should refrain from publishing non-public information on those boards.

Guests do not have access to the Dice Control for Casino Craps Forum, The Experts Speak Forum, the Trip Reports Forum, the Hook-Up/Trip Planning Forum, or the VIP - Off Topic forum. Guess where "the good stuff" can be found? You got it. Registration is simple. Click on that "REGISTER" link on the top left side of the page and fill in the blanks. That will trigger an e-mail to yours truly. I'll send a personal e-mail back requesting an e-mail exchange to validate your membership. Once that's complete we'll activate your account and you'll be good to go. Come on in. Dice pals are always welcome.
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Re: Not a Forum Member? Here's what you're missing . . .

Post by heavy » Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:32 pm

I just glanced down at the bottom of my admin page to see who all was on-line at the moment. It appears that once again "guests" outnumber registered members. Hundreds of "guests" hit this site every day. Many leave without ever getting a peek at what's behind the curtain. The sub-forums guests can view are limited to the boards on betting strategies and games other than craps. Guests do not have access to the Dice Control for Casino Craps Forum, The Experts Speak Forum, the Trip Reports Forum, the Hook-Up/Trip Planning Forum, or the VIP - Off Topic forum. Guess where "the good stuff" can be found? You got it. Registration is simple. Click on that "REGISTER" link on the top left side of the page and fill in the blanks. That will trigger an e-mail to yours truly. I'll send a personal e-mail back requesting an e-mail exchange to validate your membership. Once that's complete we'll activate your account and you'll be good to go. Come on in. Dice pals are always welcome.
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Re: Not a Forum Member? Here's what you're missing . . .

Post by heavy » Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:08 pm

It has occurred to me that we're still getting quite a few guest visiting the forum, and that those guest are making good use of the Betting Strategies and the Games Other then Craps portions of the board - which reside on the PUBLIC side of the site. Guests can view posts in these categories, however then cannot post. Now, membership on this forum is free and there's no reason for you guest to be shy about registering. Registering definitely has benefits. For example . . .

Full access to the members only portions of the board, which includes;

Dice Control for Casino Craps

The Experts Speak

VIP Lounge

Heavy's Hook-Up Forum

Frankly, between the Dice Control and Experts Speak forums - along with the public Betting Strategy Forum - you have enough information to become a Doctor of Dice. Why not join in? All you have to do is click on the Register link on the top left corner of the page.

While membership is free - it is not instantaneous. Before activating new accounts I require an e-mail exchange with the new member, verifying that he/she is a 'live person' and not a spam-bot - and confirming the new member's IP address. All of this may take a few hours, depending on whether I'm at my computer, at home, at work, or at the casino. Be patient. I'll get to you as quickly as possible.

Thanks for browsing the forum. Look forward to seeing you on-line.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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Re: Not a Forum Member? Here's what you're missing . . .

Post by amish dude » Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:40 pm

Heavy wrote: Now, membership on this forum is free and there's no reason for you guest to be shy about registering. Registering definitely has benefits. For example . . .

Full access to the members only portions of the board, which includes;

Heavy's Hook-Up Forum

, between the Dice Control and Experts Speak forums - along with the public Betting Strategy Forum - you have enough information to become a Doctor of Dice. Why not join in? All you have to do is click on the Register link on the top left corner of the page.
I did have used many of the forums here like the hook up forum excellent for hooking up with fellow like minded players, except I was walking in and there where walking out poke $nakeye$ and wudged, dieshooter711 had a great time with him at the table for 2 hours/ WE both held the dice [because of heavys seminar/tube up]a hour each. OH and a poke to BigBen i was walking out and he was walking in, hooking up with 2 members in Vegas in this November, Clark and Riggs. Just 1 of the many benefits learning what is going on with your toss is another
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Re: Not a Forum Member? Here's what you're missing . . .

Post by heavy » Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:47 pm

It has occurred to me that we're still getting quite a few guest visiting the forum, and that those guest are making good use of the Betting Strategies and the Games Other then Craps portions of the board - which reside on the PUBLIC side of the site. Guests can view posts in these categories, however then cannot post. Membership on this forum is free and there's no reason for you guests to be shy about registering. Registering definitely has benefits. For example . . .

Full access to the members only portions of the board, which includes;

Dice Control for Casino Craps

The Experts Speak

VIP Lounge

Heavy's Hook-Up Forum

We've even added a section on the biggest legal craps game around - the one they conduct every day on Wall Street.

Frankly, between the Dice Control and Experts Speak forums - along with the public Betting Strategy Forum - you have enough information to become a Doctor of Dice. Why not join in? All you have to do is click on the Register link on the top left corner of the page.

While membership is free - it is not instantaneous. Before activating new accounts I require an e-mail exchange with the new member, verifying that he/she is a 'live person' and not a spam-bot - and confirming the new member's IP address. All of this may take a few hours, depending on whether I'm at my computer, at home, at work, or at the casino. Be patient. I'll get to you as quickly as possible.

Thanks for browsing the forum. Look forward to seeing you on-line.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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Re: Not a Forum Member? Here's what you're missing . . .

Post by heavy » Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:12 pm

Just a quick note to say "WELCOME" to the new members who have joined the forum within the last month or so. Thanks for choosing to hang out with us. I know the "hoops" we make you jump through to become a forum member are a pain in the rear, but it's worth the exercise.

Reading this on the "public" side of the forum and wonder about what the heck we're doing here? The forum is free - but you do have to register to participate. For more information on how to register - go to the top of this thread.

Looking forward to getting to know you.

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- Heavy

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Re: Not a Forum Member? Here's what you're missing . . .

Post by heavy » Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:24 pm

It's been seven years since I've updated this thread, so I thought I'd take a minute to post a little something to you "guests" who are visiting the forum but who are not registered members. Frankly, you have no idea what you're missing here.

I've ramrodded Heavy's Axis Power Craps Forum for almost 20 years now. The original forum dated back to the days when much of such discussion took place in "newsgroups" on the Internet and "forums" were something new. At it's peak the forum had around 5000 members and around 60,000 posts. We were forced to switch ISP providers a couple of times and start over from scratch, but we're still hanging in there with the same group of original posters and a lot more. I pared down the member list to get rid of the dead wood, whittling it down to around 1000 active members. The current incarnation of the forum has been in place since 2010, has just shy of 900 members, and is also has around 60,000 posts archived. A portion of the forum is available to view without registering, but guests can view only - they cannot post.

While a portion of the forum is available to read and enjoy for free, the "good stuff" on dice control and the "experts speak" sections are "hidden" from the general public and are only visible to registered users. There is no annual subscription fee but there IS a $12 registration fee. That fee is in place to help filter out spambot registrations and the flamers and spammers who frequent Internet forums. The forum is highly moderated to keep that sort of nonsense out.

The registration link is on the top right hand side of the page. After registering the system will automatically forward you to a PayPal page for payment of the registration fee. Occasionally the system will stall and you won't get forwarded. If this happens you can e-mail me direct at and let me know. I'll e-mail you a direct link to PayPal to complete the registration payment and activate the account. In all cases I have to manually activate the accounts so activation is NOT immediate. Upon registration I send new members two e-books as my way of saying thanks for signing on. They are the original Axis Power Craps book and my 2007 Betting Strategy Manual from the seminars I teach.

New members are welcome. Sign on today and learn how to win!
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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Re: Not a Forum Member? Here's what you're missing . . .

Post by wild child » Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:03 pm


A) Start the lesson by telling the student exactly what the teacher is going to teach the student.

B) Then the teacher explains in detail the lesson.

c) Then the teacher explains to the student what was the lesson taught.

D) The teacher allows the student to repeat/show what was taught. ( confidence course)

E) The TOPMOST BEST TEACHER then recaps the lesson delivered
the precisely how well the student learned said lesson
allows the student to again demonstrate that the student actually GOT IT.
There are a PERSONA and Associates who are extremely accomplished at
teaching their specialized expertise via this forum and optional workshops.

Then it is incumbent on the student to maintain the newly learned skill.

Just Me Saying

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