Win goal per shooter??

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Re: Win goal per shooter??

Post by dinero2005 » Fri Apr 04, 2014 2:10 pm

Mad Professor wrote:

Avoiding random-rollers as much as possible isn't 'scared money'; it's actually 'smart money'.

I have no doubt that you've made a lot of money off of random rollers; but I also have no doubt whatsoever that you've also LOST a lot of money on random-rollers too....and there's the problem...losing more on RR's than you win.

The more money you bet on RR's, and the more often you bet on them; the more you'll lose...and yes, it really is as simple as that. Now obviously you can try to 'manage' your bets and your bankroll as much as you want; but the overall trajectory is almost-unfailingly downward when you look at a reasonable number of sessions.

Sure, you'll encounter a few tantalizing upspikes here and there (which will keep your hopes up just enough to keep you betting on them); but overall, without an edge, the walk is downward, no matter the time nor the money-management between or during each walk.

there are certainly bigger swings but if you don't take advantage of the up swings it's hard to overcome the down swings because there are a lot more of them.

In 2 years I have never played with somebody I felt could truly influence the dice. There was one fella that had a beautiful toss at Harrahs in AC a couple of weeks ago but he didn't seem to do better than anyone else. That leaves the RRs. Using DP's book I taught myself to play and am still ahead. I live by the win goals and loss limits. I don't care where you put the chips but the casino always has the advantage vs a random roll. The only way I see to overcome that is money management.

That being said, I think a regression method can smooth out the bumps in the road. I may have misunderstood the OP as suggesting to pull bets completely once the per shooter goal is met. I use a regression method all the time. Lock up the win first then attack!

My current move of choice now is a "same same". There may be a name for it already but I'm gonna call it The Dinero Rosriguez. :)

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