Well, the death of our crops ...Holloween....is upon us along with a full moon.
Craps playing is best 2-3 days past the full moon.....so says Professor Rankin,
Univ. of Nv./Reno....after he checked the Reno Casino's ' take ' each month
for 60 months............hummmm ?
I just completed testing O' Hank's DP System through page #9 of Zumma's Craps System
Tester Book. I ran my 4/10 System along side of Hank's System but I did not add-in the
freeway System ( Silverthorne's Neural System ) that I use to move both DP Lay System's
from one play to the next when I am playing alone in the wee hours of the morning.
The Neural stats. are included in the 300 pages of Zumma testing. I am using only
the first 9 Zumma pages of stats for the first breakdowns.
I was studying why these systems seem to win...over and over ?
I think the winning has to do with the in-favor-of-the-DP-player biased odds ?
I mean a 66.66% player-bias is a .... drop-dead-in-your-tracks ......awesome advantage !

So what if they only pay 50% of the bet....I will take the 66.66% ....any day !

Of course through back-testing for 60,000 real recorded rolls, I have found you need betting
' triggers ' to start and stop betting.
My attitude on Neg. Progressions is based on what Harry Gay wrote on JP's board in 2007 :
" I don't presume to speak for anyone else, but I am sick and tired of seeing blanket statements
thrown out, stating no one can consistently win at negative expectation casino games.
I do not agree that if you bet every hand, every roll of the dice, the casino will beat the gambler
" in the long run. "
" Speaking from my own ( in-casino ) playing experience, I have come to the conclusion that the
random game of craps runs in cycles. It is during these cyclical occurrences that small windows of
betting opportunities open. Discipline allows betting opportunities into these windows. "
" Starting in 1997 I have made the majority of my living at the casino tables. I thank my lucky
stars I did not pay attention to all the self-proclaimed " experts " that kept telling me how I would lose
in the " long run. " Maybe I will, but it sure is a helluva nice ride, in the meantime !!! "
I thought long and hard on Mr. Gay's postings. I followed him when he was posting and took his
ideas to heart.
Anyway, below are the first 1,166 real recorded, back-to-back, rolls from the Four Queens and GN
Casino's in DT Vegas :
Pages #'s :......4/10 System $$$: .....Ol' Hank's System $$$$ :
#1....................... + $150.00........................+$200.00 =... Hank's...
#2...................... + zero $$$.......................-$650.00 .......ouch !
#3...................... - $150.00......................... + $800.00.....Hank's....
#4...................... + $500.00........................ + $1,050.00...sweet !
#5...................... + $ 1,050.00.................... Zero $$$ = Hank's ....
#6..................... + $500.00......................... - $200.00 =Hank's....
#7..................... + $550.00........................ Zero $$$ = Hank's...
#8..................... - $50.00........................... + $300.00 =Hank's.....
#9..................... + $750.00........................ + $500.00 = Hank's.....
So..... can you see how one system, when it fails, the other totally
different system, steps-up and covers the other system's losses ?
With the Neural System added-in the +/- outcomes are :
Zumma page #'s :
1.......... + $1,985.00 = 150 rolls in 83 minutes....
2.......... + $530.00
3.......... + $980.00 = 100 rolls in 51 minutes....
4.......... + $1,235.00
5.......... + $1,925.00 = 119 rolls in 64 minutes...
6.......... + $870.00
7.......... +$1,190.00 = 150 rolls in 83 minutes...
8.......... +$1,035.00
9......... +$1,835.00 = 108 rolls in 58 minutes...
10....... +$1,555.00
11...... +$1,930.00 = 125 rolls in 68 minutes...
12........ +$1,830.00 = 124 rolls in 68 minutes...
13........ +$680.00
14........ +$2,545.00 = 114 rolls in 62 minutes...
15........ +$1,490.00
16......... +$1,420.00
17......... +$785.00
18......... +$1,290.00 = 130 rolls in 69 minutes....
19......... +$1,160.00
20......... +$1,115.00
21......... +$2,540.00 = 131 rolls in 71 minutes....
22.......... +$1,055.00
23.......... +$2,965.00 = 92 rolls in 51 minutes....
24.......... +1,325.00
25.......... +$2,040.00 = 113 rolls in 62 minutes......
You can see how that - $650.00 loss by O' Hank's System affected the net take on page #2 ?
The above stats. were thrown by the first 595 shooters in Zumma. They rolled the dice 5,048
times. I could continue Zumma posting, page by page, for almost 300 pages ( 35,000 rolls ).
I have not given out the start/stop betting triggers....however...you can see how
I have taken four-figure $$$$ out of Nevada and off the San Diego card craps tables in my last six
trips ?
Up next .....betting triggers........
Thoughts ?