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MP $204 Across for $25 table ?????

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:31 pm
by SoSerious
How would you modify MP $204 Across then regression to $44 inside on a $25 table?
I know you cant put $44 inside on a $25 table and $204 across will not work either. I just will like to know how will you make the numbers work on a $25 table. What will the across dollar amount be. Thank you

Re: MP $204 Across for $25 table ?????

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:17 am
by acpa
Doubling the $204 to $408 would give you about $200 on two hits and then down to $110 inside would be close.

Of course it doesn't give you the same win on each of the first two hits.


Re: MP $204 Across for $25 table ?????

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:17 am
by Mad Professor
That's a great question, SoSerious.

At first blush, the easiest way is just to double the MP-$204's bet-values.

So on a $25 table you could go $408-Across ($50 each on the 4 & 10...$70 each on the 5 & 9...and $84 each on the 6 & 8) for two paying hits of $98 each; and then regress everything down to $110-Inside...whereafter you would apply the Passive/Aggressive press-schedule.

After two paying-hits you have collected $196 ($98 x 2) in Across money; so when you regress everything down to $110-Inside; you have a net in-rack profit of +$86 no matter what the skilled-DI does in that hand from that point forward.

The Passive-Aggressive press-schedule is designed specifically to carefully balance subsequent-to-regression profit-growth with ever-expaning bet-size increases.

Again, you have to be not only sufficiently bankrolled to apply this approach to other skilled-shooters, but you also have to have a fairly high drawdown-tolerance and volatility-tolerance in your DNA.

That is, unless you fully understand the nature of how volatility works, even in an advantaged situation, and can accept a higher degree of hand-to-hand and even session-to-session vol; then this bet isn't for you.

On the other hand, if you are comfortable with all that, and are good at identifying other skilled-shooters, rhythmic rollers, and semi-talented DI's as you move from table to table; then I think you'll find the MP $204 Across two-hit Regression to be quite a profitably viable option.


Re: MP $204 Across for $25 table ?????

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:47 am
by SoSerious
Thanks acpa and Mad Professor,

I was thinking about trying it out, but just on my shooting. Those $25 table are pretty empty.

Re: MP $204 Across for $25 table ?????

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:52 am
by Mad Professor
Fear of Volatility Leads to Profit Prevention

I am more convinced than ever, that for many skilled-shooters, the FEAR of hand-to-hand volatility far out-weighs the DESIRE for seizing bonafide bankroll-building opportunities.

That is, in the headlong rush to “lose less”, many skilled-shooters make bet-decisions that are based more on trying to calm any wager-outcome volatility than they are in actually exploiting their validated in-casino advantage.

But here’s the problem with that.

~The more you try to reduce bet-resolution volatility (in an advantaged situation); the less likely you are to get anywhere close to earning what your D-I skills deserve.

~The more we seek to eliminate bet-outcome volatility; the slower our bankroll-growth will be.

~The slower we make the bankroll-growing process; the more likely it is that those shallow-gains will be entirely wiped out by impatience-routeddeeper losses.

~As a result, our volatility-quelling efforts actually work against and conspire in opposition to our money-making goals.

In other words, the more we try to reduce our hand-to-hand bet-volatility; the less likely we are to even reach the most modest of bankroll-growing goals…

…and so, in our efforts to “lose less”, many skilled-shooters unwittingly make volatility-quelling bet-decisions that unintentionally make it much more difficult for themselves to actually win.


Re: MP $204 Across for $25 table ?????

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 11:58 am
by freak
Interesting MP. I can relate. Upon reflection, I think this is perhaps the reason we had a winning day this past Sunday but a loser on Monday. On the first day I played my plan. It was fairly conservative, but still required me to take many offensive risks. We won $560 in five sessions. The following day we lost $350 in 4 sessions. And although the "play" was the same, I can see in retrospect that I was playing much more defensively trying to protect the previous day's win. I was betting smaller and trying to build into a hand rather than pushing early and regressing after a hit or two. I'll try to be mindful of that next time. There's no reward in craps without risk. Like a lot of things it's easier said than done but practice helps. Thanks for the insight.