Legal Crap - The Last Word

Welcome to the original Axis Power Craps forum. Before you register on the forum or get too deep in the belly of the beast, please take a moment to read the posts on this section. The vast majority of the content of this site is for registered members only. There is no monthly subscription charge to be a member, however, there is a one-time $12 Registration fee. This fee is in place to discourage spammers, flamers, and trolls from registering, and to help filter out Spambot registrations on the forum. Should you choose to register and pay the $12 fee, there is no instant gratification when registering! All new members require a two-step administrative approval that includes an IP address verification by a moderator. Again, this is to assist us in keeping Spambots out of the group. We do not accept registrations from IP addresses from countries known to sponsor Spambots, ransomware, or hacking of websites in general, including but not limited to Russia, China, and North Korea. It's ultimately for your account protection and benefit. I promise it will make your stay here much more enjoyable.

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Legal Crap - The Last Word

Post by heavy » Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:09 pm

We've had an influx of new member of late, so I wanted to take a minute to refer all of you to the Legal Crap - The Last Word section of the forum. There you'll find three items - a Limited Liability disclaimer, our Privacy Act Notification, and the Terms of Service of the forum. There's a bunch of legalese in there that I can sum up for you in about three bullet points:

1. Just because a betting strategy you read about here sounds good doesn't mean it will work in the casino, so bet at your own risk. If you lose - we didn't bet your money - you did. We don't want credit for your wins -or blame for your losses.

2. We don't share your information with anyone without your permission. Period. You can set limits on how much of your personal information is available to other forum members in your forum Profile.

3. Be nice. Don't hit. Pick up your toys when you're through. Don't cut and paste information from this forum without getting permission first. Don't cut and paste entire articles from other sources onto this forum without the permission of the person who owns the material you are copying.

That's pretty much it. If you want the full Monty then go to the Legal Crap - The Last Word section of the forum and read the section in its entirety.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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Re: Legal Crap - The Last Word

Post by heavy » Sun Jul 16, 2017 11:32 am

The forum's complete Terms of Service can be found at this link: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2

I've given a general glimpse of the TOS above, but encourage all new members to read the complete TOS in its entirety. I refer all new members to this thread. In the ten years or so we've had this version of the forum up and active only fifty or so of you have troubled to do so.

Last bumped by heavy on Sun Jul 16, 2017 11:32 am.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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