Baccarat Battle Plan - End of Year Special

Believe it or not, craps is not the only game in the casino. Savvy players have a back-up plan for when their craps game is off. If Heavy isn't winning at Craps you're likely to find him playing Baccarat, Blackjack, or even Roulette. If the table games aren't working out he may even take a cigar break in the high limit slot area for a little hit-and-run action. But just like craps - you have to plan your play and play your plan. If you have a question on slots, video poker, carnival games or any table games other than craps, this is the place to post. Let's hear about the games you play when you're not playing craps! What's your game? What's your strategy? How's that working out for you? Inquiring minds want to know!

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Baccarat Battle Plan - End of Year Special

Post by heavy » Wed Nov 28, 2018 3:55 pm

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Baccarat Battle Plan - End of Year Special

In case you missed the announcement in last month's Newsletter, we're offering our Baccarat Battle Plan at a HUGE discount now through December 31st.

I mentioned in the past that I'm not a big fan of selling betting systems, but I do believe such systems - if they're solid, well thought out strategies - have some value. Certainly they have value to a certain segment of the gambling market. Let's say you're an attorney, physician, dentist, CPA, or other professional with an extremely busy schedule and a business seminar or convention coming up in Las Vegas. You want to relax and enjoy yourself with your fellow professionals, but you don't want to embarrass yourself at the gaming tables. You want to have a strategy to play that offers you a good chance of winning or at least limiting your losses. You want a game with a very small house edge that attracts a higher class of player. For you, that game just might be baccarat. This is an example of a textbook customer for a gambling system. He's looking for a simple but effective strategy he can master by browsing through a manual a couple of times at home, then studying in detail on the flight to Vegas. Then he wants to test out the game early on in his trip before he hooks up with his friends. By the time they get together for a little casino action the next evening he's playing like a seasoned pro.

Baccarat Battle Plan fills the bill for a player like that - or for anyone else who wants to jump-start their play on a new game. Of course, you don't have to be a wealthy business or medical professional to afford Baccarat Battle Plan this month. That's because for the rest of 2018 I'm offering the entire manual on CD for just 1/3 of its original $499 price. That's correct. This month only Baccarat Battle Plan can be YOURS for just $167, Shipping IS included at that price. Play the game of the stars. There's only one decision to make. Then, if you can count to nine you can master Baccarat. Order yours today. Baccarat Battle Plan.

Order Baccarat Battle Plan for $167 at the following link. ... N2PFHDXZS

The entire manual comes on a single CD. Read it on your computer or print it out and read it at your leisure. There are certain patterns you'll need to learn to recognize to play effectively, but baccarat is essentially a coin flip game that's very subject to streaking. As such, it's easy to beat through systematic play and solid money management and discipline. Order your copy today.

Last bumped by heavy on Wed Nov 28, 2018 3:55 pm.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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