$42 to $180 in 60 Seconds

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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$42 to $180 in 60 Seconds

Post by r_ventura_23 » Wed Sep 23, 2020 9:46 am

I haven't played since X-mas. Had trips cancelled St. Patty's day, Easter and late June. Finally getting to play Columbus Day weekend up at Turning Stone. I have had to much time to think about strategy.....but I want to get to table max on this trip. I think it is only $1000. Or at least get to drop $10 for $500.

Normal play on 6 and 8 is $12 $12 $18 $42 $42 $90 $90 $180 $300 $420 $420 $900.

Here is the change. Whichever number hits first I will use the following. The number that hits second will go through the normal progressions.

$12 $18 $42 $42 $180**

**When I get the first hit at $42 I will drop a dollar and collect $50. I will then throw $10 on the hardway. If the next hit is hard, I will press to $90, and also take the $90 from the hardway hit and go to $180. If it comes soft, I simply make my normal move to $90.

Now if the number that hit first went to sleep and was stuck at $18, and I worked my way up to $42 the usual way on the second number, I would also apply the $10 hardway strategy.


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Re: $42 to $180 in 60 Seconds

Post by memo » Thu Sep 24, 2020 8:29 am

r_ventura_23 wrote: Wed Sep 23, 2020 9:46 am I haven't played since X-mas. Had trips cancelled St. Patty's day, Easter and late June. Finally getting to play Columbus Day weekend up at Turning Stone. I have had to much time to think about strategy.....but I want to get to table max on this trip. I think it is only $1000. Or at least get to drop $10 for $500.

Normal play on 6 and 8 is $12 $12 $18 $42 $42 $90 $90 $180 $300 $420 $420 $900.

Here is the change. Whichever number hits first I will use the following. The number that hits second will go through the normal progressions.

$12 $18 $42 $42 $180**

**When I get the first hit at $42 I will drop a dollar and collect $50. I will then throw $10 on the hardway. If the next hit is hard, I will press to $90, and also take the $90 from the hardway hit and go to $180. If it comes soft, I simply make my normal move to $90.

Now if the number that hit first went to sleep and was stuck at $18, and I worked my way up to $42 the usual way on the second number, I would also apply the $10 hardway strategy.


Interesting aggressive play...Using Heavy's 'pound the first number', with possible acceleration due to hard parlay. Nice little back door move if primary number goes to sleep. It has a lot of moves that have to click in just the right order for it to work, especially with the parlay. Nice that it will do well even without the parlay.

To me, the fun part is the parlay...Of course, many would argue against center action HA, (I'm not going there) So, if you are going to do that, why not drop a dollar (or two) on it at the first press to 42 dollar level. That will cover the 10 dollars at first 42 hit. Hedging your 10 dollar parlay in advance..Maybe lose a buck or possibly cover a few depending on how those fickle hard ways roll.

Those are my thoughts...It is aggressive, however when everything clicks, you can experience 'Survivor Bias'.
It would be a fun trip though! Please let us know how it preforms.

This reminds me of, way back in time, there was a lot of discussion about betting strategies...One guy in particular...I believe his name was Art..or something like that...He was always bringing up a 'new' strategy..
There was a lot of constructive criticism and discussion at the time. Good points, bad points, etc.....It was fun.
Nothing like today. We hash and rehash Heavy's semi aggressive press moves, even number betting, or go to conservative things like OCHM. Stay within the established lines. But it is safe....

On reflection...We are discussing a new strategy. (ATS thread) I say new because it is strategizing the setting in order to achieve the goal..Cool!


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Re: $42 to $180 in 60 Seconds

Post by r_ventura_23 » Thu Sep 24, 2020 11:13 am

Thanks Memo. It is a little aggressive, but I want to try to get a $500 for $10 before the hand loses steam. If the hardway does not line up, I am still in good shape. Hopefully the sister number is hitting too so I am bringing in some chips while going for the throat with the opposite.

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Re: $42 to $180 in 60 Seconds

Post by 220Inside » Thu Sep 24, 2020 12:29 pm


I also like Heavy's approach of fast playing the first number to hit as a primary number, though I tend to think of that number as being given the opportunity to be the primary. At each of the power press points in my press schedule, whichever number happens to reach that power press opportunity first gets to get its shot at being the primary number for future pressing. That way if the sister number catches fire while the initial number goes to sleep, I can adjust to that and power press whichever number happens to have really proven itself to that point in the hand.

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Re: $42 to $180 in 60 Seconds

Post by r_ventura_23 » Thu Sep 24, 2020 1:18 pm

Good points. I want to make sure I collect at $12 on one of the numbers. So if 8 rolls first and I go to $18, and 6 rolls next it is same bet. If six rolls again I will go to 18, and if yet again, that number will be powered pressed to $42 and then hardway placed.

If I get in the situation where the 6 is at 42 and placed with a hardway, and the 8 slowly makes it's way to $42 before any decisions on the 6, am I going to drop $10 on that hardway as well.....hmmm

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Re: $42 to $180 in 60 Seconds

Post by 220Inside » Thu Sep 24, 2020 2:14 pm

That big jump from $42 to $180 on the back of a hardway hit does throw a wrinkle into it.

The conservative side of me would say to split the $10 HW bet to $5 on hard 6 and 8 and reduce the power press to $150 if one of them hits.

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Re: $42 to $180 in 60 Seconds

Post by heavy » Thu Sep 24, 2020 6:47 pm

As I am fond of saying . . . all it takes is balls and bankroll. (and a lot of sixes and eights).
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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Re: $42 to $180 in 60 Seconds

Post by DanF » Sun Oct 11, 2020 6:32 pm

For me. As long as you're in profits and are aiming for less then 8 hits on the same number, it can work often enough to be profitable.

I like to test a lot... My craziest is.

18-30-60-66-132-138-300-90-90...883$ locked if you get to the last hit.

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Re: $42 to $180 in 60 Seconds

Post by Tgold » Thu Oct 15, 2020 12:00 pm

Hi r_ventura_23
Good post. Any updates on your goal of collecting $500 chip for $10.
DanF--I like your aggressiveness early on in many of ur press regimes.

Your initial post: "...Normal play on 6 and 8 is $12 $12 $18 $42 $42 $90 $90 $180 $300 $420 $420 $900.

Here is the change. Whichever number hits first I will use the following. The number that hits second will go through the normal progressions.

$12 $18 $42 $42 $180**
I think we all agree the optimum approach in a( good,better,best scenario) to collect a 500 chip would be to simply wager 432 on 6 or 8. Im guessing very few of us would prefer that approach. The next best would be two presses, or three presses, or, ....etc.

*I like your idea of being more aggressive with the number hitting first(and hopefully the most often), and less aggressive with the second wager.
I typically wager one or two wagers and prefer to accelerate the most at the very beginning/ get to where Im going as quickly and efficiently as possible. Then after reaching target I make the key decision of: Pressing again with less percentage increase, turning-at-the-top, partial regress, or all down to BaseUnit,...etc.
I usually make that decision as a f(x) of penetration into BI. IOW if my hit rate is good Im likely to continue pressing(though with less acceleration). However, if my BI has been getting the crap kicked out of it and I finally hit my target, then Im likely regressing to Base Unit and or sprinting toward the cage. Thankful that I escaped with a small profit when my session hit rate suggested that I deserved a loss. ..etc.

I like to make my BI =35-40 Units as that provides a sufficient # of opportunities. Im willing to risk 100% of BI.

Re: Above goal of collecting 500 for 10. I dont recall if you stated your # of BI units. I would suggest bet sizing and aggressiveness % so that your betsize/ # of compounds/Target goal allow u to hit the mark with little or no residual(IOW lands right on target$ with only minimal above or below).

I too like to utilize the first and or leading hit number as the one for your goal and try to get there within four hits or maybe five hits depending on your initial bet size/BRoll.
The second wager for collecting at maybe hit #2 or 3. So we have something fueling the BI to provide more fuel for the primary wager.
We obviously dont know if the initially trailing number will all of a sudden hit 3-4 times in a row ...etc. So whichever gets to the goal first is the primary # and the other one stays put for collections with no further pressing(regardless if at stage 2,3,4..etc)

Another thought: If youre not set on just using the 6/8 we may consider utilizing only one wager on the DC and double the initial size to 2x whatever was considered for the two wagers on 6/8 and try to hit target(we may have to do a couple parlay + early on).

Thx again for starting an interesting thread /look forward to your updates.

Continued success, Tgold
All the best,

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Re: $42 to $180 in 60 Seconds

Post by Tgold » Thu Oct 15, 2020 12:17 pm

Good post above / I always like reading your posts on new or different concepts/strategies.
re: your post above: "...This reminds me of, way back in time, there was a lot of discussion about betting strategies...One guy in particular...I believe his name was Art..or something like that...He was always bringing up a 'new' strategy....".

I remember the above poster/ his wagering approaches. There was also a member from a few years back that seemed to advocate a new pos progression on a monthly basis. (Posted under Wolfbyte,W7, et al), that always had some new thought-inducing strategies. I remember one of his involved a 84-step pos pro. I always commended his desire to share new approaches/ submit trip reports.

Continued Success , Tgold
All the best,

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Re: $42 to $180 in 60 Seconds

Post by r_ventura_23 » Thu Oct 15, 2020 4:09 pm

Hey guys. I gave this a try. Got from 42 to 90 4 times with 10 on the hardway each time and it came soft each time. Will post a trip report shortly.

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Re: $42 to $180 in 60 Seconds

Post by Parson » Thu Oct 15, 2020 8:28 pm

Kinda like it, balls and bankroll as heavy said ...

This weekend on $25 table .... place the for or ten for 25, first hit (in Mississippi) drop a dollar collect two green, then immediately drop $10 to take it to $35... next hit take to $100, they give you five but you have to drop $2.... then collect $200 on next hit, assuming it happens .... if they streak, often they do ... nice reward for the risk.

In your example, lets see .. place 25, hit collect $49 net. Drop ten and place 5 on hardway ... IF IT HITS HARD ... you collect 70 plus the $35 less two dollars vig i believe. So if my math is correct you could then take the 4 in this example to 135, next hit collect $280 less the vig ($10).. so five more dollars at risk yields another $270 plus the $35 if it hits hard ... hmmm someone check my math.
If your gonna color up, there needs to be paint on the brush.

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Re: $42 to $180 in 60 Seconds

Post by DanF » Sat Oct 31, 2020 10:48 pm

Rather 150 then 180


Get there pretty often, rest is icing on the cake.

18-30-30-42-90-90 is decent too.

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