12’ or 14’ table?

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12’ or 14’ table?

Post by ibDodgerfan » Sat Sep 10, 2022 10:20 pm

Good evening,

I’m new to the game have been DI for almost 2 years. I made a practice rig since the beginning and I’m ready to get a full size table. 12’ or 14’ most tables I play on are 12’. Found a great table that’s 14’ is it too big? Tell me what you think.


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Re: 12’ or 14’ table?

Post by heavy » Sun Sep 11, 2022 2:38 am

Most people prefer a 12' table. Particularly if you are an end shooter or think you may ever want to be. Tossing from 14' out on the end is a challenge at best. For most people, the real challenge with a 14 footer is finding space in their homes for one. Even a 12 footer can be a challenge. That's why I'm getting by with a 10 foot table. Personally, if I had room for a 12 footer I'd be all over it. But it is what it is. If you are a SL 1 or 2 shooter or a SR 1 or 2 shooter there's no reason to get anything other than a 12 footer IMHO.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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