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Strategy i used on Carnival Sunshine

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 5:22 pm
by advdel77
Had 2 days of success with this strategy and 1 day loss. $150 lay 10, hard 10 for $20, $5 yo, $75 DP, $110 inside working, Remove Lay 10 and hard 10 after point is established. Lay $60 odds against the point. 2 hits and regress to $66 inside. sometimes went 3-hits before regressing. Would press up to $30 on 6&8 and up to $25 on 5&9 if numbers were hitting. Only placed 5,6,8,9 . If one of these numbers were the point, i only had 3 numbers placed. obviously the negative is a come out 10 or point being made. Won $376 1st day, $290 2nd day, but lost $356 on 3rd day. The old saying a system works until it doesn't. It was fun playing this system.