Opinions on this strategy

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Opinions on this strategy

Post by advdel77 » Mon Feb 10, 2025 6:42 pm

$15 tables . $50DP $66 inside regardless of the point, 3 hits and down, let DP play out

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Re: Opinions on this strategy

Post by heavy » Wed Feb 12, 2025 5:08 am

Biggest obstacle is the 7 and 11 when trying to establish the DP. Next problem - do you adjust your bet sizes when the Six or Eight become the point? Suddenly you have a $50 DP on the Six. Maybe instead of $66 inside you want $42 on the Six and $18 - $24 on the Eight - forget the Five and Nine.
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Re: Opinions on this strategy

Post by Tgold » Wed Feb 19, 2025 11:50 am

Hi advel77/ good thread.

The OP : "$15 tables . $50DP $66 inside regardless of the point, 3 hits and down, let DP play out"

It all depends on your specific objective. (e.g., I want to make $______ before I lose my buyin of $_______ . OR I want to make $____ dollars per session,..etc, and on and on).

It is my opinion most players will make more money more efficiently by utilizing fewer wagers vs many (or more) wagers, all other variables held constant.

* "$66 inside regardless of the point", and "3 hits and down".

It is my opinion we would find more success by retaining the option for doing our $66 after we see where the DP traveled. If one must do $66 then do it away from the DP (e.g., dp @4 then do ~~$66 on 10,9,8,6 or better yet do approx $66 on 10,9,8, or better yet do $66 on two or one number away from our DP). So one can use a dice set that shoots into a group of outcomes away from or "NOTdp#). My preference is to not shoot against myself(As I am the hedging "diluting" my shooting advantage). In the above example (and not knowing anything else about you, your objectives,shooting advtg, ...etc) , if I sent the the dp to the 4 I would be looking to hide the (1) in my diceset(i.e, try to toss high numbers) or whatever strategy that allows for numbers away from the dp. No hedging, no horn bets, no hardways, no come hedges, no Lay hedges...etc.

*"3 hits and down"
Personally I find it easier to try and create situations where I need to hit one number and avoid one number. In other words win one situation 3x VS win 3x in one situation, especially when we consider roll duration.

Obviously easier said than done as sometimes I cant get the dice to do exactly as I have in my mindseye.

Cheers/thx again for post.tg
All the best,

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