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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:50 pm
by London Shooter
Of interest to me on this topic, as I don't know, is what happens to all the tokes? Are they divided up by shift, by day for each craps table, by the whole craps pit if multiple tables are open, or some other way?

Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 12:39 pm
by Fuzzy2u
Good topic.

I almost always toke the dealers $2 when I buy in at a $5 or $10 table. I've always been thanked by the dealer and it helps make eye contact. I usually start a session betting DP/DC and a small toke seems to help the dealer pay attention by my lonely back line bets when the rest of the table is betting Pass/Come/Place.

Toking dealers from the start seems to be rare in my neck of the woods, unfortunately. Players don't think twice about tipping cocktail waitresses $1 per drink, but can't seem to cough up even $1 for the dealers unless they've won big on a hot shooter.

In the middle of a hot roll with bets and profits growing, I prefer to make pass line bets for the dealers or add a small dealer bet to my pass line odds. If I notice another player make a pass line bet for the dealers, I'll often piggyback on it by adding odds for the crew. I have to admit I like to hear the stick loudly announce to the table, "The dealers got SHOES!"

After a hot roll where I've won several hundred dollars, I'll leave the dealers $10 to $30.

Finally, on one occasion I was shooting, playing a $5 game and noticed a black chip player at the other end of the table. I had a pretty good run with lots of inside numbers and hard ways, and got a smattering of applause when I finally 7ed out. As I was waiting my turn to color out, Black Chip scooped up his plunder, strolled down to my end of the table and asked, "Who was that good shooter?" Everyone pointed to me. "Here's a little something for that good shooter," and he dropped a $100 chip in my rail. Mouth gaping, I managed a quick thank you before he disappeared into the casino.

I tossed the black chip toward the dealer, asked for "green please," the dealer sighed as he complied, probably expecting me to make some stupid bets with the windfall, until I picked up two of the greens, left the other two on the table and said, "For the dealers."


Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:58 pm
by London Shooter
Just remembered about this and am still wondering how the tips on a craps table are split up.

What is the answer lads?

Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:14 pm
by amish dude
London Shooter wrote:Just remembered about this and am still wondering how the tips on a craps table are split up.

What is the answer lads?
the tips are split with every dealer in the casino equally for that shift !

Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:20 pm
by Drab
amish dude wrote:
London Shooter wrote:Just remembered about this and am still wondering how the tips on a craps table are split up.

What is the answer lads?
the tips are split with every dealer in the casino equally for that shift !
Thank you Amish Dude--I was curious about that as well

Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 8:05 pm
by Mad Professor
BRAND” your tokes to get improved tolerance-mileage

This is an unconventional idea, but one that I think has a tremendous amount of merit.

I’ll start with a question.

What do you SAY when you toke?

I’m serious, let’s say that you do a ‘hand-in’ toke after you have a good roll; exactly what do you say when you toss it in?

If it’s along the lines of, “This is for the crew” or something like that, you may be missing an opportunity to make YOUR toke more memorable than anyone else’s…even if your tokes are usually smaller than everyone else's.

Putting your own personal ‘brand’ on your tokes will have the effect of substantially improving your toss-tolerance and win-tolerance mileage.

Let me give you a couple of examples of what I mean, when you toss in a toke:

“Bobby, stuff some fresh cabbage into that coleslaw shredder”

Now on the face of it, that sounds sort of ridiculous doesn’t it; but if you say it EVERY time you toss in a toke to the box-person, YOUR toke will have much higher memory-recall with the dealers than any others who simply toss it in with a weak ”For the boys” comment.

Say it every time you toss in a toke, and before long even the crew will be repeating it. It not only adds a slight element of fun; but it also re-punctuates the fact that you are a good and steady tipper.

Another example (which always includes the first name of the box-person you are tossing it to):

“Jennifer, add some jingle to that toke jar”

Again, it sounds silly at first (just like much of the other jargon from this game like, Big Red, Little Joe, Acey-Duecy, Horn-Hi-Midnight, World, Yo, Come, etc.); but if you use a particular phrase to “brand” your tokes, you’ll be surprised at how quickly it catches on.

Once you establish a toke-brand phrase for yourself; you can make all sorts of variations on the same theme.

For example:

“Let’s make that toke-jar jingle like today is Christmas”

“Make that toke-jar jingle like Santa is in town”

The idea is to bring memorability to your tokes, and to increase your stock-value with the crew. You don’t have to increase the VALUE of your tokes, or even the frequency of your tokes.

Instead, “branding” your tokes with a catchy phrase has the effect of making your tokes more memorable (and because of that, it will even seem to them that you toke much more often than most other players do); but it will also act to occasionally encourage other players at the table to toss in a toke too just so they can say the same tag-line or something similar to it too.

Make your toke tag-line something you are comfortable with.

You could refer to the toke-box as the “Beer & Whisky Fund” or you could call it the “Diapers & Formula Fund” or the “Milk & Bread Fund” or the “Party Pot”; it doesn’t matter how you brand it (as long as it isn’t too offensive); what matters is that you use a portion of that tag-line every time you send in a toke.

You can refer to the toke itself by something memorable like we did above with ‘cabbage’; but it can be anything…moolah, marigolds or macaroni (ie, “Let’s throw some macaroni in the toke-pot so the dealers can eat tonight.”)

You can use animal names…anything from rhino’s to roadkill (ie, “Throw another varmit into the cage”)…anything that will be slightly humorous and eminently memorable.

Again, use variations around the same theme once you have established your brand (ie, “Looky here, another varmit caught…toss this one into the cage with all the others”, etc.)

Before long, your TOKES are what will make you memorable, and your TOSS will be less so…and after all that’s what this exercise is REALLY about. ;)

More on this subject if anyone is interested.


Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 9:36 pm
by nickelmidnight
"A little chew for the crew." One toke on the line and shoes if the points keep coming. Once in a while if the hardways are showing, they will be up on those too. NMN

Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:26 pm
by amish dude
I like nickel-midnights script >> Continuous effort-not strenght or intelligance-is the key to unlocking our potential. --Liane Cardes

part of what he said has driven me to my goal of becoming a DI

conceive be-leave achieve

Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:20 pm
by bobr
Mad Professor wrote: BRAND” your tokes to get improved tolerance-mileage

This is an unconventional idea, but one that I think has a tremendous amount of merit.

This is a really good idea. I've done this a little without thinking about it, and seen my tokes be more visible when it happens, but haven't made a concerted effort before. I definitely will now!

Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:24 am
by Mad Professor
How effective is “toke-BRANDING”?

Boxman: “Okay folks…everyone at this end of the table has to take one step to their right to re-open a spot beside the stickman for a returning player. Thank you.”

Player currently occupying SR-1: “I’ve been here since the table opened three hours ago; how can he be returning when he hasn’t even been here yet today?”

Boxman: “That spot is semi-permanently reserved for him, sir, so we appreciate your cooperation, just take one step to your right…we’ve already shifted all of your Place-bets to your new betting-spot. Thanks!”

Player formerly occupying SR-1: “Hmmmrrph!”

Boxman: “Welcome back to the table, Mr. __ (first letter of last name); your spot is ready for you…do you want any action on this roll?”

Branding” your tokes (see previous post on this subject above) adds value to every toke that you make (especially toke hand-ins as opposed to toke-bets); because they attach player-identity to your tokes as opposed to just their face monetary-value.

Let me explain.

A plain-jane winning toke is mostly remembered by the dealers for its win-value (if any); while the player’s identity (the player making the toke) is only remembered on a secondary basis.

If you brand your tokes by using the same (or closely related) memorable tag-line every time that one of your tokes gets tossed into the dealer’s toke-box; then the dealers will more closely identify YOU with tokes that actually make it into the box.

In that way, toke-BRANDING becomes a very STRONG self-perpetuating positive-reinforcement tool in your high toss-lenience, high win-tolerance toolbox. ;)


Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:59 am
by Drab
Great, great, great idea! Now to come up with a phrase.

Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:44 pm
by Dylanfreake
"Dope money for the Dealers"

"Coke money for the Dealers"

Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:24 pm
by Americraps
Just to clear up the Atlantic City tokes that Snakeyes mentioned on page 1. If you tip $1 on any box number in AC, they have to pay $2 when it hits. Yes, they actually round up. Isn't that amazing? Any box number! I couldn't believe it when I threw a six and they dropped two dollars in the toke box. The dealer explained the situation to me, and I'm still amazed.
Whenever I have a long hand in AC (Uh, lets see, I think I've had a grand total of two) I would put $1 on top of my bet on a box number (my control) for the dealers. Once they were all covered with $1, I then did the same thing on the other side of the table, so they could get double also (there has to be a player on that side). Total cost to me of $12, but I was a hero to the dealers. I got a kick out of screwing "the man" on the dealers behalf.
Don't worry, the house was more than happy to see me playing craps in their casino.

To my knowledge its only AC that rounds up, all others that I've played at round down. They are really screwing the dealers.

Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:29 am
by Mad Professor
Branding your tokes with a memorable tag-line makes every subsequent toke that you make, even more memorable than the one you made before it.

It not only constantly reinforces the fact that you toke; but because the same or similar tag-line accompanies each toke that you make; it will seem to the dealers and box-folks, that your tokes come in much more regularly than anyone else’s tokes (even if others toke for larger values than you do).

Additionally, don’t be surprised if some of the dealers use part of that same toke-brand tag-line to welcome you when they see you approaching the table.

For example, if you brand a toke hand-in with something like:

“Stuff some fresh cabbage into that coleslaw shredder”

Then don’t be surprised if they welcome you to the table with something along the lines of:

“Alright, here comes the coleslaw shredder…get ready to put some fresh cabbage into the toke-box, boys!”

You don’t have to be overly clever with what you “brand” your tokes with; what’s important is that you keep it somewhat consistent and along the same themeTHAT is what makes your tokes more memorable (and gives them higher mileage).

To wit:

“Book ‘em Danno!”

“Whatcha talkin bout Willis”


“Don’t leave home without it”

"I Can't Believe I Ate The Whole Thing"

“What’s in your Wallet?”



Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:44 pm
by HornHighJoe
My toke strategy is one I brought over from my roulette days.
Back then I thought I had a winning system (I'm laughing at that statement too). I said I would tip 5% of my winnings, when I colored up. Since I thought I had over-come the 5% house edge at roulette that I need to balance out the universe and give 5% of my winnings back to someone, so who better than the croupier?
So when I came over to craps I still had that tip 5% mentality.

On rare occasions I may throw a $1 in after a losing session when I leave.

Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:09 pm
by pman11198
Aloha everyone. Thanks Heavy for bringing me in.

In regards to tokess, i place bets for the dealers after the second hit on a number and also start them with a $5 hard way of there choice. For example, i played a $30 6 this last trip to the nugget. After the second hit i pressed my 6 and laid a $6 bet for the dealer, every hit after that i go up a unit unit and press the dealers up a unit out of my winning. Also on the hardways i always do a 2 way parlay on the first hit.

When the table got hot, i put a $5 hard way hopping bet for the dealers, letting the stick man call the bet and i piggy back $5 of my own. We nailed like 3 of those. lol

Also the $6 6 was at $180 after a 40 minute roll, not to mention the other number and hard way parlayed hits.

Needless to say, the next day i was treated like a rock star on the tables. :lol:

On smaller rolls, if i profit i always toke the dealers. And most importantly i always give a good shooter a toke as well.

Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 9:43 pm
by Golfer
MP's branding does work. Several years ago I played with my brother-in-law in Joliet and he went on a roll of 1 hour 40 mintues. I turned my $400 buy in to almost $6,000. During the roll I was toking but no one else was. I think it was Heavy's idea but I used the old, "Get those late dealer bets in early boys...........the dealers are working their ass off.....let's take care of them", in my best foghorn voice. I am not as loud as Heavy, but am close, and I never worry about not being heard. The tokes started flying in and at the end of the roll my BIL finished with a hard 8 and a hard 10 for points and the crowd went wild, and the dealers got real healthy. We took the chips to the wall and crop circles abounded. For 2 years the dealers would talk about that roll at times and what I said, cuz I would hear them when they thought I wasn't listening. To this day I get treated great.

Like I tried to teach my kids..........learn how to "distinguish" yourself. It makes a difference.


Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 8:43 am
by Mad Professor
Here’s a question for you:

How do you get dealers to automatically drool (like Pavlov’s dog salivates when his dinner bell gets rung) when you toss in a toke?

I’ll provide my own approach to developing conditioned reflex responses in dealers after you’ve had a chance to think about it, and perhaps chime in with your own ideas.


Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:39 pm
by Mad Professor
Getting dealers to instantly (and automatically) mentally salivate like Pavlov’s dog when you toss in a toke, is a simple matter of reflex conditioning.

As you know, world-renowned Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov noticed that dogs tended to salivate if they saw food even before it was actually physically delivered to them.

By ringing a bell prior to even showing a dog its food, Pavlov was able to get dogs to instantly (and automatically) salivate in eager anticipation of being fed even when no food was present.

By associating a certain sound (like a bell) with a certain subsequent event (like getting fed); Pavlov was able to develop a conditional reflex (salivating) in his dogs.

So how the hell does this relate to getting dealers to instantly (and automatically) mentally salivate like Pavlov’s dog when you are preparing to toss in a toke (which also tends to raise their psychological appreciation of what you are about to do for them)?


By lightly tapping the toke-chip twice against the table-mirror, right before you throw it to the box-man (and accompanying it with the toke-BRANDING phrase that we previously discussed at length in this thread); you create an aural-punctuation alert that tells the dealers that a toke is coming in.

That light double-tap against the mirror every time you are about to toss in a toke, acts to develop a positive-anticipation conditioned reflex that not only differentiates your tokes from everyone else’s; but moreover, when carried out over multiple sessions, your tokes (even if they are smaller than other player’s tokes) take on a higher, more consistent level of dealer-appreciation (and toss-accommodation) because of it.

Laugh at the idea if you want; but I can tell you that toke-TAPPING has held me in pretty darn good stead (and provided an untold measure of higher toss-tolerance and win-tolerance) for over a decade now. ;)


Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:43 pm
by 8x8x8
Great information going on in this thread! !!!

So, with this" toke branding" , is it better to just" toss the toke" for the toke box or make dealer bet that so many dealers like?
