Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strategy?

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strategy?

Post by heavy » Sat Dec 07, 2013 11:45 am

Simple questions.

I believe I've gotten every dollar I've ever toked the dealers back in great customer service. In addition, if there's ever a dispute over a pay out it generally gets ruled in my favor. Also, if I've been making a specific bet all of my session, then forget to make it and it would have hit, I've had dealers tell me "just drop the $5 on the layout and I'll book it and pay it. Then he'll turn to the box, point to the chip and say "we didn't get Steve's World bet booked." Then the box will tell him to set it up and pay me. That's happened more times than you can imagine.

My toke strategy is fairly simple. I'll make a bet for the boys when I first buy in - then I'll make another one at every stick change just to send a message to the new stick that I'm on his side. When a hand heats up I'll get some additional action out for the boys from time to time - usually on the Pass Line - and I'll usually take odds for them as well if we're really in a hot game. In games with the Fire bet I'll make "two-way" bets - for me and the boys - most of the time. That's what I was doing when Hinduman hit the Fire Bet on Thursday of this week, so the boys got an extra $1K in the box.

Sooooo, you get the drift of this thread. Tell me about your betting strategy for the boys. Do you toke at all? If not - why not? If yes - how do you bet? What is your logic behind betting?
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by wild child » Sat Dec 07, 2013 12:16 pm

I have on occasion placed $6 for the troops ( $1 ea box # ) and instruct that I will control
the dealer wagers....further as the box numbers hit,I will add another $1 to that bet
with the qualifier that after any box # dealer bet reaches $5 they are on their own as to
what to do with the dealer money.....


Do this each and every casino,crew or hand :?: ....NOPE....



Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by vegasfan2010 » Sat Dec 07, 2013 1:05 pm

I make a Firebet for them when I shoot. I sometimes do a hardway bet if the point is an even number. I also tip if they remind me something, like missing an anycraps bet, I make that bet for them too. I also usually tip when I leave the table.

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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by acpa » Sat Dec 07, 2013 2:04 pm

First come out natural winner that I win on any shooter I put $1 on the line for the dealers. After tha bet is resolved the next come out natural winner I piggyback the dealer and keep them up as long as I keep winning.


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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by tonybugs » Sat Dec 07, 2013 4:40 pm

On all hard way points I drop a buck on them for dealers. When I bump my hardway, I'll drop another buck on there's. If point comes out soft, I drop dealers a buck or two to drop in there bucket anyway


Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by FredP » Sat Dec 07, 2013 5:14 pm

I like to place a 6 or 8 piggyback for the dealers at random times.
I also like to place the dealers on the point if I have a PL with odds. (Maybe they're lucky for me.)

Heavy is right, the dealers take care of you when you're trying to get them some more salary.
I also appreciate that EVERY TIME win or lose they thank me. Happens every time at the Golden Nugget in AC.


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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by acpa » Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:33 pm

This last post reminded me of a question.

If the dealers fail to thank you for a tip, win or lose, do you say anything about the failure?


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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by Michael » Sat Dec 07, 2013 10:04 pm

I piggyback my pass line bet when I shoot.Give the dealers the win and leave it up.On a hot hand I drop a$1 every three or four rolls and tell the dealer to drop or place it.It's their choice.Most place it.They like to gamble to.
I agree, tokes pay off.
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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by Alohajonny » Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:20 am

ONE-ONE-ONE for the boys goes a long way at a game where they feature the "All-Tall-Small". It definitely gets them into the game and rooting for you. I start betting that way for them when I buy in and continue probably every other come out roll.

I think most craps dealers themselves are gamblers. To what level of their paycheck probably varies alot.On occasion I've asked where they want me to place a bet for them and it seems the majority want to make bigger money fast so they'll generally want a prop bet. (It's probably not their normal betting strategy but hey, it's also not their money on the line)

An occasional HARD SIX AND EIGHT for a dollar is probably my other common bet for the dealers. I love it when the stickperson stacks it and offsets it instead of putting it in their spot. When you parlay... they want in. When it hits it seems like you're a friend for life.

When the session is over and if I'm up, I'll hand in more than the small change at color up and throw a five dollar hardway bet as I leave. I don't know if it works but my hope is that the dealers will then realize that they could be working for a tip at the end and maybe they should treat all players as if that were going to happen.

How many people tip during a good meal???...HELLO, McFly!


Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by AtGame7 » Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:23 am

Random bets throughout the session, especially if they say something like "hard 10 always follows aces", I'll throw out a hard 10 for them. It's never a lot, but I do throw out a few bets along the way. When/if I color up they get 10% of the profit if I am up, usually $10 if I am behind and they get nothing if I bust my roll for the session. I only play at one casino and they all know me pretty well so they don't get upset when I walk away without tipping.

It's rare that I walk away empty, usually I think ahead to save $15 which is $10 for the crew and $5 for the valet.


Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by FredP » Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:11 am

acpa wrote:This last post reminded me of a question.

If the dealers fail to thank you for a tip, win or lose, do you say anything about the failure?

I don't say anything. Only happens in casinos other than the GN in AC.
Lots of dealers are unhappy with their jobs, I think, and they may just nod if they get a win from you.
They have tough jobs so I am forgiving.


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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by Golfer » Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:18 pm

Tokes do make your experience better. It is tough to toke when playing dark. I have mentioned my hop bet strategy when dark. I toss the dealers $10 and play $9 hopping the red for me and $1 for them on the big red. They have done well. If the field is active I will play $1-5 for them next to me. They notice.



Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by hinduman » Mon Dec 09, 2013 6:53 am

Thanks for mentioning that Fire Bet hit I made. It was my first so it was pretty special. Really glad you were there and I put the dealers up as well.
Sorry for not being able to recall much of the details but I was in the zone so its just a blur. Not a bad blur but one never the less!! It was a first for me to get a pumpkin chip along with a grape one. Maybe later more will come back to me but you will have to fill in most of it. Thanks again.


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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by Markm3 » Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:06 pm

I usually place a $1 on pass line $1 on felt, after first win house wins pay for the tokes going forward. Also odds once game gets going good, 2 way fire betts too. Craps crews are the hardest workers on the floor, take care of them, they take care of you.


Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by Dice33 » Wed Dec 11, 2013 5:01 pm

I will place $6 on 6 or 8 for them when putting out my inside bet after making a profit, if their number has not hit I will throw out a $6 or $5 on the number that is hitting and tell them they can leave the other one up or take it most leave it. then about every 4 hit I will make another one.

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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by freak » Thu Dec 12, 2013 11:43 am

I guess we're all different. I'm the opposite. I want to hear "thanks for the bet" every time...or nearly every time. I want to know they notice and appreciate that I'm the guy at the table going to the extra effort on their behalf. I don't want to feel they are taking my tips for granted. Nothing ticks me off more than to be tipping a table and they act like it's just expected. Or worse - grumble that it was the wrong bet or not enough of a bet/tip. And it's also irritating if dealers start dropping hints about bets/tips as if nobody's going to get a good roll unless someone starts betting for the dealers. Another thing L does is she says thankyou every time she gets paid. It's just her nature. She might be driving some dealers crazy, but many have talked to her about how nice it is to feel their dealing efforts are appreciated EVERY time.
I wanna see the dust...


Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by shunkaha » Fri Dec 13, 2013 12:52 am

freak wrote:I guess we're all different. I'm the opposite. I want to hear "thanks for the bet" every time...or nearly every time. I want to know they notice and appreciate that I'm the guy at the table going to the extra effort on their behalf. I don't want to feel they are taking my tips for granted. Nothing ticks me off more than to be tipping a table and they act like it's just expected. Or worse - grumble that it was the wrong bet or not enough of a bet/tip. And it's also irritating if dealers start dropping hints about bets/tips as if nobody's going to get a good roll unless someone starts betting for the dealers. Another thing L does is she says thankyou every time she gets paid. It's just her nature. She might be driving some dealers crazy, but many have talked to her about how nice it is to feel their dealing efforts are appreciated EVERY time.
Generally the way my tipping goes its on autopilot because I control the bet so they take the win not the initial bet, it would get old fast if ever toss they won they said thanks. I tend to tell the dealers thank you whenever I'm paid as well... one night I was at a table with a friend and was playing an Iron Cross , between his hands and mine I remember a stretch of having to say thank you 19, 28, 17, 12, 15, and 29 times... before I left the dealer told me I was the most polite player he'd ever met. I always figured its only polite to say thank you to people handing me money, but conversely I don't expect a dealer to continue telling me unless/until I am pressing the bets appreciably.

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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by Yazworm91 » Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:56 am

So if I start making places bets it's usually the 6 or 8. When it hits I auto piggyback the bet for the dealers every time up or down. I never get heat or anything. I actually stop them from over paying me or paying me on a bet I didn't have(the casino doesn't cheat me so I can't do it to them). If I eventually move out to the 5 and 9 on the first hit I piggyback them on those numbers. Likewise if it gets to a hot roll and I'm across the board they will be piggybacked across.

Generally if I throw out a 1$ on the yo or ace deuce and it hits I'll spread that 16$ out across the hardways turned that dollar into 100$ doing that and instances like that when I hit a hard 6 with 10$ on it I had them take a 25$ toke off the 90$.

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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by Yazworm91 » Tue Dec 17, 2013 12:28 pm

I'm speaking about craps only lol. That is the only game I play.

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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by dork » Tue Dec 17, 2013 4:35 pm

Wouldja believe it!?? I don't play at Gulfport Island View anymore. The last time I played at IV while waiting for my wife; she loves their slot machines. I'd bought in with $150 and ground out $5 Dont's ala Grafstein... $5 Don't and stop if 6/8, one more Don't bet if 5/9, two more bets if the 6/8 don't get hit in the first two bets. (just detailing to show how I attempt to survive w/ $150. Usually I buy into a table with $300-500, but not at IView.)

Anyway, I'd got bored marking time at the slots while my wife played her usual Thursday slot tournament; I was on the crap table only about 10 minutes when she came over and wanted to leave. I tossed my winnings-- $10-- on the table and said, "place the 9 and 10 for the dealers". I thought, why spread it out on "long shots"--give'em a fighting chance at a win. The dealer closest to me, named 'Kit', said (verbatim), "what the hell kind of a bet is that for a dealer toke!?"

I almost took it down. I should have. Instead, minding my temper (which is short and violent), I decided it best to just leave instead of starting something up. So I did. I've never been back.

Funny, I never ever toked at I-View like I usually tip at Biloxi's Palace, IP, or Grand. Those guys at Island View just never gave me the right vibe (though I liked Henry a lot); and that last time proved to me why I disliked almost all the rest of the crews (notwithstanding that I hate their table). But at the other casinos, I usually bet $8 two-way hard-ways piggy-backed. At the Grand they have the Fire bet w/ a $1 limit "for the boys" per shooter. At IP, they have the "ALL" bets. I'll bet a dollar on each bet for'em whenever I bet the Pass Line, plus the $8 bet whenever I get the urge to play hardways for myself. On the first hardway 6/8 parley, sometimes I'll say, box up $5, and make the bet $15; we'll split if it hits again. Sometimes, if I'm ahead and we lose the bet, I'll throw'm another $5 for losing their parlay.

Most I've ever left is ~$2400+ at the Palace on several parlayed hardways and a FOUR-"and a half"-time parlayed hard 8 (it hit 5x, but I stopped parlaying at $100). I only won $2100 that session myself. Toking them more than I cashed in seemed to make me some big points with the dealers. Fortunately for me, that happened early on in one of my first visits; it was interesting to note that word spread "like wildfire" across the different shifts about me quickly after that incident... they've always treated me very well there-- morning, evening, or crack of dawn, the different crews seemed to 'get the word'. The Palace was my favorite casino for dealer conduct/relations, plus it's a non-smoker; just very recently though, I've been goofing around at the Grand and IP because they comp 'WAY better (I HATE the smokey air of the smoking casinos). The Palace management is chintzier than Walmart's.

Sorry for the looong wind.

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