Do you have a system for taking down bets or resetting bets?

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Do you have a system for taking down bets or resetting bets?

Post by LetsPlayCraps » Sun Jul 18, 2021 10:27 am

Even when starting with just $15-$18 on the inside numbers ($66 total), progressing ones bet that $66 can increase to > 5 X or more of the original amount.
When the 7 eventually comes out, its tough to see all that cash get collected by the dealers.

Playing at home, my wife would take down all her bets after the 18th roll.
Sometimes she is a genius as the 7 appears a roll or two later, but other times she misses out when the roll continues on.

Do you have a system to either collect/take down all the money or even just take it down to the original bets?

Moe Bettor
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Re: Do you have a system for taking down bets or resetting bets?

Post by Moe Bettor » Sun Jul 18, 2021 11:07 am

The idea of missing something when a roll continues is after the fact thinking, isn't it? You take your bets down and you have money now, in the present. The future is not predictable. If you get that itch..that sense..that the roll has gone on long really have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The seven has to show up. It may show up a hundred rolls after you bring yourself down..or it could be the next roll. The one thing I see over and over again is people leaving huge money on the table. For some reason they think the seven will never show. I usually bring my bets down when I feel I'm losing focus or I get a sense that the throw is edging towards nothing good. I have to leave my PL up and I usually keep the odds and play for that number. If I hit it..I'm revitalized.

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Re: Do you have a system for taking down bets or resetting bets?

Post by memo » Mon Jul 19, 2021 9:35 am

thnick wrote:
Sun Jul 18, 2021 11:07 am
The idea of missing something when a roll continues is after the fact thinking, isn't it? You take your bets down and you have money now, in the present. The future is not predictable. If you get that itch..that sense..that the roll has gone on long really have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The seven has to show up. It may show up a hundred rolls after you bring yourself down..or it could be the next roll. The one thing I see over and over again is people leaving huge money on the table. For some reason they think the seven will never show. I usually bring my bets down when I feel I'm losing focus or I get a sense that the throw is edging towards nothing good. I have to leave my PL up and I usually keep the odds and play for that number. If I hit it..I'm revitalized.
These thoughts are right on the mark...
The key is to develop a philosophy, then a betting system and bank roll to support it.
Lately I have been watching Craps Hawaii. The guy is a master in getting money off the table in short hands..
Heavy is a master in getting big bets working for you..

I have been using both philosophies...a short game combined with a long game.
Either way, I am never concerned with how much I have left on the table since I have made far more than that in the process. The chips left out there are just my little minions that have been working and bringing more chips back to my side of the table.


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Re: Do you have a system for taking down bets or resetting bets?

Post by heavy » Mon Jul 19, 2021 1:57 pm

My "motto" is "if a bet isn't paying it's rent it gets evicted." Simple enough. There's a mathematical number that equates to how often any number should roll. I bet the Six and Eight in pairs. I should see a Six or and Eight once in every 3.5 rolls. Call it 4 rolls. If I don't see one of them roll in 4 rolls I start to question whether or not I should have bet them - especially if the outside numbers are rolling. If one of them rolls but not the other then the counter is on for the non-producing number. I need to see it roll within 7 - 8 rolls or the eviction notice is about to go out. It's not paying it's rent.

The Five and Nine are bet separately - not in pairs. I bet them when they come to the party - not up front. I bet even numbers or Six and Eight only primarily. But if the Five and Nine start showing up at the cook out with their paper plates in hand I'll give them a rack of ribs. They should show up statistically one roll in nine. I need to see them showing up more often than that - like one in 6 or more. And like I said, I only bet the one that's showing. If I'm on the 9 because It's showed twice in four rolls and it hits again - great. But if it goes 7 plus rolls without showing I'm thinking about putting that money to work on a number that's paying me now.

The Four and Ten ARE bet in pairs because they pay 2 to 1. Get paid on one of them and both are paid for. That means if you see either one roll or a combo of the two roll twice in six rolls you bet them (if you're not already on them). But if you go 8 - 9 rolls without seeing them . . . well, you get the idea.
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- Heavy

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Re: Do you have a system for taking down bets or resetting bets?

Post by AllahPena » Thu Feb 03, 2022 6:17 pm

This is often my biggest dilemma. I typically start with say 47k across on crapless. Go on a decent run let's say 10 -15 #s. And I have 100-150k on the table and I'm in the positive with a ton on the table. At this point I'm picking up minimum 21k per roll (non 7 obviously) and if I'm gonna kill em this is the time. I can take everything down at this point and be in the black 6 figures OR... take my free shot with "their money". Also even if I regress to let's say my original 47k and I roll even say 4 more #s that would've already more than paid for what I took down AND I'm still rolling and collecting. I never know but it's definitely not fun to 7 out with 200k on the table. Lol

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Re: Do you have a system for taking down bets or resetting bets?

Post by AllahPena » Thu Feb 03, 2022 6:27 pm

I also wanted to add in that there are so many people in any gambling situation where they're afraid to win and I've conditioned myself over the years to get out of that mindset. Sometimes it's "your day" and you have to make the most of the opportunity but far too many people eat like a bird, shit like an elephant. There's times where people roll 18 #s then take everything down, 7 comes next roll and they're a genius but... You're also never gonna crush it that way. None of us has a crystal ball so just curious what people think about this dilemma

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Re: Do you have a system for taking down bets or resetting bets?

Post by Parson » Fri Feb 04, 2022 7:22 am

For me its a two fold thing. Sometimes it is a hit at a certain level. Say a pressed up six to 420, if that hit comes, thats a lot of sixes…. Can more come yes …. But reduction to $180 is in my mind.

The other is how is my bankroll? Does it need first aid? Yesterday i needed some first aid on a crapless, before i realized i need to change my elevation of the toss. @allapena would have made bank. I was working on my second point and looked up at the ATS I HAD ROLLED 8,9,10,11. Nothing on the small side had rolled. I stayed with more horn set as i had rolled two elevens. I rolled a 5, interesting i thought, trend change or an outlier?

Next roll 12, it was a $10 table, with $10 on the 12. Go to $25
Next roll 12 i collected the $150 as i needed that in my rack

Next roll 3, go to $25

Later a 12 rolled …. Table is nuts now. Go to $50
Next roll 12 again … go to 75, should have gone to $100

Later in the roll, another 12 appeared. It was magical as a roll, but as said above … you have to make decisions. This was a weird string of 12s. 5 in total in one hand, at least 2 maybe 3 elevans. One 3.

Never hit the two or six, but there at least four tens in the hand, and plenty of six eights.
If your gonna color up, there needs to be paint on the brush.

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Re: Do you have a system for taking down bets or resetting bets?

Post by Moe Bettor » Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:41 pm

First of all AllahPena you are not going to break them. Before there is a hint of that happening they will shut the game down. So let's find out what yr. goal really is here. You're ahead and there's a ton on the table. They know that the odds are with them and if you stay at the table long won't have that $150k on the table. They'll have it. You play for a lot of money. Even a billionaire doesn't like to lose a few bucks. Regression to yr. opening across amt. would leave you with a ton of profit and a place at the table. And also if you have money on the table and in yr. rack it is your money. You are always playing with "your" money..not the casino's. The casino's money is stacked up in front of the box, right?

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Re: Do you have a system for taking down bets or resetting bets?

Post by AllahPena » Fri Feb 04, 2022 5:11 pm

Moe Bettor wrote:
Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:41 pm
First of all AllahPena you are not going to break them. Before there is a hint of that happening they will shut the game down. So let's find out what yr. goal really is here. You're ahead and there's a ton on the table. They know that the odds are with them and if you stay at the table long won't have that $150k on the table. They'll have it. You play for a lot of money. Even a billionaire doesn't like to lose a few bucks. Regression to yr. opening across amt. would leave you with a ton of profit and a place at the table. And also if you have money on the table and in yr. rack it is your money. You are always playing with "your" money..not the casino's. The casino's money is stacked up in front of the box, right?
I love and hate reading this. Omfg 5 12s????? I'd have conservatively made 30k +60k +80k + 100k + 120k just on 12s alone :shock:

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Re: Do you have a system for taking down bets or resetting bets?

Post by AllahPena » Fri Feb 04, 2022 5:13 pm

I quoted the wrong text but you see what I mean. Lol

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Re: Do you have a system for taking down bets or resetting bets?

Post by AllahPena » Fri Feb 04, 2022 5:16 pm

Also. I don't literally mean break them but they certainly are not shutting any game down either. I could win several million and they aren't shutting a game down. Yes I fully realize the money on the table I'm pressing with is mine but my original risk is already in my tray. My only point I was making. It's a freeroll at that point

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