Bacl to Biloxi - Veteran's Day Weekend Axis Power Craps Seminar - November 8 - 11, 2024

Yes, it's the "shameless self promotion" portion of the board! Heavy has been playing craps for well over fifty years and teaching casino games and dice control for casino craps for since 2001 and is recognized as one of the best in the business. This is the place to come to learn more about his upcoming live seminars, his dice control seminar videos, books, and more.

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Bacl to Biloxi - Veteran's Day Weekend Axis Power Craps Seminar - November 8 - 11, 2024

Post by heavy » Tue Aug 13, 2024 10:38 pm

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Back to Biloxi – Axis Power Craps
Veteran’s Day Weekend Seminar
November 8th – 11th

Make plans NOW to join us as we SALUTE our Veteran’s - November 8th – 11th - Veteran’s Day Weekend in our favorite casino market in the USA – Biloxi, MS.

This weekend will feature the traditional Friday night Meet and Greet get-together – a chance for attendees to put faces with names, swap a few war stories, and perhaps make plans for dinner, drinks, or an evening at the tables. Everyone is welcome to bring a spouse, friend, or significant other. This will be a “no host” event, so everyone is on their own for food and beverages. Enjoy yourselves, but don’t be out too late, because we’ll have a full day of training on slate for Saturday.

Saturday’s class will be at a local casino dealer school, beginning at 9AM and running through approximately 5:30PM. There will be roughly a 45-minute break for lunch around mid-day at a local sandwich shop a block down the street from the school. This will be a full day of dice control training, focusing on the mechanics of the grip and toss, including set, grip, aim, focus, breath control, visualization, landing zone, execution, and follow through. We’ll teach you how to read the dice and how they interact with the layout – and how to interpret that interaction and make adjustments to your grip and toss to correct any errors. We’ll practice shooting from alternate positions – Stick Left, Stick Right, and Straight Out. And, given time, we will play a mock session using casino chips and incorporate some Basic DI Betting Strategies into your play. All that and more on Day One.

Saturday night you’re on your own to hook up with your fellow students and coaches for live play, dinner, entertainment, or just to hang out and chill. Again, I don’t recommend staying out too late. Typically, Saturday nights are not conducive to winning play in the casino due to crowded tables and the abundance of “amateurs.” It’s always better to get to bed early, then get up early in the morning and play a “coffee run” session under better conditions.

Sunday morning we’ll meet up once again at the dealer school for the Advanced Betting Strategy Session. This session will begin at 9AM and will wrap up no later than 1PM. We’ll start out the morning with one more quick round of toss tweaks. Then we’ll move right into Right-Side betting strategies. We’ll cover reading a table, presses, power presses, regressions, etc., then move on to Hybrid strategies. From there we’ll move right on into Dark Side Plays and how to implement them into your game and use them as a springboard back to the right side when the heat turns back on. Just about every strategy we discuss will have a specific live-session example associated with it that we can discuss – and examples where the play in question has worked far beyond expectations (or failed miserably). This session will definitely put some tools in your craps tool box.

We will wrap up the session at 1PM with plans to reconvene at one of the local casinos later in the afternoon for live play with your Axis Power Craps coaches. Location and exact time to be announced at the seminar itself. Play is planned to last roughly three hours, depending on table conditions. The intent is to play two ninety-minute sessions, but if we get on a table and it is running warm to hot, we will continue to play it until it stops paying, even if it goes beyond the three-hour mark. At the end of the live sessions the seminar weekend will “officially” be over. However . . .

Don’t forget Hangover Monday. Hangover Monday is Veteran’s Day this time around – and it’s that Monday after the seminar weekend when the coaches and many of the students who have been to a few of these classes like to “hang over” for another day to get in some additional play before heading home. So, we book our rooms for Monday with a Tuesday departure so we can have the casino to ourselves for the day. Typically, there are fewer players, more open spots at the tables, often lower limits, and the pressure to perform is off so frequently the hands are longer and the money won is bigger. Best of all, it doesn’t cost you a dime more to hang over and hang out with us (unless you’re having to pay extra for the room or you drop a few bucks at the tables) so why not? I will definitely be there. Heck, I may hang around on Tuesday as well if I can get away with it.

Our First Time Student is $1250 for BOTH the Saturday Dice Control Class and the Sunday Advanced Betting Strategy Class. Register via the Zelle app and we offer a $50 discount to $1200. Register via Zelle by sending your payment to If you prefer, you can send a $600 deposit via Zelle and pay the $600 balance in cash at the Friday night Meet and Greet or at the seminar itself before class starts on Saturday morning. If you do not have Zelle, you can learn more about it at Download the Zelle app from your Play store on your phone. Link the app to your checking account and send payment to Once you receive confirmation from Zelle that your payment was sent, follow up with an email to providing me with your contact information - name, mailing address for class pre-work, casino handle if you have one, email address and cell number. I will send a confirmation email back to you with additional information on the class itself.

First Time Students paying via PayPal - your tuition is $1250. You can pay via the following link: ... WF2U3ZVYK6

Once you make payment I will reach out to you via email to the address linked to your PayPal account with additional information. If you use a different email address with your PayPal account than you usually use for day-to-day email, please email me at and advise me of that OR include that email address in comments when making your payment. I will be mailing pre-class material to you so it is important that I have your correct snail mail address and cell number.

DD214 Veteran’s. As “Thank You for your Service” we’re offering an additional $100 discount off your tuition. If you pay via the Zell app your tuition is just $1100. If you prefer, you can send a $600 deposit and pay the $500 balance in cash at the class itself. Or send the entire $1100 now via Zelle to Don’t forget to follow up with an email to with your full name, address, and cell number so we can contact you with additional details.

If you prefer to pay via PayPay your tuition will be $1150. DD-214 Veteran’s can register via PayPal at the following link for $1150: ... WVLDMPRE4C Again, be sure to include your cell number for future contact.

Alumni – Refresher Student Tuition is $950 - That also includes both Saturday Dice Control and Sunday Advanced Betting Strategy Class. We reduce that tuition to $900 if you pay via the Zelle app. Pay via the Zelle app now by sending payment to If you with you can pay as little as $400 now and pay the $500 balance at the class itself.

Alumni Students paying via PayPal - your tuition is $950. You can pay your tuition via PayPal at the following link: ... KXWEGQE7KY

If you prefer, you can pay a deposit of $450 via PayPal and pay the $500 balance in cash at the class. Pay a deposit of $450 via PayPal at the following link: ... 8YKYZ4LP2

DD-214 Veteran Alumni Students – you also get a $100 discount as a salute to your service. Your total tuition if $850, but we offer an additional $50 discount if you pay via the Zelle app. Make your payment to and follow up with an email to with your contact information, including your cell number. If you wish, you can pay a $300 deposit and pay the $500 balance in cash at the class in November.

If you prefer to pay via PayPal, DD-214 Alumni Students can enroll for $850 via PayPal at the following link: ... DDNGJR4A6L

Be sure when paying via PayPal to include your cell phone number in the comments. If there is no space to include that, email after making payment with your full name, casino handle if you use one, cell phone number, and which property you'll be staying at while in Biloxi if you know it yet. This info is for the class roster.

Enrollment fees cover the cost of training and handout material only. Students are on their own for transportation, meals and lodging.

November is really Just Around the Corner, so make your plans EARLY and Register NOW – even if you just make a deposit on the class. This weekend ALWAYS sells out!
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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Re: Bacl to Biloxi - Veteran's Day Weekend Axis Power Craps Seminar - November 8 - 11, 2024

Post by heavy » Thu Oct 10, 2024 9:53 pm

Just a heads up for those of you who may be riding the fence on attending the Veteran's Day Weekend Seminar in Biloxi November 8th - 10th. We're essentially coming up on LAST CALL NEXT WEEK.

WHAT? you ask. Why so early? Because your favorite fat boy is heading down to Galveston next Friday, the 18th to catch a 14 day cruise on Saturday, the 19th. That cruise gets back into Galveston on November 2nd, and I'll be back home just in time to VOTE on November 5th if I haven't already Early Voted - which will be difficult because early voting in Texas won't start until I'm off in the middle of the Caribbean somewhere. Sooo, I'll probably be standing in a voting line on Tuesday the 6th after doing two weeks worth of laundry on Sunday and Monday. That gives me Wednesday to get my gear packed for the Seminar in Biloxi starting on the 8th. I'll drive as far as Shreveport/Bossier on the 6th, then the rest of the way to Biloxi on the 7th. That gives me all day on the 8th to get some business done over at the dealer school, then head over for the Friday Night Meet and Greet. Then we'll have the Dice Control Class on Saturday at the Dealer School and the Advanced Betting Strategy Class on Sunday, followed by live play in the casino on Sunday afternoon and evening - and Hangover Monday - with live play as long as the casinos are giving it up on Monday. Then, on Tuesday morning I'll drive back to Texas. On Wednesday and Thursday it'll be laundry time and repack - this time with different gear - for Craps Cruise 12, which leaves from Galveston the following Sunday, November 17th - which means I'll drive to Galveston on Saturday, spend the night there, and be ready to board Harmony of the Seas Sunday morning as soon as boarding begins. AND, I'll be gone for Seven day on that cruise, back on the 24th, just in time for Thanksgiving week, when I don't plan on doing a damn thing except carrying all of my laundry down to the local laundry/dry cleaners and dropping it off for someone else to do.

SO, if you want to attend this Veteran's Day Weekend Seminar in Biloxi it's time to get off the fence and register. There area registration links in the announcement above - or you can Zelle cash to my account at However you register, please follow up with an email to to let me know that you are registering so I can double down on making sure you get added to the class roster and all funds get accounted for. Lately PayPal has gotten bad about not sending notices of payment so I don't always know I've been paid unless I happen to log on and see a payment. Work with me here.

Note that I will have very LIMITED Internet access while on this two week cruise coming up. Why? Well, lots of reasons but primarily it's because they want too damn much money for bad service. Over $300 for two weeks Internet service. No thanks. I'll use my cell phone's Caribbean service and check my email while in ports. While I'm at sea - screw it. I'll be by the pool, in the casino, in the spa, or catching some sort of entertainment thing. Or maybe reading a book. I've downloaded about 20 on my Kindle. I'm good to go.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch. This class is quite small at this point, so if you're looking for an opportunity for a lot of one-on-one time with yours truly - this might just be it. If the class gets too large I'll see about bringing in a second coach. But I'll tell you this - November is the perfect time to be in Biloxi. The weather is cooler. The seafood will be fantastic. The oysters will be top shelf. And the gambling will be first class. It's going to be a fantastic time! Come on out and learn what you don't know.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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