Exploitation Roulette

Believe it or not, craps is not the only game in the casino. Savvy players have a back-up plan for when their craps game is off. If Heavy isn't winning at Craps you're likely to find him playing Baccarat, Blackjack, or even Roulette. If the table games aren't working out he may even take a cigar break in the high limit slot area for a little hit-and-run action. But just like craps - you have to plan your play and play your plan. If you have a question on slots, video poker, carnival games or any table games other than craps, this is the place to post. Let's hear about the games you play when you're not playing craps! What's your game? What's your strategy? How's that working out for you? Inquiring minds want to know!

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Exploitation Roulette

Post by tenpin » Mon Nov 18, 2024 6:14 pm

When Heavy published the "Exploitation Roulette" special in the October issue of his Newsletter I decided to purchase one because I wanted another game besides Craps to play and whereby I could sit down and rest for a bit. I believe that the special ends at the end of this month and for those looking for another game in my opinion this is a very good choice. I can say without a doubt that it works as you can see in the next few paragraphs.

This weekend I went to the Horseshoe in Lake Charles and played four sessions on the "Air Ball" machines and won all four sessions starting at the 10.00 level and going up a nickel each session if I told myself before starting playing them. All of the sessions were using Heavy's 68% strategy just to get my feet wet and making sure that I knew what I was doing in following the strategy correctly. My first session I played after a craps session with a win and wanted to rest a bit after standing up for a couple of hours turned out to be very profitable. I played for about an hour and won 200.00 which I had set as a win goal and buying in for 300.00. Not bad I had told myself or was it beginner's luck? I won every wagers except 1 which was very, very unexpected. It was Friday and only 3:30 in the afternoon and I was up a total of 2700.00 ( 2500 from craps and 200.00 from my very first roulette session ever).

I cashed in my ticket and went up to the room to take a quick nap as I had left the house this morning at 6am and felt a nit tired from the trip. I woke up around 6ish and went down to grab a bite at the Brew Brothers Restaurant before playing another craps session. After the craps session ended around 9:30 with another small win I went back to the same "air ball" machine and sat at the same position I had earlier. Again I bought in for 300.00 and started my play with 15.00 units this time around. I played for a couple of hours and saw that I was ahead 460.00 so I cashed out after telling myself that it was enough and I was feeling a bit tired. I didn't set a win goal this time around because I didn't know what to expect but I had told myself that my stop loss amount would be my win from this afternoon. So now I was up a total of 660.00 playing this air ball machine and during this last session I ONLY had made 3 losing wagers and still was winning. Before I forget to mention that I was keeping track of every spin and also at the same time keeping my wins and losses on a note pad that I had come up with to play the Air Ball machine.

Saturday morning seemed to come early as my eyes opened and I looked at the clock and saw that it was 8:27am and I went to shower and then go down for breakfast and then a craps session again. After my craps session which was a losing session of 350.00 (my stop loss limit) on a 500.00 buy in I decided to go and sit down and play the "Air Ball" roulette before going to lunch. This time my buy in was 400.00 because I was going to play 20.00 units since my last session was 15.00 units. I don't know what the correct buy in amount is for this game as Heavy didn't mention it in the program so I just made up my own for your info. I played for about an hour and a half and won 280.00 as it was an up and down session before I caught a run and decided to quit when the run was over as I had gotten ahead. I was down about 80.00 before hitting the run and according to my records I had lost about 8 wagers in the time spent playing this session. But not bad considering where I was before making the comeback. So I decided to go out for lunch today and have seafood at Steamboat Bill's across the bridge which is pretty good in my opinion and have fried oysters and a cup of their famous gumbo which I have had in the past.

After lunch I came back and went up to the room to take a quick nap as I hate playing right after lunch as I have never had much success playing on a full stomach. I awoke around 3:40 and washed up and went down for another craps session and again another loss of 350.00 and to the Air Ball machine I went. When I got there someone was in the seat that I had been sitting and hesitated playing at first until I realized that seating didn't matter but somehow the superstitious mindset we have at times popped up and made me hesitate for a moment. LOL So I went to the other side of the machine where one lady was sitting and I picked the seat that had one seat between us and cashed in for 500.00 as my unit this session was going to be 25.00 each as I decided to bypass the 20.00 level. I played for about two hours this session as it was a really up and down session whereby I didn't get ahead by more than 75.00 and my losses was around 150.00 at the most. Then finally the wheel turned and came my way again and it was unbelievable how quickly I got ahead with a couple of losses in between and when I finally said to myself don't push it when I was ahead 375.00 and cash out as there would be time to play more sessions. In this session my records shows that I had 11 losing wagers by far the most of any sessions thus far in my play and tracking. So for the four sessions that I played I had won a total of $1315.00 which more than cover for my craps sessions where I lost. Not bad for a beginner or having beginner's luck playing Exploitation Roulette.

Let me say this also about the special Heavy is offering .... This is only half of the total package that you will be receiving should you decide to purchase the special before it goes off. I would recommend one purchasing this program for the little amount he is selling it for. Enuff said as I know now that it works and will have to work on the other half of the system to be a complete roulette player.

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Re: Exploitation Roulette

Post by 220Inside » Mon Nov 18, 2024 6:37 pm

I keep wanting to give roulette a try as an alternate sit down game to take a break from the tables.

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Re: Exploitation Roulette

Post by tenpin » Tue Nov 19, 2024 7:48 am

220 if I were you I would not hesitate to get it. The first part of the system proved to me that it works and I also had reservations about it before purchasing it but for the little amount that it costs during this special I told myself "What could it hurt?" It turned out as you can see that it paid for itself already and I don't believe that it was beginner's luck now either after I reviewed my records and saw what Heavy said about his experiences playing the machine and what he has accomplished playing it.

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Re: Exploitation Roulette

Post by heavy » Thu Nov 21, 2024 2:35 pm

Thanks for the detailed trip report and endorsement, Tenpin. Of course, it's still gambling. That little ball can go either way, but the 68% play is strong and wins more often than it loses. And as you said, that's just half of the package. You play the 68% strategy while tracking decisions and watching for a pattern you can exploit so you can bet numbers straight up for larger wins. But that's all in the package. I'll be sending out a Thanksgiving Newsletter in a few days, and we'll be offering Xploitation Roulette on a Holiday Special once again. Look for it.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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Re: Exploitation Roulette

Post by tenpin » Sun Nov 24, 2024 11:39 am

I was going over my record keeping pad when I noticed that I had forgot to add the following info in my post about using exploitation roulette. At the Horseshoe in Lake Charles there are 2 real roulette tables but in my email to Heavy I asked him this question. The tables has a triple "ZERO" and not a "DOUBLE" zero and if this is good to play on? His response to me was "NO" it is like playing Blackjack with a 6 to 5 payout which is too much of a house edge.

However there are 2 "Air Ball" roulette machine there at the Horseshoe and on both of them is a "DOUBLE ZERO" wheel which is what Heavy recommends playing. The amounts listed to make your wager begins with a penny and progresses upwards to an amount I didn't write down and there was a minimum amount for each spin that I also didn't write down because what I wagered was more than the minimum by far. You are given a significant and an ample amount of time to make your wager and really feel relaxed as the chairs are really nice and comfy.

The machine is always running whether there are players on it or not and this is a very good thing for exploitation roulette way of playing. It also keeps track of your total amount of monies you have after each spin on whether you won or lost just like a slot machine. I found that this helped me keep my records straight in the beginning as well. All in all in my opinion it is a very fair game and in the long run is beatable like Heavy mention above that you will win more times than you will lose. I may have just happen to play the machine when it was like Heavy says "Giving" in lieu of "TAKING" that weekend. But I will continue to post my play whenever I am playing the machine there at the Horseshoe. I can't complain about the start I had though!

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