whats your best 4, 10 strategy ?

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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whats your best 4, 10 strategy ?

Post by fmholdover » Sun Jan 26, 2025 11:16 am

I was practicing with my 2V set on my rig. did very well , I was popping the 6, 8's and began hopping them because they hit so often , also hit a few 4 10s , I was piling on the the hits evenly , even the hop bet winnings. I was placing 4,6,8 10 for 25, and a Dont pass for 50 , Figure I wont lose all of my bet if the 7 comes , If my bets got to 75 or a 100 I regressed back to 25 .

You guys got any good tips about the play , Id like to try it out today or tommorrow.

I went to play last night, I grabbed the money clip off my shelf ,I got there bought a 4 dollar coffee, went to the table and I pulled out my money clip I had about 48 bucks in small bills !! wrong money clip!!!! AWWWWWWW shit! The dice gods didnt want me there I guess I drove home with my $4 coffee, telling myself it was for the best. :)

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Re: whats your best 4, 10 strategy ?

Post by heavy » Sun Jan 26, 2025 2:40 pm

I never regress on the Four or Ten unless there's a reason, e.g. an argument over a payout on the table delays the action, a stop in the action for a chip fill, or a mid hand buy-in by some asshole who doesn't know anything about table etiquette. Then I'll typically turn all of my bets off for a couple of rolls.

I'll usually start the Four and Ten at $15 each unless I'm betting on a known DI who tosses a lot of Fours and Tens. Then I'll start at $25. My betting progression is as follows. If I start at $25 just pick it up at the $25 level.

15 - 25 - 50 - 100 - 250 - 500 - 1000 - 2500 - 5000

On the first hit you're paid $27. You'll lock up $16 or $17 depending on whether they collect the vig on the $25 Buy bet up front or on the win. At that point you essentially have a "free" Buy bet on that number for $25 with a buck or two profit in the rack. Next hit pays $50 for $1 - lock up $25. Next hit pays $100 for $2 - lock up $50. Next hit pays $200 for $5. Lock up $50 and go to $250. Next hit pays $500 for $12. Go to $500 and lock up the $250. Next hit pays $1000 for $25 - lock up $500. At this point you'll have a FREE $1000 bet with something like $875 profit in the rack. Next hit pays $2000 - press to $2500 and lock up $500 - $50 commission. Next hit pays $5000 - lock up $2500 and pay $125 commission. And so on to table max. You're only pressing the number that hits - do not press in pairs. This is like going to the race track. You only bet on the winning horse.
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Re: whats your best 4, 10 strategy ?

Post by fmholdover » Sun Jan 26, 2025 10:20 pm

I see what your doing there, I like it . Im playing the 6, 8 along with 4, 10, . Should I just play 4 10? Bank or press the 6,8 ? The 4 10 is a tough shot to keep hitting .
I would never play this with a random roller unless he proved he can roll , I think Ill stick with the one hit dont miss for those guys

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Re: whats your best 4, 10 strategy ?

Post by heavy » Mon Jan 27, 2025 3:42 pm

It depends on what your dominant numbers are. I basically play a dominant number approach. Whichever number is hitting the most frequently is the one I power press up as high as I can as quickly as I can while still taking money off the table. For example, if I'm betting $66 Even Numbers and the Six is my dominant number I'll press every other hit while power pressing at the 18, 180, and 1800 dollar levels, dropping 3, 30, and 300 on top of the payoff to press them to 42, 420, and 4200 respectively. You can get up to $1800 and collect $2100 fairly quickly, but you'll find that it's difficult to get beyond $420 and collecting $500 for $10 - but you've collected every other hit before that so you'll have collected $50 for $1, $105, and $210 as well as some chump change. Well over $800 racked along the way. Meanwhile, I'm waiting for my bets to get paid for before pressing the Eight. I'll Same Bet it. But if I get one hit on the Eight and a second hit on the Six I'll have collected $70, so my bets will be paid for. As for the Four and Ten - if you get a hit at $15 and press it to a Buy at $25 you get $16 or $17 back on that bet, so it's paid for. Rack the buck or two profit and you have a free $25 bet. It'll take care of itself. The same goes for the sister, so I just run them with the same schedule. With that said, if you want to slow it down and take two hits at any level that's fine. Nothing wrong with being more conservative. Nothing wrong with regressing and taking money off the table at any time.
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Re: whats your best 4, 10 strategy ?

Post by fmholdover » Tue Jan 28, 2025 7:36 am

Ive heard you mention Power pressing many times before , But Im not exactly sure what it means, Just adding an extra bet from the rack?

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Re: whats your best 4, 10 strategy ?

Post by fmholdover » Tue Jan 28, 2025 7:36 am

Do Ya have any classes in AC this year?

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Re: whats your best 4, 10 strategy ?

Post by 220Inside » Tue Jan 28, 2025 10:02 am

fmholdover wrote: Tue Jan 28, 2025 7:36 am Do Ya have any classes in AC this year?
Heavy hasn't been north of the Mason Dixon lone in years. :mrgreen: the 2025 classes, in addition to cruises, are in Biloxi and Vegas. The schedule is posted here, over in the Atte d a Seminar - Buy Heavy's Stuff sub forum as well as discussed on his FB forums.

I'm going to be available for individual classes at my new home in the Allentown area of PA, probably in April. I'll have my table set up after we close on it in March, but that's right on the heels up the upcoming Biloxi class which I'll be attending.

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Re: whats your best 4, 10 strategy ?

Post by 220Inside » Tue Jan 28, 2025 10:06 am

fmholdover wrote: Tue Jan 28, 2025 7:36 am Ive heard you mention Power pressing many times before , But Im not exactly sure what it means, Just adding an extra bet from the rack?
A power press us taking the proceeds from a win on a number, plus some additional from your rack to increase the size of the bet on that number.

A popular power press move is from an $18 6 or 8. When the number hits it pays $21. Drop $3 from your rack and make the number look like $42 ($18 + $21 + $3). The next hit will pay you $50 for $1

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Re: whats your best 4, 10 strategy ?

Post by fmholdover » Tue Jan 28, 2025 1:17 pm

220Inside wrote: Tue Jan 28, 2025 10:02 am
fmholdover wrote: Tue Jan 28, 2025 7:36 am Do Ya have any classes in AC this year?
Heavy hasn't been north of the Mason Dixon lone in years. :mrgreen: the 2025 classes, in addition to cruises, are in Biloxi and Vegas. The schedule is posted here, over in the Atte d a Seminar - Buy Heavy's Stuff sub forum as well as discussed on his FB forums.

I'm going to be available for individual classes at my new home in the Allentown area of PA, probably in April. I'll have my table set up after we close on it in March, but that's right on the heels up the upcoming Biloxi class which I'll be attending.
Cant blame him there, So long as Heavy gives his thumb of approval , Im interested. The thing is , the costs of flying out to Las Vegas or Texas, getting a hotel room , food , maybe a car, gambling money and the class can get expensive. And I really hate flying , not the airplane, the airports . Allentown may be a 5 or 6 hour drive for me , I could head out to AC from there.

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Re: whats your best 4, 10 strategy ?

Post by kumar » Tue Jan 28, 2025 6:00 pm

I collect on the inside numbers to break even ;Like Heavy I do not regress on the 4/10 and press immediately 30,100,collect,300,collect,900,collect etc
I need just one repeater on either the 4 or 10 to break even on my 180 across

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Re: whats your best 4, 10 strategy ?

Post by heavy » Tue Jan 28, 2025 6:25 pm

For the record, I did a class with John Patrick in AC back in 2006 and another stand alone class in 2008, which was very poorly attended. I think I made one more attempt at doing a class up there with my buddy Caveman around 2010 and again, very low turnout. Seems like everyone in the AC market always wants me to do a class up there until it comes time to sign up. Then I get ghosted. So, I just opted out on the Northeast. Hell, I swore when I moved out of New Jersey in '76 that I was never coming back. If it hadn't been for John Patrick I wouldn't have. I'm still not sure why I went back twice after that. I had a better turnout for a class at a backwoods hotel in Connecticut, for crying out loud.

Anyway . . . on to the official endorsement:

220 Inside is the ONLY person in that part of the world that I endorse for craps training. He's one of my two go-to assistant coaches when I do classes in Biloxi and Vegas. My other go-to coach is DarthNater, who is currently working on a government contract for the Department of Navy and is tied up for the next year or so. I do have a couple of advanced alums who are in training for assistant coaching slots. These guys have assisted in classes with supervision, and are doing great. I'll continue to have them help out at classes as the need arises, eventually getting them fully certified as assistant coaches. And yes, we do have a certain level of standards we uphold when bringing on players to be certified as assistants. Not everyone qualifies, and frankly, it pays zip and you have to buy the donuts. But the old guys like yours truly, Dice Coach, and the big kahunas over in the Golden Five Counters Club are just that - old farts who aren't going to be doing this forever. Somebody has to be there to take up the mantle, which is why those of us who realize we're not immortal (although we sometimes act like it when the Scotch is flowing freely) we're bringing guys like DarthNater (no Spring chicken himself) and 220 Inside along as Assistants, and working with a couple of the younger guys as well - kind of half-ass planning for a future when we're not going to be around. Legacy bullshit, if you will.

So, you can pretty much count on the fact that anything one of my coaches teaches you is pretty much the same thing I taught him - with the exception of some of the advanced content in BoneTracker, where these guys far excel me. They have my official Big Fat Seal of Approval - displayed proudly in the final pages of every month's APC newsletter. If you're interested in booking a BoneTracker analysis - I highly recommend chatting with 220 Inside. If you're in the Northeast and want a private lesson - by all means don't try to book a flight to Tyler, Texas just to do a session with me when Mark is right there in your back yard. He was dedicated from Day One, taking five classes with me in his first two years with Axis Power Craps. He took what he learned and turned himself into one of the best shooters in the country, and for good reason. He earned his chops at the practice table and has proved it time and again in the casinos. If you get a chance to step up to the tables with him - you'd be a fool not to.
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Re: whats your best 4, 10 strategy ?

Post by fmholdover » Tue Jan 28, 2025 7:05 pm

That sounds like a big fat seal of approval to me, Im in .

Ill tell ya what, I learned a hell of lot from this site and from Heavy's videos and stuff. The 6,8, one hit dont miss and the 4 10 play . The 4 ,10 has been a freaking monster for me in practice , Due to the weather work and a cold, I haven't been able to get to the casino to try it live , but I have confidence in myself and the play that it will do well .

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Re: whats your best 4, 10 strategy ?

Post by Billionaireben » Sat Feb 15, 2025 8:15 pm

If the point is 4 and the casino allows pushed buy bets, I try for $39 on the 10 and take full odds on 4; or vice versa. If the point is neither, then I just put it up when the roll is going well. If it were vig on win, then there's more flexibility. If I'm behind, one of my tactics is to pick one and put $39-55 (maybe $100-200 depending on where I'm at) on 10 and then $10-15 on hard 10; but I'd only do that once in an evening.

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Re: whats your best 4, 10 strategy ?

Post by heavy » Fri Feb 21, 2025 11:49 pm

fmholdover asked about power pressing up above and 220inside answered correctly with the 18 six or eight hitting, dropping 3 on the 21 payout and power pressing it to 42, looking for a 50 for 1 payout on the next hit. The sweetheart hit, though, is when you get that hit at 1800, drop 300 and power press to 4200, then get that hit that pays 5000 for 100. Then, instead of locking the entire $5K up you just go ahead and press to table max of 5K - or $6K if they'll let you go that far on a $5K max table. Hey, it doesn't hurt to ask.
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Re: whats your best 4, 10 strategy ?

Post by kumar » Sun Feb 23, 2025 7:48 pm

Last trip I played my 4/10 strategy depicted above
On the last morning a shooter rolled eight tens; that evening another shooter rolled eight tens
Thanks to this press one more good trip and I will be set for the year; that is the power of pressing.

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Re: whats your best 4, 10 strategy ?

Post by dork » Mon Mar 03, 2025 1:20 am

I haven't got the stones nor the bankroll to sweat the huge bets that're being discussed in this thread. I just hate the idea of power pressing (and missing most of the payoff while doubling the bet) leaving me just as liable for a total (2-1 Odds) loss as not. The most I've ever pressed to was $400 on the Place Ten. I prolly had $1000 spread Across when it lost. For a small timer like me, that's a lot to leave on the table.

On the other hand, when they're running I hate to miss out, so I try to make up for it this way... I'll start off testing the table "small"-- at the $10-15 level (some variation of $64 - 96 Across [though the PL is usually a$10 bet w/3-5x Odds]). The table is a $10 minimum, so each Place bet will be either $10 or $15. I'll have between $5-15 (depending on my mood or the day's roll pattern) on the 4/10 Hardways.

If one HW number hits--let's say a $10 Place 4 w/a $5 4-Hard is paid for a Hard 4, then I'll take the $35 winnings (on the HW) and split it to press the 4 & 10 HW to $15 each and press the Place 4/10 to $20 each. If it hits at the $15 HW level, I'll go to $25 then $50, and $100 (50 especially if HW are a distinct pattern that day [one day I rolled 8 HW 4/10s out of eleven 4s and 10s]--this was the experience that got me to rethinking how to pare down my bets on the Place 4/10 yet reap the rewards). I've been at $100 three times but it hasn't paid yet.

I've taken to trying to recoup PSOs by "doubling" bets--$15, 25, or 50 Place bets with appropriate $10 PL and 5x Odds; during these excursions, I'll match the Place 4/10 with 4/10 HW (same amount). The most I've progressed to is starting at $260 Across ($50 each with $60 6/8) and $10 PL w/50 on the other 6/8 or whatever point is appropriate with $50 Odds. At the same time, I'll bet $50 each on the 4 and 10 HW, letting the Place 4/10 support the HW losses when the easy 4/10 appear. It means my initial play was actually $420 to start, but it's seemed to hold its' own (if not relying on a positive HW result to come back sometimes). A win at the $50 HW goes to $100, and the Place 4 or 10 at least doubles, too. If money is tight (playing "behind") and a loss comes at the $25-level (or higher) on the HW and I'll regress that bet to $10--but if I'm ahead, I'll just let the Place bet carry the HW action in full.

I handle the Place 6/8 bets the way Heavy recommends--18, 42, 90, 180, etc. I got to 900 on the 6/8 a couple times but they've never paid off yet. And I don't feel nearly so queasy over their liability as the 4/10 since their occurrence just seems to run so much better--and I don't but rarely bet the 6/8 HW unless they're on fire.

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