
Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Re: $300/day

Post by wudged » Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:23 pm

oldjoe wrote:Do you also talk about counting cards at the blackjack table?
This made me laugh pretty hard.


Re: $300/day

Post by rollmeasy » Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:01 pm

I think $5Bill hit on it. I'm sure there are several betting strategies to use, but your going to have losing days. Seems like your stop loss strategy would be every bit as important. Hard to climb out of deep holes.
My 2 cents, $300 goal,every day. Walk after $100-$150 loss. If you get up $300, put it in your pocket & go for more to make up for the losing days. Don't leave without the $300 once you've got it.
Maybe something like $44 Inside, 1 hit, regress to $6 6&8 or some multiple of that depending on bankroll. Then try and build on the casinos money. Walk if you lose the $44 3 times.

Looks good on paper. LOL!


Re: $300/day

Post by Shiraz » Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:11 am

Some of you have commented above to stay away from RADAR. Apart from Tax reason, is there any other reason to hide from Radar ? From example if you are winning consistantly, can Casino manupilate dices for you to lose ? Or is there any other reasons ?

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Re: $300/day

Post by wudged » Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:53 am

In most places they can refuse to let you play.


Re: $300/day

Post by IronCross » Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:27 am

Thanks Little Joe, I'll check that thread out. FYI. When I brought up "crazy" ideas, it was more just to stimulate some thought and conversation. I am serious about the approach (whatever it may be) although sometimes crazy ideas can have merit depending on how outside the box you take it.

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Re: $300/day

Post by Agame » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:30 pm

Too bad this didn't get more responses; I'd have enjoyed the betting suggestions.
If you ain't doing whacky stuff at the craps table, you ain't having fun! :D :lol:

Try this: Hop the inside numbers for $1 dollar each ($8 total). Include the hardways if you wish ($10 total). You will recoup your money faster if you skip the hardways; but you'll lose the bet if you throw a hard 6 or 8.

How many inside numbers can you throw, without crapping out in between or throwing a 4 or 10, or 7ing out?

As few as 3 successful tosses and you're in the green.


Re: $300/day

Post by DeadCat » Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:22 pm

I suspect the reason that you didn't get the answers you were hoping for is that you asked a bunch of experienced players how to do something they know is not likely to happen.

Trying to lock yourself into a specific win each and every day is asking for headaches, indigestion and failure because that goal is too narrowly defined. IMO, you would be much less stressed and more likely to reach an average win goal per week. That's because even if you create an advantage with skilled shooting, craps will always be a "win-some, lose some" game. If you tell yourself you "must" win $300 before you go home, you are bound to chase and dig holes.

If you really want to win more than you lose in the long term, you have to change the game. As it exists as a random game it is designed to take gambler's money. For a hundred years, that's exactly what it has done.

Expecting to play it randomly and be a regular and long-term winner is like being the frog that gave the scorpion a ride. When the game takes your money it's just because it's in its nature.

Last edited by DeadCat on Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: $300/day

Post by heavy » Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:58 pm

Okay, take $300 to the casino. That gives you 100 shots at $3 sevens hop. Parlay all wins twice. On the second win take $400 and down and run.

Oh, this thread was about WINNING $300 a day.
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Re: $300/day

Post by Buy The Four » Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:21 pm

To win 300 a day, I think the first thing you need is a dedicated bankroll. That bankroll better be substantial too...the last thing you want to do is bust your bankroll. I think a safe bankroll to begin with is 18,000. That's 60 units at 300 a unit.

The strategy is up to you; but after you lose 3 units you should probably consider stopping for the day.

Personally, I think a good strategy would be 150 across for 2-3 hits and then come down. That should secure a third of a unit. Take the odds from the payout and place the numbers you threw...for example. Here is your roll...

4, 5, 6, 8, You collect 35, 30, 30, on each paying hit. However, you just collect 25 and use the odds for your Passline odds or to place numbers.

So come down on 150 and collect 75. Then use the odds total (25) to place the 5 for 5, the 6&8 for 6 each. Or use the 25 for odds on the 4 which is your point.

This strategy is a grind but it gives you table time, a modest place number hit goal (2-3), and only %5 of your bankroll is exposed to the seven.

Good luck!

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Re: $300/day

Post by eastcoast » Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:18 pm

Heavy, that might be one of the best ideas yet.....


Re: $300/day

Post by Ahigh » Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:24 pm

If you find a 10x or 20x table on a $3 or $5 limit:

Bet the do and the don't at the same time (cost of admission is paying a unit for every 12).

Once a point is established, engineer a free odds bet that will win the amount of money you want for the day.

If you lose, employ a martingale or Fibonacci sequence to get the desired amount, but only use the free odds bets.

Don't chase losses on rolled 12's and instead count that as "cost of doing business" like gas money, lunch, etc.

This keeps your "system" in a zero edge bet and you directly "pay" for the zero edge bet each time the 12's come. You can track your costs of doing business and strategy employment winnings separately. You should have positive strategy results with any good strategy. The trick is to have strategy results greater than your cost of doing business.

If you want to pay the same cost of doing business on every roll and/or if your line bet is getting too big to risk the 12, just bet $31 on the do, $31 on the don't, and $1 boxcar.

Otherwise, once you get past the 12, you can choose to make or lay odds depending on the point knowing from that point forwards you have at least two free bets available to make that are engineered to win the exact amount you desire. Free bets plus gambling system generally does work if you don't chase your losses on the cost of doing business.

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Re: $300/day

Post by heavy » Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:32 am

AHigh - I wouldn't try that with less than a 100X odds game. A $3 game with 100X odds could certainly win you $300 if you played the doey don't. At this rate - one cannot take your advice to martingale only the free odds bet because you have to increase the flat bet to get the additional odds on the table. It's not a zero edge bet BECAUSE the twelve is barred. The house still has the edge - even when you play the doey-don't. And just because there is no vig on the Free Odds bet doen't mean the next 34 shooters aren't going to miss-out and not make a pass. Don't get me wrong. One of my favorite negative progressions is a free odds progression designed for 100X odds. But I'd start at single odds and run a fibo, giving me plenty of room to work all the way up to 100 odds before increasing my line bet if I had to. Just my opinion . . .
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy


Re: $300/day

Post by IronCross » Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:35 pm

Thanks for the ideas everyone. Keep them coming. A few notes.

* The point is actually to win $100/casino, but go to 3 casino's per day and rinse, lather, and repeat.
* I am not hard stuck on absolutely making $100. If I were having a rough day and were up $75, I'd be happy to walk away.
$100 is just a soft goal.

Something brought up in another thread, I am personally liking the Don't pass doing a fibo sequence on it. No other bets. If I am throwing, then I would consider betting the hardways, but against the randies every time I have tried it on paper it's worked great. I tried this out at the Jokers Wild $1 table for shits and giggles and did pretty well. Unfortunately I didn't have more time to experiment with it. Obviously you wouldn't use this strategy against fellow DI.

1+1+2+3+5+8+13+21 = $54
$54 * $100 = $5400. Round up for a buffer and lets say a $10,000 bankroll.
This gives you 8 chances for someone (randie) to 7 out including any possible 7/11's on the comeout.

Playing black chips could potentially do it playing only 1 hand. No other bets but the Don't Pass.
I'm going to test this out here soon at a lower denomination to see how well it fairs in the long run.

I reserve the right to change my mind after testing further, but it's looking promising thus far.


Re: $300/day

Post by Ahigh » Tue Oct 23, 2012 7:43 pm

My main point is to have two buckets: one is the cost of doing business, and the other is your wins. If you want to do a system, don't mix the system in with the cost of playing the game, basically.

Systems do work on zero edge bets. By keeping separate tabs on your system from your cost of business, it's easier to see that you're system works, it just typically doesn't net more than the cost of doing business.

If you lump them all together, you will mistakenly determine that the system doesn't work. When in fact the systems usually do work on a zero edge bet, they just don't generate as much money as you lose from the edge on the non-free bets.

The best way to do these systems though is on low edge tables and with modest goals (for amounts that you don't truly _need_ in order to get by).

Using a system to make $5 when you already have $500 is a pretty viable way to get a free lunch. But you have to stick to your goals.

Greed is the ultimate enemy aside from long-term edge overpowering the system's effectiveness and vulnerability to large losses on failure.


Re: $300/day

Post by oldjoe » Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:03 pm

Last edited by oldjoe on Tue Jan 01, 2013 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: $300/day

Post by IronCross » Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:07 am

lol :lol:

Mad Professor

Re: $300/day

Post by Mad Professor » Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:51 am

^5 :lol:

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Re: $300/day

Post by BigBen » Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:46 am

Hahahahahaha... :lol:
Give me Box-Numbers, or give me death! LOL...

Hey, is that a Dice-Barrel in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

Toss 'Em Like Ya Friggin' MEAN IT!
Give me those dice! I got places to go, people to see, and SHIT TO DO! LOL...

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Re: $300/day

Post by heavy » Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:16 pm

What about it, guys? $300 a day. Hell, I'd be happy with $200 a day if I could wrangle it in under 2 hours of play. Let's assume a $2500 bankroll, a $10 game with 10x odds. What would your plan of attack be to win $200 - $300 a day?
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Re: $300/day

Post by amish dude » Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:58 pm

Heavy wrote:What about it, guys? $300 a day. Hell, I'd be happy with $200 a day if I could wrangle it in under 2 hours of play. Let's assume a $2500 bankroll, a $10 game with 10x odds. What would your plan of attack be to win $200 - $300 a day?
If I had that bank roll, do what I do best. $100 on the PL for the come out roll. toss the 7. $100 toss again make A point, re-toss for that point go home with $200. Heavy's friend who drives 6 hours toss's a couple of time and goes home, he hates casino as do I it's on his Heavy's DVD in my case it's 2 hours down to A/C an hour there and 2 hours back Hmmm could i handle that every day for $200
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