W7 - Neural System

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Re: Pay The Line

Post by WOLFBYTE » Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:22 pm

Hi Scribe,

For the life of me, I do not see why ALL craps players ....DO NOT LATCH-ONTO THE NEURAL BETTING


Players talk about the 1.4% house edge on craps, on some bets..... HOW ABOUT A 71% PLAYER-BIAS


Craps is nothing more than a big MATH game of odds and probabilities. Silverthone's Neural System

allowed me to generate 4-figure $$$$ in each of my last two trips to Nevada.

In the last 6 trips, all of them have been 4-figure money-harvesting trips....but.... using

' O' Hank's 4/10 System ' added to my 4/10 DP System is working slicker-than-cold-water-on-the

bare-ass-cheeks-of-a water-well-driller....or..... slicker than snot on a glass door nob !

Below are real RR thows I threw at our local indian craps table before they pulled it out...

along with my 3' x 3' color picture they had of me on the wall next to the South cash-cage that read....

" Jim a real player. "

....-5...-8...-13...-21...-35...-50...-75.....and finally of the last betting step of the Neural's 'A' level

game ....a win @ the $100.00 betting level !

The next neural move is to move down one progression step....after a win.... NO WAY ! :? .... I was

totally gun-shy....so..... I moved down two steps to the +$50.00 bet ....and...sure enough.... I LOST

THAT BET TOO ! :oops:

The next progression bet was to GO up one-step, after a loss....so... I bet + $75.00 and ...I won it !

The next bet is to drop-down another one step....to the + $50.00 bet....I did & won it too !

The next bet is dropping down two steps, after back-to-back wins ...or.... having won the last two out

of three bets.....so ..... I dropped down to the $21.00 bet....and also won it ! :P

So.... I walked away from the table with a + $21.00 net win.....nice ! :D

As I walked to the cash cage.... I felt I had been in a Player/Casino battle and after losing 71% of all my

bets to the Casino..... I was taking THEIR $$$$ ( + $21.00 net) home with me.

I left a + 29% total-bets winner .....and still...... I took their money home ! :lol:

I love progression-math-leverage !

Thoughts ?



Re: Pay The Line

Post by DeadCat » Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:30 pm

I tried the Neural after you mentioned it and sent me the link to the PDF. It worked OK for me but I found myself not knowing what to bet after certain swings. My feeling about systems is that you have to know them cold or it is too easy to mess things up.

It is a reasonable way to play but w/o skilled shooting it always ultimately comes down to luck. I am happy to see things have gone your way so far.


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Re: Pay The Line

Post by WOLFBYTE » Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:32 pm

Hi, Deadcat, All...........

DC the problem using the Neural is it generates only 20 base-betted units = a completed game.

So...... a $10.00 game is only a + $200.00 net-win game.

I use the Neural only as my ' Freeway ' to move my gaming from the DP 4/10 Progression

to O' Hank's 4/10 DP gaming progression.

Back testing...through Zumma...is producing between + $1,100.00 to +$3,200.00 an hour !

Now, I know if I tell you the sky is really blue today....you may say ... " No it's not ! It is gun-metal

grey. "

Therefore, you can not really tell anyone anything until they do at least a 20 min. session

of RET. It involves having a wand-over-your-eyes and then blinking your eyes... to a set pattern.

After seeing Dan Rather do a 20 min. piece on http://www.rapideyeinstitute. ...on 60 minutes, I sought

the Rapid Eye Institute out and I have done 10-12 hours of intense eye-wand work.

It is the best thing I have ever done ! It totally re-formatted my brain's hard drive.

After the first 20 minute introductory RET session, in DT San Francisco, on March 4th, 2000,

at the Whole Earth Expo, I left the booth a new person ..... so much so.... I remember having to

teach myself to walk....all over again !

Yep ! ..... I told myself.... " Put your right foot in front of your left foot....now bring your left

foot up in front of your right foot..... a total brain re-wire happened.... in 20 minutes flat !

When I got to the car parking lot on Army street, in DT SF, I held my car keys, in my right

hand and over and over said to myself.... " What the hell do I do with these keys ? "

I was left with a re-wired brain ' glow ' .... as I drove the four hours home.

I thought .... " Now, I know what Dan Rather meant, on 60 Minutes, when he said :

" Rapid Eye Technology .... really works ! " :shock:

Rapid Eye work has saved my life. It has allowed me to super-focus....thus.... my concentration

on my gaming has improved I would say.... at least 500%.

If you go to the Rapid Eye Institute web site and pull down the tech's practicing RET, in your

State, and do at least a 20 minute demo....you will see what I mean !

It will super-charge your gaming because the old useless programs, that we all have, will

no longer be affecting your deductive here-and-now logic. They will no longer be back-ground

running in your sub. con. mind...affecting your 2012 life.

With me, one of the old vaporized programs was.... " When you grow up you will not

amount to anything ! " So, in my mind, I did not amount to anything ....when I grew up.

For decades I was a pinball machine....like marching foward and running my head into a damn tree...

then stumbling back into another tree.....then going foward again into another tree.....never aware I was

trapped in a forest of trees......until....RET..... after that 20 minute session ..I found myself standing on a hill

looking down into that forest of trees I had just escaped from .... and seeing for the first time in my life........

" jesssssssssssss I have been trapped in a tee forest.... for ALL of my life ! " :oops:

The Casino's hire all kinds of head-game people to find ways to take our money. Fight back

with RET ! :evil:

Thoughts ?

aka: W7
PS: Heavy, I have been reading, on the web, about how a group money-pooled craps ideas often makes non-friends out
of pre-shoot friends ?

Mad Professor

W7 - Neural System

Post by Mad Professor » Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:13 am

Hi W7,

To move this discussion along (although I am unconvinced that this thread is the right place to have this particular conversation); can you describe the wager-amounts that you would use in a 'bad' sequence where your bets suffer a longish string of losses.

That is, can you list each bet-amount, and then list the bet-values of each subsequently larger wager when you encounter a long losing series. That would give us a better handle on both the total bankroll-requirements of your system, as well as giving a general sense of how much "butt-clenching" takes place as larger and larger bet-values are placed on the table.



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Re: Pay The Line

Post by WOLFBYTE » Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:54 am

Yo MP......

I printed out your above post so I can correctly target an answer.

I need to go over my files for the best examples......

stay tuned..........


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Re: Pay The Line

Post by heavy » Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:13 pm

Rather than completely hijack Scribe's thread - when you get ready to post this info please do so in the Betting Strategy section. Feel free to use the subject line "Butt Clenching" so we'll know we're on the right track. Thanks.

Scribe - is there any way you could give us a bit more detail on how you are betting - DI versus Method. I don't think you run any risk of revealing any insider info on the method as long as you describe what you bet and not why you bet it. It might help us better understand what's happening here.

"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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