Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neural

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Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neur

Post by Blackcloud » Sat Nov 03, 2012 4:31 pm

;) UNHH!!BC thinks zuma is craps biggest trap :shock: UNHH!!Brave spends many hours finding a way to beat immobile zuma; then goes to white eye or tribal casino, and becomes BACON :!: :roll:

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Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neur

Post by WOLFBYTE » Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:15 am

Sharkbyte, All...........

I just got back on this site. It refused to let me on since noon.....hummmm ?

I ran you above numbers but they did not pencil out when I used start/stop

triggers ?

However, I re-calibrated the 4/10 DP System and have ran almost 1,000

back-to-back Zumma shooters through it. I'm at the 8,000 roll mark.

The new triggers are the best I have ever seen..... Zumma is running through the triggers like

a fine-running Swiss watch.

I had NO idea these new start/stop's would run so well ! :o :shock: 8-) :D

Posting new triggers & results from page #1 ...shooter #1 ....in early AM.

Wow ! ....the Holly Grail could be at hand ?


Mad Professor

Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neur

Post by Mad Professor » Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:04 am

One of my concerns all along with W7's "triple-threat-triumvirate-of-profit-taking-terror" is that everytime it runs into one of those 'loss-anomolies' like happened above; it gets tweaked again...until it runs into the next 'loss-anomoly' after that one...whereupon it gets re-tweaked again.

That is, everytime this 'fool-proof artifical-intelligence system' runs into a major bankroll-devastating loss; it gets re-engineered so that it "would have" overcome that loss...but then the next different-scenario loss comes along...and it gets re-engineered again.

Don't take this the wrong way, but it seems to me that W7's "Holy Grail is near" system is always fighting the last war instead of being engineered to fight the next one.



Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neur

Post by oldjoe » Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:29 am

Last edited by oldjoe on Sat Dec 15, 2012 4:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neur

Post by WOLFBYTE » Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:16 am

MP, All........

MP... The above numbers posted my Sharkbyte, are not right. I checked them against the printed same shooter

numbers in Zumma and used the triggers....Presto ! ..... non-existant numbers appeared !

If you had read the Neural Manual....? ..... you would see the losses and the " fixes " for those losses.

The Neural System wins, playing craps, 84% of the time....that means it loses 14% of the time.

It all comes down to how to handle those losses.

If I do not back-test, when I hit a loss....how the hell am I going to find a way around that loss ?


If you will do a 15-20 minute demo of Rapid Eye Wand Work....it would help you to think and post

like an American. You are an expert on Zumma..... I take it ?

The improved ' triggers " are basically.... EVERY LOSS MUST be capped by a non-betted win. Lose two
bets, in a row, wait for two-non-betted wins to pass by and bet for a full recovery of the lost loot,
on the 3rd 4 or 10 to manifest. Use most all the previous betting start-stop triggers...but...
if a 4 or 10 C/O point requires a real $$$ bet ...but...the shooter rolls 6 or more numbers before an
outcome....take the lay-bets down.
If the shooter rolls a 4 or 10 C/O point and then rolls 6 or more numbers before an outcome...
when the play is used for the " capping " against a run of repeating PL wins.... it is NOT scored as a
" non-event. " Only score it a " non-event " if betting for real MONEY.
This twist on the old trigger, now brings in a lot more 47's and 107's.
AS OF THIS EARLY AM : Tested through 10,600 back to back rolls with only one questionable play.
I really get into the testing....because... I know it carbon-copies over to real Casino play. I
find myself yelling at the numbers, in Zumma testing book, between 44's and 1010's..... Go,Go...
in hopes of long strings of 47's and 107's before a loss manifests...


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Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neur

Post by heavy » Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:52 pm

In light of our pal Wolfbyte's recent passing there seems to have been a revived interest in some of his Neural/Fibo based Capping plays. To that end, I thought I'd bump this thread up to the top of the list. It's a classic. Han's DP 4&10 combined with WB's 4&10 play with the Neural kicker.
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Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neur

Post by Dylanfreake » Sun Dec 29, 2013 5:55 am

I`m happy to have been called a flat-toothed 25 watt generator by w7.

w7 was looking for a way to play so that he would never lose, like we all do. Every time he went to a casino and lost or didn`t win as much as he thought he should , he would tweak his play and come up with a new angle for attack.

When he walked into a casino he had a lot of bucks in his pocket. He thought in large terms and made good use of the money he made from the casinos.

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Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neur

Post by SHOOTITALL » Sun Dec 29, 2013 12:06 pm

Appreciate the bump Heavy. I had forgotten a bunch of that stuff. Maybe BTT can do something with it.
Your craps plan? The dice gods laughed.


Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neur

Post by bryfromtheharbor » Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:31 pm

I stumbled upon some of W7s posts in various places on the interweb. I'm reading along with a testing thread and he really seamed to grind his systems out and get good practice on the moves at each trigger in the trend. I think I'm tracking with his 3+step, Hank 4-10& My 4-10, Neural system. Did anyone join W7 and witness his play? He seamed to layout where he was going and what he planned to do and his trip reports were a hoot + his results stunning.


Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neur

Post by Dylanfreake » Mon Mar 09, 2015 5:31 am

I miss wolfie. He played mostly in Reno, going with tour groups, and the Indian casinos within a few hours drive of Hanford, CA. A lot of his play was at card craps tables.


Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neural

Post by JaxPacific » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:16 am

I swear I have followed W's stuff all over the internet and back. Every time I thought I had his rules figured out.. I would find new rules and a new date stamp. Pretty soon I started searching by date stamp.. which led me back here again. Wow.. what a trip. Sad to hear he passed. He sure put a lot of personality in his posts. haha. Felt like ya knew the guy after reading his stuff!

Once I started struggling to find things past 2013.. I figured it might have been something bad.

As far as his system.. did anyone ever get to the point where they could play it like he did? Or was there always a new set of rules? Was there a final Final FINAL verdict? :)

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Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neural

Post by heavy » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:24 pm

You know, I was thinking about WWWWW on a recent road trip down to the Texas/Mexico boarder. WWWWW always went down to Mexico for his health care treatment - bypass surgery, eye surgery, stomach staple, whatever. He had no fear of Mexican doctors. But what reminded me of him was when I was driving through Brownsville, Texas at night - the street lights would wink out as I drove past them. WWWWW always said he could turn out those street lights when he drove by them. Said it was some sort of psychic energy thing. LOL. Yeah, he always walked the fringe.

I always enjoyed WWWWW's posts. Okay, maybe he spent too much time downwind of Burning Man or something. But I loved his dedication to analysis and his willingness to work the system to win every damn drawing the local casino had. TV's, microwaves, MP3 players, free slot play, cash . . . sometimes all on the same day. It was insane. Most of his strategies were tweaks of Silverthorn plays. For those of you not familiar with Silverthorn, he's a system seller out of New Mexico who bases most of his plays on a fibonacci progression - often adding in second level progressions and always including numerous qualifiers like the "capping" WWWWW talked about. There's really nothing in those systems that a thinking man can't figure out for himself. The thing system sellers do that most people WON'T do is take the time to sit down, put this stuff down on paper, run the simulations, then offer it to the public. They do the grunt work - and there are plenty of folks out there willing to pay them to do it.

New guys to the forum - this thread would be a good one for you to read from beginning to end. If you can figure it out - God bless you.
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- Heavy


Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neural

Post by Dylanfreake » Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:28 am

Were "The Method" and "The System" based on this ??????????

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Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neural

Post by heavy » Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:54 am

LOL. The Method is based on the old Craps Pro system. Lou's "Strategy" is his own creation, but shares some elements of the Method. That's common in a lot of system play - including Silverthorn's. Pretty much all of them have "qualifiers" and "indicators" involved. Many are the same or similar. It's the betting strategy and the execution that differs.
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Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neural

Post by Tgold » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:22 pm

Yes, I agree W7 was certainly a unique character.

I've probably read more of his research/posts in the past few months then before he passed. I had communicated via email with him a few times as he played diceless craps in some of the indian casinos in Ca and someone (from J patricks board) had given him my email/ he assumed that since I lived in okla that I too must play diceless craps. W7 heard that Okla, like Ca, didnt allow craps with dice. We do have three casinos with diceless craps but I dont care for diceless game. However, I did help him some with his statistical analysis.

Our communication usually consisted of:
W7 would send something he wanted me to take a look at, or ask how he should order or analyse the numbers.

Then I would spend several hours on it, send it back to him and then not hear from him for a month or two. I would become frustrated that I had spent several hours on it and since I didnt hear anything from him thought he was no longer interested in the project.
Then I would read in one of his posts that he had been in Tijuana for the last month or two and just finished with a couple of heart surgeries, pneumonia, or foot surgery...etc. Then I would receive an email from him approx 2-3 months later with questions/thoughts about his newest method, and of course detailing his latest trip to the Mexico hospitals, intertwined with his latest craps progression. He would already be planning his next trip to Laughlin or similar junket to wherever. He was certainly very interesting. I somewhat regret that I didnt put forth more effort to befriend him. He seemed like a nice guy that always posted his winning methods free of charge, and truely wanted to help others make more at the craps table.

He was actually more adept at statistical analysis and advanced mathematics than one would perceive from his posts. Because typically when he posted his final conclusion, after relentless hours of analysis, it was usually a post about his latest 17-step or 84-step progression: Fibo-ol hank-nelli influenced-silverthorne-pro-sidestep-zumma verified testified-- progression..etc, LOL. He was certainly entertaining and most importantly believed in what he was doing.

The main thing I do admire about W7 (although I didnt really agree with his style of play), is that he loved the game of craps, and ate,slept, and researched daily, and actually took the time to post all of his findings(on several boards such as here, dice institute, john patricks board, and others Im sure). Taking the time to post more often is an area I could take a lesson from W7.

He was a lifetime winner at Craps and kept precise monetary records. My perception of why he won more often then he lost is that he utilized a large enough bankroll(and was very ready to use it all to take his progression to the last stage), and he preferred to play where the table minimums were low so that he could easily take his preogression to the >=9th, or 15th, or whatever last stage in his progression.

He once sent approx 200 pages of his research, progressions, thoughts, posts...etc dating back probably two decades as he wanted me to assist him with some of his current statistical analysis regarding triggers, stops, capping..etc, as he worked on his latest strategy. He understood statistical analysis(better than most), but he utilized statistics software from the 80s(i think), that wasnt very user friendly. Plus it seemed IMO that although he was tireless in his research, analysis, ...etc , he would seem to always regress back to simply putting a new twist on an old progression(typically based on a Fibo-type steps.). If that didnt win he would combine two or three strategies, and of course tie them to a progression w/capping of losses.


On many of his (Dont) strategies he seemed to do alot of charting/watching for his triggers and then launch one of 3or 4 strategies that he was using at that time. He had alot of Nellies strategy in much of the information I received from him (although I dont know if he purchased the whole package or picked up bits/pieces of info from others). His latest research seemed focused on several triggers for the Do side as well as the (No 4/10 system). IMO his (Ol Hank DP with his 4-10 system, coupled with the Neural as entry wagers) actually has some merit. Although its not my preferred method of play I perceive this particular part of W7s work is probably better at getting the $ than many strategies that are being sold in todays market.

Heavys comment:
"But what reminded me of him was when I was driving through Brownsville, Texas at night - the street lights would wink out as I drove past them. WWWWW always said he could turn out those street lights when he drove by them. Said it was some sort of psychic energy thing. LOL."
Yes, Heavy, his posts seemed to always blend in a couple personal stories, and if one could get through those, he would then pick up where he left off and finish his latest craps research or trip report post. I think he referred to a person as a "Slider" when one makes lights turn on /off.

Your right as he was a master at getting comps, junkets, free prizes..etc from his favorite casinos in Laughlin, Reno, and occasionally vegas. He liked alot of your Dont strategies and especially back when you did the Cowtippin-DontPass progession.

It was entertaining to read some of his/MPs dialogue on the Dice Institute. Which usually consisted of MP et als asking for enough info to code it/test. Then W7 would respond after awhile and indicate he now had altered it by sidestepping a loss by capping. I dont think he ever accepted two losses to the same wager because he always had a way of backing up/sidestepping a loss by "Neuralizing" it. LOL.

Even though he certainly had some peculiar posts, I do perceive he had good intentions/ a strong desire to help other crap players win more often.

All the best,
All the best,

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Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neural

Post by realtime » Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:20 am

heavy wrote: WWWWW always went down to Mexico for his health care treatment - bypass surgery, eye surgery, stomach staple, whatever. He had no fear of Mexican doctors.
Here are a couple articles about W7 and his Mexico health adventures. He actually made it on 20/20, but I can't readily find the clips right now.

From the Hanford Sentinel(CA)...hope it's OK to use these links

http://hanfordsentinel.com/news/hanford ... 56117.html

http://hanfordsentinel.com/news/hanford ... 5d279.html

He was certainly a memorable character. I bet he would be livid over Obamacare.

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Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neural

Post by heavy » Sun Dec 06, 2015 7:14 pm

No problem on those links. Thanks for posting. I'd forgotten all about the 20/20 thing. They should do a follow up piece on him. He went to Mexico for his medical treatment. We featured him on 20/20. He died. Did Obama's minions have him assassinated? No. More likely it was Hillary's hellions. Film at eleven.

News Flash!

Obama says it was Bush's fault.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy


Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neural

Post by bryfromtheharbor » Sun Dec 06, 2015 9:29 pm

I've played what I think was his final tweaked "Hank 4-10& My 4-10, Neural system". I'd have my note book out and be charting the rolls and my play in the Neural. Not a lot to keep track of, but if the table is fast it gets real scetchy keeping up and it is easy to mess up a reverse-repeat. Now even a reverse repeat is a 50/50 coin toss, but it sucks when your bet is down and you hear the out come"11" only to look at your notes and find your on the Dont Pass when you should have revesred back to Pass Line. Dam!

One morning at the IP the field possey all jammed on the left side of the table so, I posted up in the right grumpy corner. The leftside prop action slowed the play enough for me to keep up. They were just chucking and I was rocking. Trending with them, chopping with them, then trending against them, and chopping them up. Though it is only a matter of time before you are placing a $225 pass line bet. Do that and have a $600 lay bet and it gets pretty exciting. If you can leave when the rack is full it is sweet. IF; big friggin IF cause it seams so full proof until the wheels come off. Any how the possey left and had the table to myself. I had control of the tempo. I'd toss the dice, write down the outcome and my play, deal with the next bet, and toss the dice as soon as they sent them. It was so rhythmic and fast it was really fun. I got tired after about a half hour and I mean tired. I was drained Lynda the pit-boss gives me a hard time about my charting just fun ribbing, but Clay was at stick and he said he was going to get a notebook like mine.

W7s success was due to tons of practice and playing when he could control the tempo. You need fast decisions for a decent hourly take, but too fast and you get mixed up.

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Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neural

Post by heavy » Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:56 am

Now THIS was a hot topic from our late friend Wolfbyte, aka WWWWWWW. Check it out.
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Re: Hank's DP 4/10 & my 4/10 DP System...glued into the Neural

Post by heavy » Fri Mar 09, 2018 11:44 am

Time for my semi-annual salute to the late Wolfbyte, aka wwwww, and his Hank's DP plus WB's 4/10 Lay system tied to the Neural system and WB's 3 Capping.

Say what?

Bet the DP, when the time is right Lay the 4 and 10 using a negative fibonacci progression. Or something like that. Dig in and read the entire thread, my friends. But if you have questions you'll have to offer them up in your craps prayers as Wolfbyte is now at that great game in the sky.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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