Hit and Run Anyone?

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Hit and Run Anyone?

Post by heavy » Sun May 06, 2012 11:49 am

While I don’t have a lot of faith in due number or average hand theories at craps, there is something to be said for “getting in, getting up, and getting gone.” One way to do that is through one of the many variants of the “Hit and Down” play.

The Hit and Down move is a play that attempts to provide the crapster with a quick win based on the “average” game at craps. The average number of rolls before a decision is made in a craps game is just under 3.6. That includes the Come Out roll – when the outcome of the game can be decided by naturals or craps rolling roughly 34% of the time. If we by-pass the come out roll, then the average number of rolls before the point is decided either by the point repeating or the seven showing is roughly 2.6. If you toss out the non-paying numbers – craps and elevens - the average number of paying numbers that will show before a pass line winner rolls or the seven settles the bet is just under two. That’s how we ultimately arrive at the one hit and down concept.

Which number should you bet? The above calculations assume that you are placing all of the numbers for one hit and down. Of course, one time in six the seven will show on the first roll and the house will rake your chips. It’s times like those that demonstrate where “averages” come from. Some rolls are longer – and some are much shorter. But short hands are the rule rather than the exception.

$30 six and eight - one hit and down - maximum exposure three rolls after come-out, then turn 'em off and wait for the next shooter? What do you think? Other than boring . . . is this a good way to play?
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy


Re: Hit and Run Anyone?

Post by djj711 » Sun May 06, 2012 12:24 pm

i tried doing the iron cross for just one roll after the come-out. $25 on 5, $30 on 6-8, $15 field. just to pick up a few bucks. there are too many point-7's so i gave up pretty quickly.


Re: Hit and Run Anyone?

Post by nitrxjunky » Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:10 pm

That's funny, this is basically what I did on one of my first trips to Foxwoods after I really started studying craps throwing and strategies. I bought in for $500 and would play $110 on the inside for one roll at a time, constantly turning my bets on and off. I don't even think I was watching for triggers, just listening to my spidey senses. One dealer said I had the perfect strategy for not losing, "put all your money on the table and turn it off, guaranteed not to lose." I would piggy back a toke on my bets for the extra work. In the end I walked away up over $700. Haven't tried it since because it is a very boring way to play. I think my play was based more on fear than patience.

wild child
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Re: Hit and Run Anyone?

Post by wild child » Tue Dec 25, 2012 11:49 pm


J O B = Just Over Broke

You ended that session with a TERRIFIC DAY RATE.....

There are many people enduring boring even dangerous jobs for far smaller DAY RATE........

Even if you could see that return once a week x 40 weeks , you would enjoy a LARGE SUPPLEMENT
to your everyday routine job.

Just me saying


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Re: Hit and Run Anyone?

Post by hotshooter » Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:37 pm

Need discipline to play this way. This is a boring method for me. Only downside it takes you away from the hot rolls. I can deal with 2 hits and down.

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Re: Hit and Run Anyone?

Post by texxazz » Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:31 pm

I watch veteran craps players go 160 across...2 hits and down..and happen to know one person I personally have never seen lose this way. Now, I have watched them lose as many as 3 160 acrosses in a row with point 7's and still walk off a winner. They put 160 across, 2 hits and down to 22 inside and press and take like theres no tomorrow. Yes, 30.00 6 and 8 is a good way to play in my opinion..yes I agree its a tad boring. How I like to play on myself only, is 26 or 27 across with double odds no matter the point and full press any number and keeping the 2nd hit on that number, and press 1 unit until I reach green and then I start playing by my gut... Im just out to get my money back with a small investment and I dont care which number gives me my money back...if you walk up and see 5.00 sitting on my 5 and 60.00 on my 8..you know i've been bringing that 8 back alot....I have gotten away from pressing anything that I'm not rolling...like pressing the 6 and 8 just because they are twins dont make any sense in my hands...I may hit the 8 10 times and never touch the 6.

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Re: Hit and Run Anyone?

Post by hotshooter » Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:49 pm

I guess it depends how much you want to win and at which betting level you still get excited. I am also leaning on the across play on myself and other qualified shooters with regression. Personally, say $6 6 and 8 or $12 6 and 8 a hit and down doesn't excite me.

Tn Nighthawk

Re: Hit and Run Anyone?

Post by Tn Nighthawk » Mon Dec 31, 2012 4:35 pm

Exactly Shooter.
That's why I've been losing lately. Haven't been charting like I should, and taking a hit or two and down.
I think there's something to be said for hit and run, especially since there are so many venues in Tunica.
May give that a shot next time.
TN Nighthawk

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Re: Hit and Run Anyone?

Post by SHOOTITALL » Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:55 pm

On a hit and run, saw one fellow just watch the table for a few minutes, then layed the 10, two rolls later, collected and was gone. Seems as good a way as any to make a buck or two. I see no reason why not say at the table and do that: When the shooter gets deep into the hand and not rolling a bunch of 4's & 10's, lay the 4 or 10. Maybe start at $41 for two or three wins, then goose it up to the next level with the profits. Just an idea.
Your craps plan? The dice gods laughed.

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