FIRE BET with a little help from the box

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Re: FIRE BET with a little help from the box

Post by heavy » Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:45 pm

I love it when a plan comes together.
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Re: FIRE BET with a little help from the box

Post by Mad Professor » Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:50 pm

How do you teach Shamu the whale to do unnatural acts?

No, not THOSE kinds of unnatural acts :lol: , but rather the jumping-through-a-hoop-of-fire type of unnatural act, or teaching a dog how to play Beethoven's Fifth Symphony?


Using Shamu's case, fish...and in the dealer-crew's case, tokes; you can train them to do pretty much ANYTHING that's even semi-legal.

If they think they have YOU trained as a good tipper; it's just as likely that they'll happily subject themselves to whatever YOU want to train them to do...including automatically shifting other players bets out of your shooting-lane. ;)

Hell, many 'well-trained' dealers will automatically color-shift a multi-chip line-bet so that even the now-out-of-the-way chip-stacks are even lower (and thus less likely to be clipped) in their dice-trajectory profile.

Well done on the Fire-bet, Dave.


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Re: FIRE BET with a little help from the box

Post by Knick111 » Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:54 pm

greetings dave.

congraulation on hitting the the big one.

hope you had a dime on it.

and that's why I tell the members to play $5 dollars on every hard way for the dealers, when
you come to puerto rico.

the dealers will automaticity BECOME your PARTNERS on every roll of the dice.


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Re: FIRE BET with a little help from the box

Post by pappyvanwinkle » Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:41 pm

Yeah, there's no harm in asking that people move their chips. During my long roll in Tunica, I stopped and shoved the dice away and asked SIA to tell the guy at the other end of the table to pick up his 2-3 white chips. Since I was shooting straight out, the bets were lined up to give me a path where to shoot. After pressing some bet, the dealer was returning the player's change and placed them right in the middle of where I was tossing them.

First the dealer's told me they couldn't move a player's chips, which is bull, they move player's chips all the time to space them out. Anyways, I just told them I know you can't I'm asking the player to move them.
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Re: FIRE BET with a little help from the box

Post by al_falcons » Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:00 pm

pappyvanwinkle wrote:Yeah, there's no harm in asking that people move their chips. During my long roll in Tunica, I stopped and shoved the dice away and asked SIA to tell the guy at the other end of the table to pick up his 2-3 white chips. Since I was shooting straight out, the bets were lined up to give me a path where to shoot. After pressing some bet, the dealer was returning the player's change and placed them right in the middle of where I was tossing them.

First the dealer's told me they couldn't move a player's chips, which is bull, they move player's chips all the time to space them out. Anyways, I just told them I know you can't I'm asking the player to move them.
Pappy, every time I ask someone to move their chips, I throw 7-out on the next roll!!! UUUGGGHHH.. LOL.
Last edited by al_falcons on Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: FIRE BET with a little help from the box

Post by goliquid » Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:03 pm

Yes Al. I get the same thing. Every time I ask somebody to move chips. I get 7 out within 2 roll.


Re: FIRE BET with a little help from the box

Post by goliquid » Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:06 pm

This week at AC, first time My wife hit 1 five fire and one 4 fire.

Also few of the Seven star benefit I got this week,

- Free movies at room.
- Free Adult movies
- Internet free on room.

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Re: FIRE BET with a little help from the box

Post by Knick111 » Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:47 pm

greetings goldliquid.

let me get this straight- [ 1 ]-free movies in room.
[ 2 ]-free adult movies.
[ 3 ]-free internet in room.

my friend- WHY GAMBLE AT ALL.

luck at the casino this week end. JAIME. F.S.P.R. u.s.a. :) :) :) .


Re: FIRE BET with a little help from the box

Post by vegasfan2010 » Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:43 pm

I like players who tell others to move chips for me. I always thank them both. I look out for other players too. I like players who are aware of the table situation. It is great when a complete stranger moves their chips when I start to shoot.

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Re: FIRE BET with a little help from the box

Post by pappyvanwinkle » Thu Jan 03, 2013 9:12 pm

If I'm trying to keep the area free of chips, I either tell them, the dice seem to be landing right there and I'm superstitious, so if they could move their chips a few inches away.

of course at the same time, you get the players who respond with "I'll put my god damn chips where ever I want, just toss the damn dice!"
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Re: FIRE BET with a little help from the box

Post by texxazz » Fri Jan 04, 2013 7:08 am

I've actually been playing on tables "just playing" ....where people come and put 30-50 in odds all in whites, exactly where I'm landing. I call it the Eifel Tower when they do this. I have scattered the people chips on purpose so many times in a row and the casino box look at me and say....stop knocking their chips over, and usually they will color them up so that player dont have an Eifel Tower any longer. However, remember what I said at first, "just playing" I would never do that with any money in action. I just find another landing spot and keep on rolling when daddy is trying to get new shoes!

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Re: FIRE BET with a little help from the box

Post by texxazz » Fri Jan 04, 2013 7:24 am

Okay, another small story that actually pertains to the subject of this thread....I made a 6 number firebet at sams town in shreveport and after the 4th or 5th point the box and the dealers were really into it. The 6 number firebet there only pays 1500.00. However it was on their crapless craps table and after about the 5th point, I decided to quit playing the YO on the come out (which is what I do on normal tables) and the box said.....NO SIR, YOU BETTTER KEEP DOING EXACTLY WHAT YOUR DOING YOUR NOT GOING TO CHANGE A THING ITS WORKING FOR YOU BABY KEEP DOING IT! So, I kept doing it, my last point was 10......I layed 500 against it, which only left about 125 in my rack and I made it. So, when I made it I had been shooting for over 30 minutes.......after the cheering and applause I started shooting again and I kind of lost hope I'm thinking...what am I working for now? I told my what do I do now, no more firebet for this hand...she said, you dont worry about that, we are going to keep on making money baby! You just shoot them dice and we are going to make some real money now! So...remember I dang near emptied my rack laying against my 6th point....I still made 600 more because with my payout of 1500.00, I ended up coloring up 2200 that night..not bad for throwing 500 away laying for my 6th point. The box and dealers were definitely on my team. I estimated the tips I gave later that night, it was somewhere between 150 and 200 for them. I had been been giving the dealers shoes with odds beside my PL bet mostly.


Re: FIRE BET with a little help from the box

Post by pradice » Sun Apr 14, 2013 3:00 pm

This post regarding table chip etiquette is a reminder of two instances this month for me.. I was in the teens on a roll of mostly inside numbers when a guy walks up to the other end of the table and puts at least a hundred dollars in white and red on the field, as my throw was in motion. I stopped my throw, said a few choice words, turned off every bet but pass with odds, as did two other player friends of mine, and threw an eight for the point. Next,on my come out roll the jerk places another towering chip stack on the field, earlier this time, I set for 7's , got lucky and rolled a 4-3. He then left the table, sweet revenge !

I have asked players in every nice way I can to move chips either for me or my girlfriend , more times than not they growl a little, ignore me, or mouth off. Last week my girlfriend asked a player to scoot his chips a little so we could all make more money, He shouted out," lady you are disrupting the flow of the table". She is as friendly as they come, and usually players gladly move em. I sevened out the next throw.

So many players are a combination of stupid and / or inconsiderate in their table etiquette. Many don't really understand the game, much less how to win. I focus much more lately to always remain calm, and work around the traffic if I have to. Only if I have good rapport with a player will I suggest he move his chips a little for my girlfriends shot from the other end.

good luck to all


Re: FIRE BET with a little help from the box

Post by priceisright » Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:54 pm

awesome thanks to this blog i asked the same thing and rolled my hardways that i had been hopping! the guy at the end of the table never put his chips in my way again! and then started betting the hardways with me

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