when, where, and how do you tip the dealers?

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when, where, and how do you tip the dealers?

Post by Dave73 » Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:50 am

I am a firm believer in tipping, not just at casinos, but anywhere else I receive a service from someone. I also tip in cash at restaurants, hair cut places, etc. I figure I already paid taxes on that money, I don't want 25-30% of my tipped money going to the government again...

At the table I usually tip early on... A few times throughout the game, then again at the end. I always tip by matching a bet, but if it losses I take a mental note that the dealers haven't really been tipped yet. Usually I match a pl or DC bet, but if I'm making a rare HW bet with an even point I'll make it 2 way... more for fun than anything

I know some people only tip if they are winning.
Some people only tip by throwing out a buck on a sucker bet.

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Re: when, where, and how do you tip the dealers?

Post by heavy » Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:59 am

My philosophy has always been to toss out a toke/bet immediately after buy-in in order to send a message to the stick and dealers that you're on their side. Then make another toke/bet at every stick change. That's a buck or two every twenty minutes - three to six bucks an hour - that might turn into much more if they hit on any of the bets. If the point is an even number I'll usually make my toke bet on the hardway. If I'm the shooter I put it on the pass line. If the point is four or ten I'd consider putting my toke on the free odds. If I'm winning and the dealers are doing a great job I'll also toss in a buck each on the six and eight. Regardless of the bet - always "player control." Pressing them up a bit when they hit keeps them in the game and builds excitement. Also, when I color up at the end of the hand I'll usually hand in any odd white chips I have left.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy


Re: when, where, and how do you tip the dealers?

Post by Dave73 » Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:18 pm

do you tip when you are losing?

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Re: when, where, and how do you tip the dealers?

Post by amish dude » Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:03 pm

I put up a bet $1 for dealers with MY pass line bet and tell them I control the wager so it does not wind up in the toke box if it hits. they love it when it hits they get the winnings and still get to see there bet win more for them ! same if I tell them this is for the box #ers i control it
all to often it winds up in the toke box. when I color up the extra whites are for the dealer
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Re: when, where, and how do you tip the dealers?

Post by KnowNothing » Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:36 pm

Pass-line on top, odds 4&10 (2 for 1), $1 from every DC/place hedge won, $1 after losing roll, all whites after colour-up. Tipping is fundamental, key to advantage play.



Re: when, where, and how do you tip the dealers?

Post by AtGame7 » Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:59 pm

I will make the odd bet here and there for the crew while I am playing.

I tend to over tip when I am winning and I do it on purpose because there are times I walk away from the table with nothing in the rack which means no tip for the crew.

Recently I have been making sure to put two red chips in my back pocket when I start along with a $5 bill. That way no matter what happens the crew gets $10 and I can tip the valet when they bring my car.


Re: when, where, and how do you tip the dealers?

Post by pradice » Tue Aug 27, 2013 6:24 pm

Like the above commenters, I also am a big believer in tipping.. It shows class and creates good karma..

ONLY WITH GOOD SERVICE I TIP: waitresses, airline baggage claim folks, bellmen, hosts, valets, maids, crews, even the guy who always services my 40 something work vehicle tires.

Most of these people make far less money than the rest of us, so I share. Maids deserve more than valets.

Most people are horrible tippers these days, a pitiful indicator of general society. ANd yes even if I lose I usually leave something when I color up.. Believe me, they remember..

I agree with Heavy, start tipping very early in the game, the crew is very conscious of who is "with em". It creates excitement and good karma, which can create more winners. I alternate between a hand in bet, line bet, odds, and occasionally a prop bet.

good luck to all

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Re: when, where, and how do you tip the dealers?

Post by LeftyAJ » Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:53 pm

If I happen to roll an obvious "shorty" I'll immediately toss a two way hard eight and six for me and the dealers just to let the stick know, that I know my roll was short and "thanks" for ignoring it.


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Re: when, where, and how do you tip the dealers?

Post by acpa » Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:33 pm

I have a simple method.

If I am betting on me or a randie and I have a come out natural. I put it next to my pass line bet(recently if the table has the fire or TSA bet and it can be madeI ask if the dealers want the $1 or that exotic bet or on the pass line).

if it is a pass line, after that bet is decided, I pickie back the dollar after the next comeout natural on my bet and it stays up as long as my bet continues to win on that shooter.

If they take the exotic bet I after the next bet is decided, I piggy back the next come out natural.

Had an interesting thought that I have never faced. What would I do if the first three rolls were natural come out winners and they chose the exotic bet the first time.


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Re: when, where, and how do you tip the dealers?

Post by Blackcloud » Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:01 pm

;) UNHH!!BC use any craps on the kamikaze come-out; as the target is the YO 8-)

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Re: when, where, and how do you tip the dealers?

Post by 12gauge » Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:25 am

I piggyback 2 dollars on my passline odds and they stay up on a win, if you get on a pretty good roll it puts quite a few chips in their box. when the roll gets real good I add piggybacked chips to my place bets.


Re: when, where, and how do you tip the dealers?

Post by FredP » Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:08 pm

I like to place the 6 & 8 and I intermittently add a piggyback $1 for the dealers on my number. In AC they get $2 for the $1 bet. Sometimes the $1 goes a long way!


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Re: when, where, and how do you tip the dealers?

Post by Inspector » Wed Aug 28, 2013 3:22 pm

The other day I was in on a FB of 5 points. My $4 and the dealers $1 hit for $250/$1.
That exotic bet seems to work well to get them rooting for the shooters when the table is running hot and hotting a lot of 3 pointers.
Though on a cold table where no one is hitting the 2nd point you can see it in their eyes as they wonder why you even bother to tip them if it is just going to be flushed away. They like to gamble a little too .... but not too much. :)



Re: when, where, and how do you tip the dealers?

Post by Yazworm91 » Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:21 am

(This is winning or losing) If im on the PL or DP, I always either have 6$ or 11$ and every win I tip them that dollar. If I have a 6$ 6 or 8 I usually tip them a dollar on the first hit. And then a dollar on every other hit(sometimes every hit). I generally will throw out a 2$ hard 6 or 8. If it hits I always parlay it and if it hits again I throw them a green. And then I tip at the end always.

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