
Queue the Imperial March. DarthNater is in the house. Welcome to Heavy's Wrong Way Craps forum - where the discussions focus on the Dark Side of casino craps. You can bet our resident expert, DarthNater, has answers. If he doesn't, there are plenty of other Dark Siders who normally stand quietly down at the end of the table who will be more than willing to chime in. Not sure about making Don't Come Bets? Unsure about Lay Bets, and Laying Odds? Never heard of the One Hit - Can't Miss? Wouldn't know a Hybrid Play from a Zee-Donk? You've come to the right place. You'll find all that - plus Dark Side strategies for Dice Influencers - and MORE! Come on in.

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Post by Blackcloud » Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:39 am

;) UNHH!!AKA DF's corner. 8-)

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Re: Dylanfreak

Post by heavy » Thu Aug 29, 2013 7:39 am

Actually, I would not mind seeing DF crank up his own personal thread in the Experts Speak board. DF - if you're up for that I'll help you set it up.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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Re: Dylanfreak

Post by Golfer » Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:13 am

Can there be a sub board for any of the following? Cowtippin. Growing Taters & Peppers. New Orleans.

Just asking.



Re: Dylanfreak

Post by Dylanfreake » Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:20 pm

I have been trying to drift into oblivion.

I do miss Darkside talk. I have basically become mute since I don`t shoot the dice.

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Re: Dylanfreak

Post by wudged » Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:29 pm

DF, I've tried cowtippin a few times now. Granted it's not anywhere near large enough a sample, but out of 5 times I've busted out 3 of them. How often would you say bust out? Do you have a win-goal where you stop or do you always just play until Gail is ready to go? What do you do when you bust out?


Re: Dylanfreak

Post by Dylanfreake » Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:33 pm

I resumed playing the Dylan-nacchi on July 4th of this year . After playing 7.5 hours I busted out. For that 7.5 hours of play I was down $12.

Since then I have played for 15.25 hours and have not busted out. I am ahead $1279 for that 15.25 hours of play.

Before when I played this way , I busted out every 5 or 6 hours of play.

Usually when I bust out , I just take a break.

The next time I play craps which will be this weekend, since my bankroll is over $12,000, I shall use this Dylan-nacchi (Cowtippin`) series: 25 /25/ 25 35 45 60 80 105 140

Add `em up and if you lose all 9 wagers , you are down $540. Since I have not had a losing session in 15.25 hours , I do expect to lose, but I will not be disappointed if I win. Sounds kind of crazy, but it`s craps and you will win some and lose some.

I don`t have a win-goal. If I have to meet Gail for dinner at 7PM , I try to play as close to 7PM as possible but if I get ahead around 6:15 or 6:30, I will leave the table instead of starting a new series. I hate it when I am 5 or 6 bets behind in a series and must leave the table for dinner or to go home.

The DP is just the wager I like to make. It will lose more times than it wins. I feel like I am a sitting duck a lot of sessions---really every time I play.

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Re: Dylanfreak

Post by wudged » Fri Aug 30, 2013 6:48 am

Did you switch back from a regular don't pass plus odds to the dylan-nacchi because of too much exposure?

Instead of increasing the bets for the series have you thought of starting at $5 still and just extending the number of bets made?

Thanks again for all your insight!

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Re: Dylanfreak

Post by Blackcloud » Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:55 pm

;) UNHH!!BC wonder if Dy brave ever tipped a bull :?:

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Re: Dylanfreak

Post by wild child » Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:09 pm


You accept getting THE MONEY for WINNING WAGERS
and by pass SHOOTING TO GET PAID...

May I ask this :?: to further clarify your highly effective game plan..
and help us to develop a perspective on what it takes to carry more to
the Cashier's Cage than may have been originally brought to the table

If you bypassed making the D/P wager on ALL SHOOTERS first Come Out ( C/O ) roll
and only made the D/P on the shooter's 2Nd or 3Rd Come Out(C/O ) roll
do you feel your win rate and/or total $$$$ won would have been affected ?.........

At one time ,I believe you only wagered the D/P .

Do you now make any Don't Come ( D/C ) wagers. and how many would you advise ?.

If so do you limit the number of D/C per shooter ?

Do you leave the wager up or take down should
the wager go against ( behind) the Six or Eight ?


PS : D F Please describe once more your patent Cow Tipping program...

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Re: Dylanfreak

Post by wudged » Fri Aug 30, 2013 6:27 pm

I actually went back and read through the cowtip thread where DF actually had already previously answered the questions I had earlier in this thread.

Here's a link to the specific post about the cowtip


While looking around at other systems I also ran across another called the 31 system, which is extremely similar.

The progression goes 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 8 8 (total of 31 units) Starting at 1, if you win the very first bet you are done and start over. On any loss, move to the next step. Any win besides the very first bet, you parlay it. If the parlay wins, you start over again. Using a $5 unit size, this costs $155 as opposed to cow tip which costs $175. The difference is that cow tip allows an extra step at the beginning to win the series with a single bet instead of requiring a parlay win.

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Re: Dylanfreak

Post by wild child » Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:35 pm

This is starting out as a solid thread....

Says a lot for the power of patience and holding to A GAME PLAN....


It has been in my experience UNUSUAL to witness four ( 4 ) shooters in an unbroken string
go P S O or even Point PLAY SEVEN OUT without at least one ( occasional) player actually
repeating at least one P/L.... Runs - TRENDS do occur seemingly like an odd occurrence that
our minds seem to TOO EASILY RECALL..........

For my part, to play the DARK SIDE has in COMMONALITY with the DO SIDE in that I attempt
to break it down to Game opening.....MID GAME ...and END GAME with some DEPARTURE RULE
to get me and my DOLLARS away from a dismal ending............I like to HALT before playing to ruination.......

In a RIGHT SIDE GAME,I normally avoid betting on the hand of shooters who open with prolonged

( Other than a proven D I who has demonstrated the ability to pick up "BONUS BUCKS" and those astute enough to wager into such hands, and such is RARE INDEED )

WHIRL /WORLD wild and mixture of C/O HORN #'s interspersed with SEVENS prior to establishing
a PASS LINE POINT......... Come Out Rolls of the like destroy both the PASS LINE and DON'T PASS LINE wagers....

After such a shooter settles down and actually sets the P/L ..there may be an opportunity for
the dedicated DARK SIDE PLAYER to take easy pickings....

Here bypassing the D/P on the C/O and Paying the Vig and LAYING AGAINST THE POINT may be
passage to the Win Circle..... Should the shooter repeat the NUMBER , only one wager is lost/

While most players fail short of grasping the concept,there are moments when
THE DON'T COME (D/C) wager returns profit in a short time span.......

Nothing is guaranteed ...The DARK SIDE WAGER MAKER will do best to stay alert



Re: Dylanfreak

Post by Craps75 » Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:32 am

I'm just starting my journey to the dark side and I would love for DylanFreak to post here.

DylanFreak, don't set on the side lines just because you don't shoot the dice anymore! There are plenty of people here who would love to hear what you have to say.

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Re: Dylanfreak

Post by amish dude » Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:58 pm

Craps75 wrote:I'm just starting my journey to the dark side and I would love for DylanFreak to post here.

DylanFreak, don't set on the side lines just because you don't shoot the dice anymore! There are plenty of people here who would love to hear what you have to say.
Rumor has it he might be in Tunica. Bet on me $500 no 4 as I set the 3 V set

have not hit a 4 yet with that set but have it hard 10 plenty of times
The opinions stated here are the sole opinions and rights of the Author


Re: Dylanfreak

Post by Dylanfreake » Sun Sep 01, 2013 4:55 pm

Believe me , when I have a DP wager on the felt , I bring out the best in shooters.

I just got home from Tunica and I will write up a Trip report. I will tell you now , I did come home with a loss . Some of the above questions will be answered in the trip report.

Gail was the big winner coming home with $800.

I hate it but Gail has us booked in Las Vegas , got a cheap non-stop flight, out of Little Rock Sept 20 -25, so I will not be in Tunica the weekend of Heavy`s and Howards seminar.. Hey, that`s good for me with all the good shooters in town.

I`ll get that trip report posted later on tonight or early in the morning.

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Re: Dylanfreak

Post by Pacecar » Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:30 am

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