How Do You Set Up Your Chip Rack?

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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rhythm roller
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How Do You Set Up Your Chip Rack?

Post by rhythm roller » Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:23 am


Not exactly sure where this topic should go so hope it is OK to ask it here.

This may seem like a real simplistic topic but I would guess there will be a few different answers to this.
After buying in at the casino, how do you set up your chip rack and what information do you look to gain from the session by doing it this way?

This is what I do but think maybe I could gain more or different information if I did it differently. Of course all denominations are separated into like kinds. I put everything in the front rail and as I win I put winnings in the back rail. Also I use 6 chips laying on their sides (one for each box number) and rotate an 8th of a turn for each box number that is hit. Once the shooter 7's out then I return everything to the front rail and start again with the next shooter. I am about 99 percent right side shooter and better with small but steady progression or sometimes regression after a couple of hits to make sure to break even and then progress.

So how do you set up your chip rail and why do you do it? Do Don't betters do it differently than right betters? Please list your basic betting strategy so I can learn from your set up!

Thanks! :D
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Re: How Do You Set Up Your Chip Rack?

Post by heavy » Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:29 am

Mine is fairly simple. I set it up to mirror the boxman's bank. Big value chips in the middle surrounded on each side by decreasingly smaller value chips. Example - Five black chips in the middle - ten green chips on each side of the black chips - ten red chips on the outside edges of the green chips - ten white chips on the outside edges of the red chips. The whole idea in this is to present your lowest value chips on the outside, where they could potentially be grabbed by a rail bird stealing chips. You may not be able to stop someone from getting into your chip rack when you're tossing the dice - but you can be sure he has to work hard to get anything more than a $1 chip. BTW, giving credit where credit is due, I got this idea (and it's the only idea of his I've stuck with through the years) from one of Scoblete's early books. I have no idea who he got the idea from. Probably from the (ahem) Captain.
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- Heavy


Re: How Do You Set Up Your Chip Rack?

Post by AtGame7 » Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:20 am

I'm with Heavy on this one. I just set it up to protect my chips from potential thieves. On the occasions I get anything bigger than a black chip it goes into my pocket. That is not to say it doesn't come back out if I want to put it play, but for safe keeping the purple and bigger go into my pocket.

Of course then my OCD kicks in and I check to make sure they are still there every 5 seconds of so.


Re: How Do You Set Up Your Chip Rack?

Post by freak » Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:46 am

We used to do buy-in in front and winnings in the back. But we evolved away from that style. Now we usually buy in for $300 - $500 and put half in the back. This is a reminder of our loss limit, as we only play the front chips. We don't worry too much about chip theft since I almost always get next to stick and L is next to me. I have most of the chips and she just keeps a few to show she's in the game. If we can't get SL1 or SR1 we just have the chips slid to the center of the separator that is between our positions. We did uses chips to count rolls but now we take the book and write the numbers down so no need for that anymore. If we start to go on a hot streak the non shooter will pocket the green chips. After a long roll it's fun to discover how many green are in the pocket. ;)

Many times we've seen a player leave for 5 - 20 minutes and leave their chips in the rail next to us asking the dealer to watch them. It amazes me that anyone would leave $50 - $500 just sitting a casino! Crazy.

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Re: How Do You Set Up Your Chip Rack?

Post by heavy » Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:21 pm

Keeping your "walk away" money in the back rack is a good idea. But I'd set it up the same way as the front rack - with low denomination chips on the outside. Also consider Dice Doctor's money management play where he divides his session bankroll by the number of players at the table. Let's say you have $500 in the rack and 10 players - you set up $50 to bet on each of ten shooters (assuming you bet on every shooter). Feed all winnings into the back rack. If you have any of the $50 left when he sevens out you put that in the back rack as well. Do this on every shooter. After one trip around the table count up your chips and divide them by the number of players again - repeat as long as you choose to play. Quit while you are ahead. Pretty good system.
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Re: How Do You Set Up Your Chip Rack?

Post by amish dude » Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:45 pm

freak wrote:If we start to go on a hot streak the non shooter will pocket the green chips. After a long roll it's fun to discover how many green are in the pocket. ;)

Many times we've seen a player leave for 5 - 20 minutes and leave their chips in the rail next to us asking the dealer to watch them. It amazes me that anyone would leave $50 - $500 just sitting a casino! Crazy.
I was shooting with ??shooter after we where finished I said to them at the cage did you make money off my toss and they said of course they did, as the pulled a ton of green chips from there pocket as Madprofessor says rat hole them there green chips !
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Re: How Do You Set Up Your Chip Rack?

Post by Dave73 » Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:27 pm

For a while I was buying in for my loss limit and putting it all in the rack. If a bet won, the winnings went in my pocket and the wager went back to the rack. If the bet lost it lost. The rack never gets replenished. Id quit when the rack was empty, i got hit by several consecutive losses, or I felt as if it was time to be done. The good thing is that Id always walk away with something unless I lost every single bet.


Re: How Do You Set Up Your Chip Rack?

Post by KnowNothing » Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:19 pm

Chips are always snug to the left in front rail. While shooting, winnings are verified correct payout then placed to the right (empty space). If overflowing, rack them in the 2nd back rail. After the 7 shows, this enables a decent synopsis of how my hand went, bar action lost of course. Left brain/right brain cliche... "you never count your money while you're sitting at the table, there'll be time enough countin' when the dealings done". I do sneak a tally prior to the come out when relaxing, always semi-aware how close I am to my win objective. Been known to simply pass the dice & walk away. ;)

I organize exactly how Heavy detailed. Shrapnel (change) on the outsides, precious clay blocked in the middle. One of the 1st rules I picked up, having never gambled in a casino prior to DI endeavors. Sure it's similar how poker players learn to protect their cards from word go.

ALWAYS request a rack cover prior to walking away from the table. In A/C, Amish Dude caught me acting as though I was in my local casino, casually disappearing. Always make it known you are stepping away for the toilet, smoke, toke, chat up a fem/prossie... whatever. I intentionally use the suit & dealer name so they watch my rack, making defintive eye contct; they watch w/overdramatic intent while we shoot... they can keep an eye on the rack when you need to drop a deuce... "Edward, Ted, I need to step away, may I please have a cover?" Another plus to tipping?!

Two pence,


Re: How Do You Set Up Your Chip Rack?

Post by Ahigh » Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:43 pm


You just missed Kenny Rogers, he was performing in Primm a few days ago at Buffalo Bill's. DARN IT!!!

Maybe there's at least one guy who you could endorse for giving out good advice.

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Re: How Do You Set Up Your Chip Rack?

Post by Knick111 » Wed Sep 04, 2013 11:18 pm

Greetings Ahigh,

Thank you for that url for Kenny rogers the gambler.

I recorded the song. JAIME.


Re: How Do You Set Up Your Chip Rack?

Post by mycoalsmith » Sat Sep 14, 2013 8:38 am

I usually keep my chips in the back rail with higher chips to the left and $1.00 chips on the right. After reading this, I think I'll keep the $1.00 chips on either side with the bigger chips in the middle!

I usually play the same way once I get into a game. As the winnings start coming in, I place them in the front rail. I like to get all of my investment that is on the table into the front rail before I start pressing. Once the 7 out occurs, I'm able to quickly tally up how that hand went.

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