Not exactly sure where this topic should go so hope it is OK to ask it here.
This may seem like a real simplistic topic but I would guess there will be a few different answers to this.
After buying in at the casino, how do you set up your chip rack and what information do you look to gain from the session by doing it this way?
This is what I do but think maybe I could gain more or different information if I did it differently. Of course all denominations are separated into like kinds. I put everything in the front rail and as I win I put winnings in the back rail. Also I use 6 chips laying on their sides (one for each box number) and rotate an 8th of a turn for each box number that is hit. Once the shooter 7's out then I return everything to the front rail and start again with the next shooter. I am about 99 percent right side shooter and better with small but steady progression or sometimes regression after a couple of hits to make sure to break even and then progress.
So how do you set up your chip rail and why do you do it? Do Don't betters do it differently than right betters? Please list your basic betting strategy so I can learn from your set up!