$300 in comp chips, flat bets only--how would you bet them?

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$300 in comp chips, flat bets only--how would you bet them?

Post by dork » Fri Sep 20, 2013 7:35 am

Like the title says. Let's say you've been given $300 in "free play" chips ($5 units) but you can only use them on the Pass, Don't Pass, Come a and Don't Come lines. How would you use them?

I'm tryin' to find a play for them, and of course limit the possibility of losing real money (as opposed to the loss of the free-play chips). My imagination is limited to maybe something like this:

I bet $5 on the PL and roll a 4. I bet $216 across in real money, $40 real odds, and a $150 Come bet to cover a PSO seven on the next roll. (If I roll a PSO seven, then I've only lost $111 instead of $261.) But let's say I roll a 6. I get paid $56 and take down the 48 place bet on the 6. Now I have $213 in real money out there--$168 in place bets and $45 on the PL ($5 w/40 odds), and a $150 even-money bet on the 6. That's the best I can come up with for an idea on how to use $300 in comp chips. (Of course, I'd run a variation of this as many times as the $300 funny money lasts.) At least this way, I stand to salvage part of the value of the comps on their first roll of exposure, instead of just having them exposed to a losing number outright. If I hit the 6 again, I win $150--I'd place the 6 for $48 and have a total of $261 on the table at a cost of $63. (Or if I'm chicken little, I could regress all the bets/odds to show a profit, and run the same game over again when I seven out.)

Anybody got a better idea? I'd love to hear'em. There's gotta be a better way to use the comps (maybe as insurance) instead of just burning them up piecemeal as the Pass or Don't bets. The only other thing I could think of is to spend the comps piecemeal on the Pass Line in combination with Horn or Hop bets, but I couldn't figure out a good scheme that paid part of the comp's value immediately and left the comp bet on the table. All ya'll with real experience, what say you? I'd love to hear from Heavy, MP and Mad Professor on this.



Re: $300 in comp chips, flat bets only--how would you bet th

Post by Dave73 » Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:37 am

My understanding on free play is that you only keep the winnings and the bet rides until a decision is made.

Could you put it all on the pass line then put your own money on $320 across WOTCO? If the seven comes you are out $20 of your own money. If a crap number comes you bring down your place bets. If a Box number hits you collect on your Place bet, bring the rest down, and hope your point hits for a second win. Im not sure on Free Play what would happen on the 7 or 11. Does the free play ride until it loses or is it a one and done deal?

IM no expert...just throwing out ideas...

Posts: 456
Joined: Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:01 pm

Re: $300 in comp chips, flat bets only--how would you bet th

Post by dork » Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:23 am

Dave73 wrote:My understanding on free play is that you only keep the winnings and the bet rides until a decision is made.

Could you put it all on the pass line then put your own money on $320 across WOTCO? If the seven comes you are out $20 of your own money. If a crap number comes you bring down your place bets. If a Box number hits you collect on your Place bet, bring the rest down, and hope your point hits for a second win. Im not sure on Free Play what would happen on the 7 or 11. Does the free play ride until it loses or is it a one and done deal?

Yes, it rides until its' number is hit or loses. The rest of what you wrote makes sense.

What does "crapcheck" pay? I forgot to ask that.... I wonder how much it would cost to hedge the $150 comp bet.



Re: $300 in comp chips, flat bets only--how would you bet th

Post by shunkaha » Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:12 am

If they allow a pass & don't pass at the same time you could convert it to either 48.333% or 50% depending if you wished to hedge against a comeout 12. That would be $150 Pass $150 DP $5 12. A comout 2 or 3 wins the DP for $150 - $5 [the lost 12] = $145, a comeout 7 or 11 wins the passline for $150 - $5 [the 12] = $145, a comeout 12 wins the hedge bet on the 12 for $150. So with the hedge you get 48.33% return, without the hedge you get either 0% or 50%. Obviously its not as good as a 100% return but it is guaranteed.


Re: $300 in comp chips, flat bets only--how would you bet th

Post by Ahigh » Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:03 am

This is a simple question. It's a two step process to bet a free bet chip any way you like.

$XXX free bet on the pass line
$XXX/2 real chips on the don't pass line
optional: $XXX/62 bet on the twelve hopping

This will resolve to your winning $XXX/2 or $XXX/2 - $XXX/62 in real chips that you can bet any way you like.

Let me know if you have questions. I usually skip the optional part.

Your free bet has an approximate cash value of $XXX/2 - $XXX/62, so a $60 coupon would be worth $29 and require a $1 hop on the 12 to liquidate for $29 each and every time you do this. You could liquidate to $30 35 out of 36 attempts.


Re: $300 in comp chips, flat bets only--how would you bet th

Post by Dave73 » Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:13 pm

I guess ultimately the answer depends on your goal. Do you just want to win something or are you willing to take a risk to get a little more?

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