The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Post by Craps75 » Fri Aug 23, 2013 1:29 pm

Ok I thought you only switched to the dc after a session loss. I misunderstood that part. I've done well just playing the dc though.

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Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Post by Craps75 » Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:47 pm

Ok I mean to update this sooner but I'm just now getting around to it. This system worked great when I played it by the book. After getting up 20 units I decided if I played more aggressively and with a higher unit I could win more faster. That's when the wheels came off. I lost my discipline and over bet the same shooter and ended up giving my winnings back and then a little.

On a side note this system works pretty good on a bubble craps machine. I turned a $15 buy in into $90 playing bubble craps. The tables where packed and I was tired and wanted to sit. I got spanked at black jack and made a hasty retreat from the table. I then set down at the bubble craps machine and started playing the donts.

I ended up leaving $5 down for the trip.

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Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Post by Craps75 » Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:26 am


Yes you are supposed to limit your loss to once per shooter. If I was knocked off on the comeout roll by a seven and the shooter wasn't setting the dice I went back up on him one more time. Several times the seven was followed by a craps number for a win.

If the shooter knocked me off by making his point I didn't bet again until they made the seven or made their third point. If they made their third point I placed a dp bet on the comeout roll for the fourth point.

This worked really well for me untill I got over confident and raised my unit as well as started betting more aggressively. Then I lost my tail!!


Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Post by Dave73 » Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:25 pm

has anyone tried this while shooting at an empty table? I have been playing with different scenarios in home practice using this and other don't methods. I shoot on the don't pass with a 2v on the come out hoping for an outside number or a paying crap. Switch to 7 set after point is established.

I've run numbers with and without odds. With and without a DC. Adding the odds or DC complicates the martingale aspect. Playing with just the DP wins more than it loses (so far at home), but I have had some long rolls even while shooting for a 7. It takes three consecutive losses to lose 7 units. I've been doubling on any loss, even a natural. Like anything, it's never 100%

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Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Post by offaxis » Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:15 pm

Read MP dark side.
Just started reading it myself
Good luck

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Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Post by Craps75 » Wed Oct 16, 2013 9:29 pm

Anytime I shoot from the don't I can't toss the seven for anything! I switch to the pass line and BAM seven out!! I can't win for losing lol.

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Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Post by Mad Professor » Thu Oct 17, 2013 7:27 am

Craps75 wrote:Anytime I shoot from the don't I can't toss the seven for anything! I switch to the pass line and BAM seven out!! I can't win for losing lol.

Hi C75,

Could it be the dice-set that you are using?

Sometimes what we think is the right set for Rightside play, is in fact the right set for Darkside shooting...and vice-versa.


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Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Post by 1eleven » Sat Oct 19, 2013 1:37 pm

In this Craps Matrix Paradigm, what is the logic behind switching back and forth from DP to DC? I'm guessing to keep things fresh and reduce boredom but I'm curious.

I use a 3 stage progression on the DC. As you can see, the majority of my play is at 1 unit. When I'm down 3 for a series I progress to 4 units. I keep a rolling session total until I get to +5 but track each series separately. For example, a series can be -1, 0, -1, -2, -1, 0, +1. At +1 I then start a new series at Stage 1.

Stage 1: 1, 1, 1
Stage 2: 4
Stage 3: 7

My goal is 5 units. Once I hit 5 I continue to play until I drop 2 units. So, if I'm up 5 I never walk less than 3 units ahead.

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Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Post by heavy » Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:11 pm

My goal is 5 units. Once I hit 5 I continue to play until I drop 2 units. So, if I'm up 5 I never walk less than 3 units ahead.
Please tell me you are playing with at least $25 units.

Just picking on you, but it would take a long time to make any money in a $3 game some place like Joker's Wild.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Post by 1eleven » Tue Oct 22, 2013 3:12 pm

1eleven wrote:Please tell me you are playing with at least $25 units.
Once you go black...

It's simple to clear 3-5 units a session. Simple... not easy.

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Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Post by Craps75 » Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:10 am

MP, the only time I ever shoot from the dark side is if I'm tossing a lot of sevens from the right side. I'll use the same set that I'm using for my right side play. Then I'll go on a good roll and wipe out my don't bets!!!

Don't you LOVE the nature of this game?? LOL


Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Post by Dave73 » Wed Oct 23, 2013 8:11 am

All the more reason to plan your play and play your plan

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Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Post by 1eleven » Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:25 am

IndieFilmGuy wrote:
1eleven wrote: My only thinking about why one might switch between the DP and the DC is that on a truly cold or choppy trending cold table, you can get hammered with a lot of Sevens and Yo's on the come out roll. Switching to the DC after a passline loss just puts a bit of space between rolls that just might save you a few hundred.

I am not a big fan of hedgeing but ... hop the sevens and yo if it seems to be raining sevens. :)
Thanks for clarifying - I guess my confusion is with one loss per shooter. If you're limiting to one loss regardless then why the change with the next shooter?

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Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Post by Craps75 » Thu Oct 24, 2013 8:41 am

When I played this system I only bet the don't pass. I have since been betting the don't come as well. If a table is trending warm, and a couple of points are being made, you can win your don't pass on a come out seven and everyone on the table wins. I've started liking the dc a lot.


Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Post by arrgy » Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:43 pm

I only bet the DC. You get wacked on the come out way too much in my opinion for the DP.

One thing I do, however, is if the point is 4 or 10, I will lay $51 or whatever against the point and make a DC bet as well, and keep the lay up until a decision is reached. I figure I would have laid that amount anyway if I did bet the DP, so I don't mind paying the vig. If you can find a casino (like Aria) that charges the vig on the back end for the 4 or 10 its even better.

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