I got My copy selling on Ebay of Wholly Craps

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Re: I got My copy selling on Ebay of Wholly Craps

Post by 1eleven » Sun Oct 27, 2013 8:28 am

Could you offer a summary about this method?


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Re: I got My copy selling on Ebay of Wholly Craps

Post by 1eleven » Tue Oct 29, 2013 10:15 am

Very interesting - thanks for sharing. It sounds like he may be missing out on a ton of opportunities - why not shift to the dark side if he feels the indicators he mentions are that strong? Better yet, hop the reds. I'd still love to read this, though.

wild child
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Re: I got My copy selling on Ebay of Wholly Craps

Post by wild child » Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:42 pm

David Medansky has part timed as a craps dealer after leaving his professional practice..

He is not a non believer in D I....Medanski feels it more profitable for him to only WAGER
on craps hand and get out of the hand early....Just his approach...Some people may choose to REDUCE the
$$ dollar amount at risk and play out the hand that way.....

Having played both DO SIDE and DON'T SIDE interchangeably ( TRANSITION)
I M H O an UNTIMELY SEVEN (7) can upset both approaches... Just different timing

Ya' pays your money and takes ya' chances .

Mad Professor
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Re: I got My copy selling on Ebay of Wholly Craps

Post by Mad Professor » Wed Oct 30, 2013 7:44 pm

wild child wrote:David Medansky has part timed as a craps dealer after leaving his professional practice..

Does a part-time craps dealer earn more than a full-time lawyer?

I'm wondering why a successful lawyer like David would leave his professional law practice to become a part-time craps dealer?


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Re: I got My copy selling on Ebay of Wholly Craps

Post by Knick111 » Wed Oct 30, 2013 8:48 pm

Hi MP,

We know that a full time lawyer makes more than a part time craps dealer.

So MP. What are you trying to say to the members on this board.


wild child
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Re: I got My copy selling on Ebay of Wholly Craps

Post by wild child » Wed Oct 30, 2013 9:27 pm

There are a number of attorneys who live comfortably after landing a RAIN MAKER or two.

A question only David Medansky could best answer.

Other professionals also hit the "OPT OUT " button.

I once knew a Medical Doctor who walked away to own/operate a hardware store.
Fact is I know of a physician who seems comfortable as a gunsmith....go figure.


PS : Comes to mind a well off successful Civil Engineer construction guy attended DEALER SCHOOL
moved to Las Vegas and holds seminars on craps.......

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Re: I got My copy selling on Ebay of Wholly Craps

Post by Knick111 » Wed Oct 30, 2013 10:13 pm


Thank you for answering my question to mp.

MP.can you answer my question to you , I would like to hear your answer.


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Re: I got My copy selling on Ebay of Wholly Craps

Post by Michael » Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:20 pm

Sometimes it's not all about the money.
Rock On
M & M

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