Talking about MONEY ....derivitives and such

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wild child
Posts: 1524
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Talking about MONEY ....derivitives and such

Post by wild child » Thu Oct 31, 2013 4:52 pm

Seems to be coincidence or perhaps synchronicity recently there are references to MONEY.

The old country song has it as there is no richer person than a person with a satisfied mind.

At SOME MOMENTS is history banks have failed....or just nt worked out TOO WELL ....

In the Great Depression of the late 1920's-to early 1940's seems banks were not performing well.

" MONEY" became scarce.....People could purchase stuff,however many people had no money.
In the 1930's ish times many banks failed....Timber acreage sold for $1.10 per acre with
ONE DOLLAR for the timber and 10 CENTS for the acre...rumor or near was a little
before my time...Regional currencies ( script )* appeared to assist commerce and according to the
November,2013 edition of the Smithsonian even clam shells became EMERGENCY MONEY**

I TWENTY FIRST CENTURY terms there exist " Bit Coin" or "Cyber Money" ( Virtual Money )
This is other than central bank currency which is Fiat Money

Recently a news item alluded to a person in Norway purchashing expensive Real Estate
with " Bit Coin"

There are folks who fear Fed Reserve/Treasury Dept bank bail outs
could move on to "BAIL INS"***

There are living today persons who may be able to share more detailed accounts my
knowledge of such is limited.

* script is issued to represent VALUE be it $ or other and may be accepted by previous agreement

** Pismo Beach could not afford paper to print SCRIPT,so clam shells were "minted" and issued as a replacement or emergency cash..Rumored to exceed $One Billion $1,000,000,000

*** Bail In is when a bank claims "OWNERSHIP" of your money/currency and rations the funds
THE BANK claims ownership in amounts THE BANK feels you actually need

Just me musing....if Casino Chips could be exchanged for goods and services


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Re: Talking about MONEY ....derivitives and such

Post by Blackcloud » Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:03 pm

;) UNHH!!John Brave, there would be a lot more counterfeit chips :shock:

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Re: Talking about MONEY ....derivitives and such

Post by acpa » Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:57 pm

I had an experience similar to Snakeys when I I was in Korea. We were paid in military script and they changed the script . If you had more than some amount, don't remember what it was, you had to answer some questions about how you happened to have so much.

Natives who had it, which was illegal, were trying to get GIs to convert them.


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Re: Talking about MONEY ....derivitives and such

Post by Blackcloud » Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:12 pm

:shock: UNHH!!While stationed in Taiwan (C-130) braves carried Green, NT(National Taiwan) Pesos (PI), MPC, Bhat, & Yen. With few exceptions the green was accepted and preferred. ;)

wild child
Posts: 1524
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Re: Talking about MONEY ....derivitives and such

Post by wild child » Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:43 am

Since those days China has learned some stuff about CAPITALISM even Misters Nixon & Kissinger
may had not learned...Today we have a somewhat differing world view....THE DOMINO EFFECT
has been updated by Domino's Pizza and the Gulf Coast has way lots of oyster shells........

I still do not "GET IT " ...
when it comes down to Bit Coin economics....

The guy in Oslo Norway spent the equivalent of $24 in Norway currency then four (4) years
later exchanged that for some enormous amount....Purchased a little Real Estate for the
equivalent of $600,000 and has a boodle of currency left over to reinvest in Bit Coins or

I may call to mind a busy Exit(with fast food restaurants & truck stop ) along the Interstate Highway system that takes up a small portion
or timbered land that was once sold in desperation for about $1.10 /acre in 1933 money

.I have been busting into my old time piggy banks and pickle jars searching for
pre 1965 quarters and dimes...Perhaps if there is enough of them I can buy a single Bit Coin....

(whatever a Bit Coin actually is)

On a quest in an extended "virtual" search

Wild Child

PS : anyone have a current value on a Carbon Credit , word has it some big shot politicos
trade in those Carbon Credits and that is most likely some type of derivative

whatever a derivative is another subject I just do not understand..


Re: Talking about MONEY ....derivitives and such

Post by Dave73 » Sat Nov 02, 2013 11:31 am

Reading above its easy to see why the MPCs were problematic: THE GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED THEM

I have learned that a solid financial investment is lead, copper jacketed.


Re: Talking about MONEY ....derivitives and such

Post by luxlogs » Tue Nov 19, 2013 3:42 pm

I tell people all the time to skip the Big Mac w Fries and go buy a pre 65
dime, quarter or half. They are 90% silver, they are fire and water proof
and they have no paper trail. Go to to see the current value
and while you are their look at the value of 1982 pennies,
2.3 cents worth of copper.

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