Just when you know everything.....

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Just when you know everything.....

Post by tonybugs » Thu Nov 07, 2013 6:44 pm

Been with site for a couple of months now, and read every post. Wonderful site, educated members, a lot of helpful info. So I go down to Harrahs with my buddy in AC Tuesday night for dinner and craps. Over dinner, I try sharing the info to my buddy about not dropping a ton of money on these knuckleheads until they "prove" themselves, but he tells me he plays the same way all the time and does a lot of his betting on " gut feelings". Ok, I tried to help at least. Off to the table we go. He does a $10 pass, with $20 odds, a $10 Hard 6, and a $10 hard 8. Every other roll he would press the the hard ways another $5 or $10. On 1 shooter he had the Hard 8 up to $90 without hitting the Hard 8! If the soft 6 or 8 came out, he didn't put it back up, instead pressing the other hardway. Meanwhile, I'm not betting until a shooter made a point, betting only 1 number, maybe a come bet here or there. Well the outcome you ask- I won $145 after 3 hours, not bad, I made a lot of it myself by making 4 points one roll, and 3 points on 2 other rolls. My buddy, walked away with a profit of $800! I guess sometimes when you know less about something you don't know that your doing anything wrong!

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Re: Just when you know everything.....

Post by CrapsForever » Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:30 pm

For what it's worth...

I've lost more money on the 6&8 than any other bet in my entire life. Today, I was down $600 betting the inside (5,6,8,9) on a $25 table over a putrid 2 hour period. Guy in front of me is setting for the 12's but not betting them. I bet the Hi-Lo for 4 consecutive rolls on his toss starting at the $5 level, he threw 3 12's in those 4 rolls and 5 12's overall in 8 total rolls before 7ing out (The Math guys can have fun figuring out the probability of that); he never bet the 12's and was betting $240 inside and he lost the entire $240. I took care of him with a few Greens after his hand.

On my hand; I mimicked his Dice set and toss and decided to forget the "Math" about "good" bets I keep throwing my money away on. Using his Dice Set, I Buy the 4 & 10 for $50 each, bet the Hard 4 & Hard 10 for $20 each, and bet the Hi-Lo-Yo starting with $5 each on every toss; my next 7 tosses are H10,12,11,12,H10,H10,12.....I had a "funny" feeling after the last 12 I threw; I brought all my bets down and hopped the 7's....7-out line away!


Checking my notebook; this is very similar to the play I used on my last trip a few weeks ago for my Four Digit profit trip. I went 12 for 12 on my last trip bringing down my bets on my hands and hopping 7's when I had a "funny" feeling (My Intuition was on FIRE!!!!!!)

Seems like I'm always down betting the 6&8 before I remember that I only make money on Hardways, Horns & Hop 7's...

See you at the tables in a couple of hours...

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Re: Just when you know everything.....

Post by heavy » Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:09 pm

Pardon me while I consult my crystal ball . . .

Yep. I see a big negative swing in your future.

Well, maybe not. If you are SETTING for the horn trash and HITTING the horn trash - by all means be my guest. Lord knows I've done enough of that through the years. But on the day you discover it is NOT working for you - get off that pony before she bucks you. I've been down that path as well.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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Re: Just when you know everything.....

Post by tonybugs » Fri Nov 08, 2013 10:14 am

What is the set for the horn?

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Re: Just when you know everything.....

Post by HornHighJoe » Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:16 pm

to set for the horn you can basically put the 3/4 on the sides of the dice and not on the front/bottom/back/top sides. Just as long as you stay on axis. If you can hit those primes than 6/5 5/6 set should be fine.

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Re: Just when you know everything.....

Post by gargoil » Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:37 pm

I am always set on horn. Oh wait you're talking craps.. Nevermind :lol: :twisted:
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