Odds against the 4 & 10

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Re: Odds against the 4 & 10

Post by acpa » Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:42 pm

seems a waste of effort, Clark. you don't win when you roll the 4/10 but you would win when you roll the seven which is what he wants.


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Re: Odds against the 4 & 10

Post by Golfer » Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:32 am

Gentlemen, darksiders are people too. Yes there are some who are aholes, but there are people like that everywhere. I admit to have on occasion enjoyed knocking darkside action down. I have also enjoyed trying to toss and getting a 7 to take down some rightside aholes. To last in the game of craps I believe you need to play both sides. All of us are trying to get the casinos money. That is the common cause.

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Re: Odds against the 4 & 10

Post by Dylanfreake » Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:25 am

Heck, michael that could have been me!!!! Of course everyone knows it wasn`t because of the amounts of the wagers. I`m a poor man and a low roller.

I see a lot of players on both sides making some wild and high wagers . My hope is that they are not wagering more than they can shake off if the wager or wagers lose. Although from the reaction of a lot of players when they lose , you think that the world is coming to an end or they may have to give up their house and kids.

My bankroll is so small that the most I will lose currently during a craps session is around $280. Heck, a lot of players wager more than that on one roll of the dice. I want every craps player to be a winner at the table whether they are playing the Rightside or the Darkside. Rightsiders and Darksiders are both playing against the House. Rightsiders look at me when ,they are losing ,and think that I am winning ,and I am losing as much , if not more than they are.

Craps is a funny game and the more I play the less bothered I am about losses and wins. Maybe I am not going into the game with the proper attitude?

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Re: Odds against the 4 & 10

Post by sharkbyte » Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:21 am

Dylanfreake wrote:Craps is a funny game and the more I play the less bothered I am about losses and wins. Maybe I am not going into the game with the proper attitude?
I think this entirely the right attitude!

First, you're not playing money you can't afford to lose. You go in with the knowledge that no matter how well you know the game, track the table, etc. you might still walk away a loser. There has to be a lot less pressure when some portion, of your family's weekly budget, is not riding on the next roll of the dice.

I may be over-simplifying this, for most, but I think the point is good. Not having this pressure allows you to play your strategy; taking pleasure in your wins (rather than simple relief); studying the losses to see if you need to modify that strategy; making any changes you think are needed, and then trying again.


Re: Odds against the 4 & 10

Post by luxlogs » Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:45 pm

scribe wrote:When I see someone laying the 4 and 10 on my come out roll I go after them. I set 2-V. I cost a guy $3,000 in KC this year.
My isn't that nice of you, Im sure Harrahs or whoever need the money more than your fellow craps player.

Tell me how's your Karma?

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Re: Odds against the 4 & 10

Post by heavy » Mon Nov 25, 2013 5:53 pm

Just remember - whether you're playing the right side or the don'ts - your playing against the house - not the other players. Don't players don't bother me as log as they don't go out of their way to jack with the shooter - e.g. a pile of free odds deliberately stacked out there in hopes the dice will hit them, etc. Just play your game and don't worry about the other guy. Trust me - his betting strategy is not about you.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy


Re: Odds against the 4 & 10

Post by luxlogs » Mon Nov 25, 2013 6:39 pm

Hey Stickman How Many Letters In Harrahs?

Thats Right 7, Make It Work For You.

Heavy what is a 7 set? If I Can Make a 7 Who Needs Hardways and The Heat That Comes With Them.
I Mean a 7 is Supposed To Roll So How Do I Help It Along Its Natural Path.


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Re: Odds against the 4 & 10

Post by bobthetree » Tue Nov 26, 2013 3:46 am

I had a guy stack the table min ($10) in dollar chips as a place bet on the point (on the line, in my way near the turn) recently. I lost (while betting small, trying to work around him..while he was betting on me?) and left. Good riddance. I can find another table. I hope I'm not near fall down drunk at the table on a Sunday pushing 70 some day, if I am slap me. Hopefully, he was on vacation.
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