Complete brain block on this (math help needed)

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Complete brain block on this (math help needed)

Post by AtGame7 » Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:20 am

I know this is simple, but I am completely blocked in my head on this. Please settle the argument for me.

You are a $15 DP player who wants to parlay two times so $15 goes to $30 then $30 goes to $60. You now have a $60 DP line bet. You want to take $10 off that and Hop the 7's and the Yo for $2 each so you get a little profit if the Sheriff or Deputy show up.

You now have a $50 DP line bet and the point established is 4. You decide to lock up a profit by Placing the 4 for $50.

What is your TOTAL PROFIT if the shooter makes the 4 and what is your total profit if the shooter missed the point?

Thanks and sorry as I know this should be easy but I'm arguing with someone over if it's even worth it to risk the third ($60) DP bet if buying out of the bet after the come out roll is going to by your strategy.
Last edited by AtGame7 on Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:38 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Complete brain block on this (math help needed)

Post by heavy » Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:32 am

Your total investment is the initial $15. If your $50 DP wins you have netted $25 on the DP but lost $100 on the $50 four and ten (I think you may have meant to buy them for $25 each but this is how I read your question). Net loss - $65. If you make the four or ten with $50 on them then you win $100 less the vig - but lose the initial $15 which was parlayed to the Don'ts - net $83 by my reckoning. Of course, I haven't finished the first cup of coffee this morning so I could be wrong.

The key to remember in all of this is from the very first roll of the dice you only have $15 "at risk." That's part of the beauty of parlaying or pressing Don't bets. You could go from $15 to $25 if you wanted - and reduce your exposure to $10. Take the next win to $50. There are plenty of options off the play. Just have fun with it.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy


Re: Complete brain block on this (math help needed)

Post by AtGame7 » Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:37 am

Heavy wrote:Your total investment is the initial $15. If your $50 DP wins you have netted $25 on the DP but lost $100 on the $50 four and ten (I think you may have meant to buy them for $25 each but this is how I read your question). Net loss - $65. If you make the four or ten with $50 on them then you win $100 less the vig - but lose the initial $15 which was parlayed to the Don'ts - net $83 by my reckoning. Of course, I haven't finished the first cup of coffee this morning so I could be wrong.

The key to remember in all of this is from the very first roll of the dice you only have $15 "at risk." That's part of the beauty of parlaying or pressing Don't bets. You could go from $15 to $25 if you wanted - and reduce your exposure to $10. Take the next win to $50. There are plenty of options off the play. Just have fun with it.
I'm sorry, I wasn't clear and will edit the post above. Once we get to the $50 line bet and the point is either 4/10 was place the point ONLY for $50. EX: Point established is 4 and have the $50 DP line bet and a $50 Place bet on the 4.



Re: Complete brain block on this (math help needed)

Post by AtGame7 » Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:49 am

My answer is this (which I am being told is wrong):

If the shooter makes the 4 then you win a total $83 ($15 original DP line bet+$50 Place bet wagered, returns $150 minus the vig).

If the shooter misses the 4 you win a total of $35 ($15 original line bet + $50 Place bet wagered, returns $100).

My friend says I am wrong because if he flat out bet $50 on the DP and the point is 4 he could palce the 4 for $50 and either get his money back or make $48. I agree with that so he's got me confused.


Re: Complete brain block on this (math help needed)

Post by shunkaha » Sat Nov 30, 2013 6:53 pm

obie1 wrote:
AtGame7 wrote:I know this is simple, but I am completely blocked in my head on this. Please settle the argument for me.

You are a $15 DP player who wants to parlay two times so $15 goes to $30 then $30 goes to $60. You now have a $60 DP line bet. You want to take $10 off that and Hop the 7's and the Yo for $2 each so you get a little profit if the Sheriff or Deputy show up.

You now have a $50 DP line bet and the point established is 4. You decide to lock up a profit by Placing the 4 for $50.

What is your TOTAL PROFIT if the shooter makes the 4 and what is your total profit if the shooter missed the point?

Thanks and sorry as I know this should be easy but I'm arguing with someone over if it's even worth it to risk the third ($60) DP bet if buying out of the bet after the come out roll is going to by your strategy.

If you take 1 step at a time in your analysis, then the answer should be simple:

You won the 1st "DP" for $15 ... you are up $15.

You won the second "DP" for $30. You are now up $45.

You now bet a $50 "DP" and "Hop" the 7s and YO for $2 ea > which is ambiguous, by saying "hop" the 7s for $2 you must mean for $6, (so on your next post you did not actually "clear that up" as you stated): Let's say "hop" the 7s for $6 and Yo for $2..
(what? no $1 "12"... if it shows up your hop bets are screwed).

So, as I see it: you have $45 profit, you have $50 (at risk) on the "DP" and you have $8 in "Hop" bets on the next come-out roll.
(Note: If one or more "12s" show up on "the come out roll", the Hop bets are screwed).

If a 4 or 10 show up on the "come-out" roll and you decide to place it for $50... then let's look at what happens:

You were up $45, but now you just loss $8 in Hop bets > now you are up $37.

You place the 4 (or 10) for $50,

If the point is made the place bet will pay: $90 (-$50 you lost on the "DP") for a net gain of +$40
Prior to which you were up $37. Add Your win of $40 net to your previous gain of $37... and you are now up $77.

If the point is not made and a "7 Out" is the outcome: Then you are out $50 on your place bet, but have won $50 on your "DP" bet for a net gain of "0".

Add "0" to your previous gain of $37... and you are now up $37.

No matter how complex the bet may seem, take one step at-a-time; and it becomes "EASY".

Good Luck and Roll well,

According to his new post it is a $50 buy on the four, so his win becomes a matter of where he played, in Tunica or Biloxi the 7 out would leave him with $37 profit, elsewhere with the vig up front he's up $35, if the four returns he'd be up $85. Had he not made it a $50 buy and left it as a place you'd be correct.


Re: Complete brain block on this (math help needed)

Post by shunkaha » Sat Nov 30, 2013 7:16 pm

As an alternate you could do a $15, parley on the win [goes to $30 DP], the next win you go to $50 DP hop the 7 for $6 and the YO for $2. Once the point of 4 is established you could do a $25 buy on the 4. Whatever rolls next if the vig is on the win you have a $62 profit, if it is upfront you should have $61 on a 7 out.

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