What's your exit strategy?

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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What's your exit strategy?

Post by heavy » Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:27 pm

Exit strategies. Some of us have them. Some of us don't. Personally, when I hit my win goal for a session I start looking for an excuse to color up and get gone. Most of the time my exit is win-goal (or loss limit) related. But sometimes I may leave a game just because I don't like the "energy" at the table, for example. Or I may see a shooting opportunity at another table and elect to move based on that. If it's mid-hand I just pick my chips up and move. But if it's at the end of a hand I'll go ahead and color up. Of course, I'll also salt away a few chips during a hand when it makes sense.

Anyway, I was just curious about what your exit strategy is. What triggers lead you to leave the table? When do you color up - when do you just walk with the chips in your rack (if ever)?
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy


Re: What's your exit strategy?

Post by sevenout » Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:46 pm

I color up when I meet my win goal. I take a break after 3 consecutive seven outs and return to the table after I have made peace with the dice lol

If I lose my bankroll which I was comfortable with loosing I color up and exit.


Re: What's your exit strategy?

Post by Dragline » Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:50 pm

A lot of times its just when I planned to go in advance -- i.e., a certain time. But if I'm in the middle of some big roll, I'll wait until that's over.

Other times it will be after I've had a good run/progression increasing bets, but it comes to an end and I would be going back to smaller bets anyway. Then I will just make an arbitrary rule like -- next loss I leave, or if I lose $X from here I leave. Or maybe I just shoot once more then go if I'm going to be up next.

On the down side, if I ever lose my buy-in (or what I planned to gamble with that session), I definitely walk. Doing multiple buy-ins at the same losing table is usually suicide.

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Re: What's your exit strategy?

Post by wild child » Mon Dec 09, 2013 5:11 pm

Exit strategy fits nicely into your Comfort Level...

Early in my crapsology 101 educational journey ,I purchased John Patrick videos about craps
and his books plus The Dice Doctor [Sam Grafstein] ...I was impressed because they reached
me with memories of the characters who hung out at my grandfather's saloon in Jersey City

J.Patrick's comment " The first think I want when I make a craps wager is MY MONEY BACK
( or words similar)

The player ,with a $5,000 Bank Roll , who places at risk $5 thinks little of it.....

The player with a $5 Bank Roll may be very tense awaiting the outcome of the wager.....

craps hands seem to flow in somewhat at times confusing patterns ..Perhaps there is an
exceptionally astute math wiz or statistical analyst who has developed map,mat or matrix to figure it out.
Were there such a thing,I would hold great $ value to those capable of comprehending and following such............

My guide is to keep a running count of my chips in my rack ( or pocket)
When a hand terminates due to THE SEVEN, I decide to stay or move on based on my chip count.

My most successful casino adventures have been to move on after THE SEVEN if the chips on hand were less than the chips on hand after the previous SEVEN OUT...and stay when the chips
on hand indicated more than the previous count............Even if I stay and reduce my dollar amount at risk 8-) ....Those times when I failed to accurately keep count or got reckless were adventures I regretted too easily giving MY $ up..... :oops:


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Re: What's your exit strategy?

Post by offaxis » Mon Dec 09, 2013 7:56 pm

have only an exit strategy, either loss of $200 from my buy in or PSO. I Stay play and Shoot until PSO. I have not yet reached my loss limit. $160 has been the most and that was after my PSO.


Re: What's your exit strategy?

Post by Dave73 » Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:07 pm

Few things, most of which are not absolute:

Bad mojo from dealer or other players
Consecutive losses or zero winning hands
Doubling my buy in is an indicator that it may be time to walk, one more hand to test the waters
Switch to darkside and back unsuccessfully
Loss limit (absolute key to go)

Those of you who have a loss limit, I have a question. Say you buy in at $300 and your loss limit is $200, or even buy in at $200 willing to lose it all. Assume at one point in the game you get up to $950. Is $750 ( $950- $200) your new loss limit or do you adjust it?

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Re: What's your exit strategy?

Post by acpa » Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:31 pm

Loss limit, which is set in stone, is one.

Flexible decrease in bankroll after being ahead on this buy in. Amount of decrease changes as the session changes.

Since, I seldom, almost never play the don't, and the table begins to fill up so the time I would have to wait to roll is too long.

Hassle from pit.


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Re: What's your exit strategy?

Post by gargoil » Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:17 pm

My wife yanking me by the ear when it's time to go.
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Practice doesn't make perfect.... It just makes you better.

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Re: What's your exit strategy?

Post by offaxis » Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:43 am

buy in at 1200, every time after my turn count my money. If up, half in my pocket the other half in my buy in. If I go $200 below the $1200 after my turn I leave. Usually it is from a PSO.

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Re: What's your exit strategy?

Post by lucky2bALady » Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:41 am

I will leave after a roll if the table gets too crowded or if I see a "dead" table with my spot open. PSOs rarely hurt me if I am sticking to my 5-count, unless I'm the one with the dice. I also will only put down enough money to make sure I get to roll one more time before my bankroll is gone. On the up side, I will leave when I'm tired, hungry, or someone is bothering me. Throwing chips in the purse helps alot too.


Re: What's your exit strategy?

Post by arrgy » Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:34 pm

Mine is simple...Take my large bankroll....divide into thirds. If I lose one third, I walk.

If I win I divide my winnings into thirds and add it equally into the rack. However I only play with one of the thirds. Once that one third loses half, I walk.

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Re: What's your exit strategy?

Post by London Shooter » Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:16 pm

My exit strategy usually involves the last train home. Miss that baby and it's an expensive cab ride to get back indoors :lol:

Arrgy - when you say "walk" is that as in enough for the day or do you have a break, go somewhere else, play another game perhaps?

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Re: What's your exit strategy?

Post by chuckmek » Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:48 am

I should have read all of these before last night...need to give my head a shake... :?

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Re: What's your exit strategy?

Post by HornHighJoe » Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:51 pm

Overall, I go on how I feel. So I try to be constantly aware of my emotional state.

If my ADD starts to act up and can't concentrate on the game I leave. I will also usually leave after I have 3 short throws.

I will also leave after someone has a long roll. I notice that after a long roll, the table tends to get cold. So I'm gone, but I'm considering some dark-side strategies.


Re: What's your exit strategy?

Post by CrapsGenius » Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:54 am

As an Avid "Die Hard" firebet hedge player. I must say that the easiest exit strategy is when the 6 number fire is made, colour up your chips and call it a day.

But we all know this doesn't happen (6 number fire) everyday so my goal is to hit 3-5x 4th number firebet hedges or 1x 5 number firebet hedge resulting in $500-$1000 in profit other times. But many times I utilize a "Loss goal" of $100.00 per visit. (That's 20x $5.00 firebets) if you can't hedge a fire after 20 shooters, then it's time to call it a day. :cry:

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