Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Post by old17 » Thu Dec 12, 2013 7:04 pm

New guy here. Resources on this forum are great. ... almost too great! Much like in any sport or activity, is their such a thing as too much information? My first trip to a table after digesting many of the articles on this great site found me thinking too much about regression, Fibonacci, and qualifying shooters, and less on my routine and what I usually bet. Looking for tips to stay focused and pare down the info on here to a few key thoughts when the chips hit the felt?!


Re: TMI?

Post by Dave73 » Thu Dec 12, 2013 7:41 pm

Get a notepad and write down a few things you want to focus on. When you get to the table just watch observing those few things and play mental 'what if'

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Re: TMI?

Post by gargoil » Thu Dec 12, 2013 7:57 pm

Hey bud. Glad to see a new member.
I am fairly new on this forum ( about 3 months now) and went thru some of the things you are experiencing. However what I did was take only some of the things I needed to know or work on and focused on that at the tables. If I needed some tips on come out rolls I only read about that and focused on that one thing. It's too much to try and grab everything at the same time and apply it. You will go crazy and broke.

Pick top 2 or 3 things you need help with or concentrate on and run with it. We have numerous great people and advisers on this forum and they will help your game on the long run.
Enjoy and keep rolling.
Practice doesn't make perfect.... Practice reduces the imperfection.
Practice doesn't make perfect.... It just makes you better.

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Re: TMI?

Post by SHOOTITALL » Thu Dec 12, 2013 8:06 pm

Being a new guy to this forum you are probably overloaded with information. If you are pretty much comfortable with the way you play (read going broke slowly) just focus on those articles and tips that encompass your current play and see how they fit. Most sites try to sell you the Holy Grail of craps and there is no such thing. This site and Dice Institute are exceptions.
Secondly, there is no system that is fool proof and wins every single time you play. There are guys that do make a bunch of bucks playing craps but they are the exception. A couple of things that new guys and some old guys do is over analyze what is happening at the table. Here you will see many articles on trends, charting, strategy, bank roll, session buyins, etc. Even the best DI's get skinned sometimes but they do not lose the whole hide. They lick there sore spots and come back another day.
Anyways, I could go on for a while but I had just rather welcome you to being a part of a wonderful group of guys and gals that will answer any questions or whatever you have. We want each and every person to succeed in a fine recreational game (for most of us). Again, focus is a great start. sia

Let me add: I would love to see more new guys posting, asking questions, comments, etc. Believe me you would never be insulted or disparaged for using the board. Heavy and I talked about this at a fine lunch today. Where the stockbrokers and such have a two Martini lunch, ours was a two fried pie lunch. Ya'll start posting, creating new threads if needed asking away etc. This is really fun, entertaining and educational. Take advantage of it.
Last edited by SHOOTITALL on Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Your craps plan? The dice gods laughed.


Re: TMI?

Post by shunkaha » Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:09 pm

old17 wrote:New guy here. Resources on this forum are great. ... almost too great! Much like in any sport or activity, is their such a thing as too much information? My first trip to a table after digesting many of the articles on this great site found me thinking too much about regression, Fibonacci, and qualifying shooters, and less on my routine and what I usually bet. Looking for tips to stay focused and pare down the info on here to a few key thoughts when the chips hit the felt?!
Personally I'd do it like a flow chart. Something like:

1] am I making money Yes/No,
2] can I reasonably make more Yes/No,
3] can I make more on a regular basis Yes/No,

If your answer to #1 is yes, then you'd go straight to #2, if you answered No... the board would help you figure out why you aren't based either on what you read or what other suggest based on what you ask. On question #2 if that answer is yes you'd have to determine how, if No then why not; the board would assist in that quest the same as in question 1. Question #3 if you answer Yes you need to know how, if No then you need to know why not. The board can assist in #3 as well. The key is the information here can be useful but only if its relevant.

By relevant I mean this, you have to determine the first answers to know what your question should be... if you aren't making money because of your betting then shooting advice is virtually useless to you. If you routinely make a decent profit even off of sub-par hands then wagering info is virtually useless to you. The easiest way to pare down the info is to determine what your weakness is and focus on information related to that. Everything not related to that weakness is at best not as helpful and at worst is likely to distract your focus to the point of making your results dismal.

The easiest way to pare down the information and to focus... do I need to be pondering this right now? Break everything down into its components if need be, if your repairing the engine on your lawn mower do you need to be concentrating on what's wrong with your golf swing or whether you should use Grey Goose or Smirnoff in a vodka martini... probably not the best things to be pondering at that point, same thing when you toss or wager. Work out what you need to do for a toss issue or wagering [before you ever walk up to a table] then devote your attention to the toss when you need to and the wager when you need to but don't worry or think about either until/unless you need to. Information overload will bite you faster than anything else.

That would be my three pence...

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Re: TMI?

Post by wild child » Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:15 pm

Let's get down to basics... :roll: It ain't a real martini when it is made with vodka :!:

Heavy on GIN and very lite on vermouth

never shaken
other ingredients optional

If you learn how to wager to win and gain a grasp of both sides of this game



by far a greater number of ways to " SKIN A CAT "

If you are serious about successfully tossing the dice to complete a winning hand
you may find that it takes the commitment to PRACTICE often........

Then approach placing your WAGER MONEY AT RISK with REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS :!:

Living near or being able to play frequently may be a PLUS in maintaining a REALITY CHECK.

Just me saying

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Re: TMI?

Post by heavy » Fri Dec 13, 2013 12:31 am

I'm with SIA here. Love to see a new guy join in and start posting. For now - focus on stopping some of the bleeding (assuming that you are losing). We've talked about a bazillion different strategies around here and I've played most of them. While my play may not be the "smartest," it is the one that fits my personality, bankroll, and usual roll results best. I like the idea of betting what the table is giving me, though, so I'm always willing to follow the dice. Best advice I could give - keep it simple. The more complex the strategy - the more you lose.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy


Re: TMI?

Post by shunkaha » Fri Dec 13, 2013 12:38 am

wild child wrote:Let's get down to basics... :roll: It ain't a real martini when it is made with vodka :!:

Heavy on GIN and very lite on vermouth

never shaken
other ingredients optional

Living near or being able to play frequently may be a PLUS in maintaining a REALITY CHECK.

Just me saying
My preference for vodka is when I discovered Peach Vodka, a little Simply Orange... and you have a fuzzy screwdriver, enough of it and your thoughts get fuzzy too.

Yes, proximity is awesome... without it I factor in costs for a trip as if it was a business expense, so I walk through the door down $150 if I drive and more like a few hundred if I were to fly. Have a few losing trips that cost you $150 to get there and maybe another $200+ at the tables and it is not pleasant. With proximity comes $20 - $50 travel expense or less. If I lived within 20 minutes of a casino I could make a tidy 2nd income because I could be in profit mode and able to leave after $20, as it is I have to drive 16 hrs round trip and win more like $500+ to cover wear on my vehicle [$150 in fuel alone, plus about 1,000 miles on the tires, brakes, etc], once my time is factored in I'm not happy unless I can walk away with something like $700+ and often as not I am not happy because I have to expose myself to the tables too long to make it and or warrant driving for 16 hrs.

When I used to have to travel frequently and could arrive at the casino with $50 - $75 in travel costs I could easily make $150 and leave happy. It was once my travel time and costs went up that getting over the "hump" into profit mode began to be a pain.

wild child
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Re: TMI?

Post by wild child » Fri Dec 13, 2013 1:29 am

Nearby and in the zip code in which I currently reside is a new distillery,,,

They pump out a product named Cat Head Vodka as Cat Head applies to a number of
items in the local vocabulary ( vernacular ) ........

Things like Cat Head biscuits and other stuff....

Anyhow Cat Head vodka is merchandised in an ever growing number of flavors.....

To the Cat Head Distillery's credit ...they are developing a bourbon said to rival
several of the major fine touted spirits from Tennessee and Kentucky

Time will tell as the stuff is said to be aging awaiting THE TIME for market.



Re: TMI?

Post by shunkaha » Fri Dec 13, 2013 1:51 am

wild child wrote:Nearby and in the zip code in which I currently reside is a new distillery,,,

They pump out a product named Cat Head Vodka as Cat Head applies to a number of
items in the local vocabulary ( vernacular ) ........

Things like Cat Head biscuits and other stuff....

Anyhow Cat Head vodka is merchandised in an ever growing number of flavors.....

To the Cat Head Distillery's credit ...they are developing a bourbon said to rival
several of the major fine touted spirits from Tennessee and Kentucky

Time will tell as the stuff is said to be aging awaiting THE TIME for market.

Hmmm... yesterday's bourbon, aged 24 hrs to perfection. :-) lol

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Re: TMI?

Post by heavy » Fri Dec 13, 2013 9:22 am

How quickly we go so far afield. A proper VODKA Martini is made with Tito's Handmade Vodka. In and out on the Vermouth - I hate a bartender who is heavy handed with the Vermouth. Up. Olive. Dirty. Icy. That, my friend, is the recipe from my late pal Roadrunner and as such, cannot be jacked with. I recall going to a Vegas Martini bar with Roadrunner one time. They brought him his Martini is in own personal glass. THAT is a Martini drinker.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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Re: TMI?

Post by wild child » Fri Dec 13, 2013 9:23 am


24 hour bourbon....I'd call that "Early Time"

definitely not an "Ancient Aged "



Re: TMI?

Post by shunkaha » Fri Dec 13, 2013 9:29 pm

wild child wrote:shunkaha

24 hour bourbon....I'd call that "Early Time"

definitely not an "Ancient Aged "

Ok, so maybe aged one week? :-)

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Re: TMI?

Post by Operator » Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:01 pm

Just order a long island tea and forget abbouutt it. Then try to remeber what your face feels like heh heh. A mans drink all the white achocol.

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Re: TMI?

Post by Blackcloud » Sat Dec 21, 2013 2:37 am

;) UNHH!!Chilled vodka 2 jiggers and one jigger of Mogan-david concord grape wine taste real good.
UNHH!!A 3 six pack a day neighbor asked for a second after the second one we were forced to comply.
UNHH!!She made it to the curb, and then crawled across the street on her hands and knees :shock:
UNHH!!Went to work next day; hit the water cooler hard and passed out :roll:

Mad Professor
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Re: TMI?

Post by Mad Professor » Sat Dec 21, 2013 9:28 am

The only time I drink Mogan David or Manischewitz wine is for kiddush when friends invite us over for Shabbat dinner. :P


wild child
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Re: TMI?

Post by wild child » Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:41 pm

Mad Dog 20/20

Many a testimony


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Re: TMI?

Post by Blackcloud » Sat Dec 21, 2013 5:19 pm

;) UNHH!!The vodka thins the wine so that it tastes like a sweet burgundy; but the mix is much stronger than french wines :)

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