
Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Post by optimusPrime » Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:02 pm

Here is my betting strategy and i pretty much stick to it but i always end up losing in the long run.

5 Dollars on the pass line
5 Horn High Yo on the Come Out- Leave up if hit
Point established
Usually play 5 Dollar odds on the 10 and 4 and 10 Dollar odds on the 5 and 9 and 6 Dollar odds on the 6 and 8

Sometimes I place 27 Dollars across with a 6 or 8 as point
If point is 5 or 9 I bet 5 Dollars on the sister number and
if the point is 4 or 10 I bet 10 Dollars on the sister number. If a place bet hits I usually hit and take down...

I do play the hard ways usually for 5 Dollars each

And for the most part I do this for every shooter, Including myself.
I usually start out with like $200.00 Dollars so i need to know if I'm doing this right or is there a better strategy that would work better for me and be more profitable.

thanks for any advice you can give me...

wild child
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Re: Help

Post by wild child » Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:25 pm

Wager planning comes down to personal choice(s)
and there are choices aplenty .........
Are your skills as shooter developed to the point of confidence ?
Are you choosing to wager on ONLY hands YOU TOSS ?
give you room to wager $YOUR DOLLARS $on "other shooters"?

Unlike the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act( Obamacare)
one size will NOT FIT ALL........

Despair not...You will settle on your personal COMFORT ZONE and as you gain
a history with CASINO GAMBLING and feel your confidence growing,you will
be able to make adjustments.

Just me saying


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Re: Help

Post by Bermuda » Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:57 pm

Betting is as wild child said a personal choice ... And the betting part of my game is definitely not a real strong point.

But looking at your betting I would offer the following:
- stop betting on every shooter or at least wait until you see a positive trend then bet on them
- I think you are putting too much $ at risk on the props. Hard ways and horn are great if they hit ... But in my experience they are a big drain on the bankroll.
- I like the progression on the free odds but why minimum on 6&8?
- I like taking the bet down after a hit ... I just press after the bet has paid for itself.

Keep in mind this is just my inexperienced opinion.


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Re: Help

Post by London Shooter » Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:42 pm

I would say it looks to me that by the time you have done passline, horn high yo, odds, place numbers and hardways it sounds like you are putting a very large percentage of a $200 bankroll at risk each time. A couple of early ugly 7s and you will soon be down 25-30% of your money, maybe more.

Seems like a lot of different action to be playing each time. I'd be looking at a more simple plan and not wanting to put more than 10% of my money at risk on any one thrower.

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Re: Help

Post by heavy » Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:19 pm

Well, everyone's pretty much touched on it. With a $200 session stake you should not have more than $20 on the table initially. How would I play it?

By pass the Come Out roll on everyone except myself.

If you only want to play the right side of the game then place the six and eight for $12 each. The first hit on either will pay you $14. Take down the $12 six and eight and make it look like $6 each. You'll have a $2 profit in the rack at that point and $12 action. If you get a second hit on the six or eight on that shooter, take the profit and your action down. You'll have $21 profit in the rack and you'll wait for the next shooter. If the shooter tosses three or four times without repeating the six - again, take your action down and wait for the next shooter. Boring, but generally pretty effective.

If you want to hedge - and it appears you do since you like that Come Out Horn High Yo - consider making a $10 Don't Pass bet. Once the wager is established, then place the six and eight for $12 each and follow the above advice. Once you take your right side action down you wait for a decision on the Don't Pass.

If you're playing $27 across you will find it almost impossible to win. You're risking $27 to win $7 - $9 on the next box number. Just doesn't add up in the long run. Too much exposure.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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Re: Help

Post by Mad Professor » Sat Jan 04, 2014 6:50 am

Hi Optimus,

If I was to guess, I would say that you are currently losing money during 75% to 85% of your sessions, and making money or breaking even on the remaining 15% to 25% of them.

I would also guess that the average per-session drawdown on your $200 buy-in is running around -$60 to -$140, and your winning sessions are producing a profit-range of +$35 to +$85.

Am I getting warm? :)

Based on the description of your play on random-rollers; those estimates seem reasonable. Now it's a matter of whether or not you are "okay" losing that MUCH that OFTEN?

~If so, continue doing what you are doing.

~If not, cut back on the Prop-action...drop the $5 Horn High Yo and reduce the $20 Hardway ploy.

~Most gamblers tailor their future bets to coincide with the big wins that they 'remember' from the past; unfortunately, the reason they are so memorable is because they are so RARE.

~Narrow your betting range (the number of box-numbers that you cover). While it is true that in a random-outcome game, the more numbers that you cover; the higher the chances of collecting a winning-hit, but as Heavy explained, that higher hit-rate likelihood comes at a highly bankroll-erosive cost.

But there's the thing:

~Lower bets, less bet-spread, and fewer props will only REDUCE your bankroll-erosion in a random-outcome game.

That is, you will still LOSE, but you will lose at a much SLOWER pace.



Re: Help

Post by optimusPrime » Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:42 pm


I have been working with several dice sets and I am having a hard time deciding on one to use all the time and what is the est grip to use... right now I use the hard way set with the three finger grip and I find that i can roll a point and usually only get about 4 to 5 rolls usually before seven out. Usually I get a lot of single pitch numbers like 5,9 and 6 and the occasional on axis hard 6 or 8. Is there something im doing wrong or something i can do to help avoid the seven or at least to keep the die on axis.

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Re: Help

Post by heavy » Sat Jan 04, 2014 5:58 pm

I started a new thread on Grip and Toss 101 that should help. Essentially, you need to pick one grip and stick with it. Clean up the flaws with it (finger alignment, thumb push through, release point, wrist roll over, etc) and book a minimum of 720 rolls in BoneTracker. Then let's look at the results and see if there's a mutant set that might improve your overall results. Once you settle on a set adjustment - toss another 720 rolls and review the results again. Don't be surprised if the results change. Continue to do this until you see some consistency in results - then you'll be on the right track.

Nobody said it would be easy - because it's not. If it were, everybody would be doing it (successfully).
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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Re: Help

Post by offaxis » Sat Jan 04, 2014 6:14 pm

As I said in another thread off to the Sun tomorrow. I have chosen the cross 6 6/4 6/5 . I am continually off axis. But my Chi over last two days is 0.00. over the month is .19. Over the last two weeks been using ( a 1/2 block of wood) and my chi has become more random. I went back to throwing with my fingers further down. Just feels better. So is it so bad to be throwing off, if I can find a good set. These are the results from the last two days. Chi 0.00 SRR 14 BSR 10.33
4's 23%
5's 7%
6s 16%
7's 7%
8's 16%
9's 2%
11's 7%
12's 7%

hard 4's16%
:?: :shock: :?:

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