Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strategy?

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by London Shooter » Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:12 am

I've always wondered that too - whether the dealers prefer to have the tokes into the box straight away or have some action on the felt. My gut feel is that they like to be in the game and that is how I give my tips by making a bet for them, though a tip at the end of the session I always give as one to go into the box.

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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by 8x8x8 » Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:40 am

A plain-jane winning toke is mostly remembered by the dealers for its win-value (if any); while the player’s identity (the player making the toke) is only remembered on a secondary basis.

If you brand your tokes by using the same (or closely related) memorable tag-line every time that one of your tokes gets tossed into the dealer’s toke-box; then the dealers will more closely identify YOU with tokes that actually make it into the box.

In that way, toke-BRANDING becomes a very STRONG self-perpetuating positive-reinforcement tool in your high toss-lenience, high win-tolerance toolbox. ;)


I have mostly thrown the dealers a bet on the table since I know many like the action. However I have felt like I may have wasted the toke when the bet loses. I will probably switch to tossing to the toke box as I am winning.

Other thoughts?


Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by Dave73 » Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:27 pm

London Shooter wrote:I've always wondered that too - whether the dealers prefer to have the tokes into the box straight away or have some action on the felt. My gut feel is that they like to be in the game and that is how I give my tips by making a bet for them, though a tip at the end of the session I always give as one to go into the box.

I think like most things in life, there is no one single answer to this. Some dealers may like to have the action played, while others, possibly even working at the exact same table may prefer to have the toke dropped in the box. I can say that either way, a wagered toke or a direct tip are almost ALWAYS appreciated by the dealers.

One thing I have done that I think stands out is to throw in a couple bucks even if the wagered toke loses. Say you throw out a $2 two way Hard 8. Easy 8 rolls ( which I would almost certainly be on the 8 anyway), when the dealer passes out the place bet win Ill throw a couple whites his way. That way they see that you are trying for them, but not leaving them hanging if their high vig tip loses.

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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by London Shooter » Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:09 pm

Good thought Dave. I will do the same a couple of times next time I play I reckon. That way they are getting something back regardless which is always nice.

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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by Mad Professor » Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:33 pm

If you guys can talk Wizard into posting the details of his "BONUS ROUND" toke-method; I think you'll see that he has come up with a way to make the dealers REALLY get involved in your tokes. ;)


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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by London Shooter » Sun Jan 12, 2014 3:14 pm

Go on then Wizard - you must be reading this somewhere - spill the bean on your BONUS ROUND method please.

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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by moed » Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:11 pm

I have leaned from John Patrick that token the dealers goes a long way. I always put money in play for the dealers. If you get a smart dealer thats knows what to do they make mistakes on the pay out or pay you if you lose. this has happen to me at blackjack at craps i didnt have my bet down i looked at at the stick lady and she said my bet was good pay me. Put money in play when you are playing so they can help you not at the end of the game were they cannt help you . This happen in A/C


Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by rudeboy99 » Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:53 am

First, thanx to all of you that DO toke, as a shows class, as well as ensures yourself A-1 service while on the game. It doesn't need to be much, honestly. The old saying," It's the thought that counts" is operative here. And yes, the dealers should ALWAYS express their thanks every time a toke bet is made. :D

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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by Mad Professor » Thu Jan 16, 2014 7:45 am

Hi Rudeboy99,

Would you care to share any interesting toke stories from 'the other side of the table' perspective? Tidbits about any stiffs or Georges that still stand out from your time in the pit?




Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by nicedice » Thu Jan 16, 2014 10:02 am

I do toke on all my PL bets 1 dollar on top. Also on my 6 and 8. I do something that I saw an old timer do in the late 70's at Resorts. I never saw anyone else do it and it was always memorable to the dealers and set the guy apart and he always got the best service at the table.
I copied it and use it when the circumstances dictate it.
When I get past 10 rolls and if the dice look good and I have seen repeaters, I start a come bet strategy. When I place the come bet, I put a dollar on top of the come bet. If a 7 or 11 come, I give a buck to the dealers on the payoff. If it goes to a number, I put up my odds and also place an odds bet for the dealers.
Depending on how deep I go into the roll, and if the number starts repeating, I increase my odds to full and then increase the dealer odds. So on 10 coming (11 with the dealer bet on top, I then put out 55 in odds. (50 for me, and 5 for dealers). Sometimes I indicate before how it is to be split on payoff, other times I wait for the payoff and decide then.
This different strategy gets a lot of dealer love. And has paid off in many ways. At my regular playing place in AC, I have become known for this play. Sets me apart in a good way.

BTW, I think that the toke line that MP is touting here is a fantastic strategy. (Two taps and a "here is some icing for the cake" ) sounds like it is my future. Thanks to all for their advice.


Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by pman11198 » Thu Jan 16, 2014 5:34 pm

A bet for the dealers definitely changes the feel and energy for the table. Its definitely worth a $5 hardways bet just to change things up once in a while, and these guys do work hard.

I find it more profitable when the dealers work with you versus against you. :)

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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by Mad Professor » Sat Jan 18, 2014 9:22 am

While tokes tossed in at the end of a session are always appreciated; it’s the ones that make it INTO the box DURING your session that have the greatest effect while you are still playing.

While end-of-session tokes show your appreciation for a job well done after the fact, and they do have some ‘carry-over’ effect at your next session with that same crew if they remember you or the end-of-session tokes that you made last time; you also should be looking for your tokes to generate current-session consideration-mileage as well…and that’s hard to do if you are leaving the table when you make them.

The only reason I mention this is because I played another early-morning session the other day where there was just one other player plus myself at the table.

He was a bit of a high-maintenance player…making four or five Place-bet changes on every roll, lots of off-sized props and H-ways ($9 Aces, $17 Yo, $6 each on 3 and 12…$11 H-4, $15 H-10, $3 H-6, and $7 H-8) which would be pressed-up in off-sized values whenever they hit (“Make it a $23 Aces, and put $4 more on the Yo and Midnight, $8 more on the 3, then press my Hard-4 and 10 by $9 each and my Hard-6 and 8 by $13 each, press my 8 by $42…press my 6 by $36…and give me whatever is left over…it should be a nickel or something like that after you set me up on a $48 Big Red”).

Anyway, long story short, both he and I tossed some pretty decent hands; but two of the dealers started giving him a bit of a hard time when his bet-changes got to the point of ridiculousness during one of my hands when I went on an extended Field-number/crap-number spree.

During all of this time; he didn’t pop for a toke even once…not even a buck. The stickman was working his ass off between each and every toss, and the base-dealer on his end was also doing great fulfilling his multiple bet-orders after each roll.

For my own part, I was remaining fairly aloof in between my tosses. I didn’t want the delay to affect my toss-focus, nor did I want it to get me irritated to the point where my sub-conscious would be working to end his reign of off-sized bet-changing terror (by throwing a consciously-unintentional/sub-consciously-intentional hand-ending 7-out).

Instead, I stayed cool; but it was clearly getting to two of the dealers.

I mention this in the “How to Improve Your TIPPING Mileage” thread, because at the end of his session when he colored-out, he tossed a $100 toke back in for the crew. As he walked away; one of the dealers said, “I would have treated him much better had I known he’d be tossing us a bone before he left.”

I responded by saying, “Just imagine how much bigger that toke might have been if you had!


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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by Blackcloud » Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:58 pm

;) UNHH!!Definitely pure common sense; but note IF you are NOT a very frequent player, departing tokes are wasted :shock:


Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by PittPalz » Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:56 pm

When I play at my regular casinos, I toke via pass line and odds the first few times and all center bets (hardways, yos, hops, etc). During the time I play (lunch time to early dinner time), no one or any of the regulars really gives tokes during play or coloring up either. They seem to enjoy it and also when I am having a bad day at the tables they know I usually toke when winning so they take care of me.

Which leads me to another question: has your tokes lead for getting increase pays? I had occasions when I throw a hop in and two rolls later they are paying me on the hop. I don't know if it because the table is getting busier or whatever but I have the impression that my tokes may play a factor in it

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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by Operator » Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:23 pm

The best way to toke dealers on the cheap is 5 dollars across thats one dollar per number hit only 3 numbers and they recieve 6 bucks and still in the game fun for every body.

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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by London Shooter » Sat Jan 25, 2014 4:02 am

Don't they lose out then though due to rounding down of the payouts depending on what number hits?

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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by wudged » Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:43 am

Depends where you play. In all Atlantic City casinos they are required to round up, so your money is best bet on 6/8. Some casinos only round up the outside numbers, and some will only round 4/10.

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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by London Shooter » Sat Jan 25, 2014 2:32 pm

OK ta.


Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strat

Post by CrapsGenius » Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:16 am

Toke the dealer to your advantage and making it memorable by placing a $1.00 chip next to your $5.00 fire is most memorable to the dealers. They don't bother you when your setting the dice or having to "hit that back wall" and when you make the 5 or 6 number firebet they remember you quick with that 250 or 1k tip.

I see many people over doing it when it comes to putting the crew in the game and before you know it they have spent well over $50.00 in single chips on hard ways, place bets, etc. those chips really add up fast to a regular craps player.

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Re: Do you toke the dealers? If so, do you have a toke strategy?

Post by heavy » Fri Jul 20, 2018 4:32 pm

This is a HUGE thread about a tiny little aspect of the game. Toking the dealers. Yeah, if they give good service then you should toke them. My choice? Make a small dealer bet immediately after buying in - then make an additional bet right after each stick change. That way every dealer at the table knows you're betting for them. Tokes played as bets AND dealer hand ins will benefit you. I've always said that I've gotten every dollar I ever toked anyone back. Hand-ins at the end of the session, however, give you virtually no value in terms of added service. It's just money you're tossing on the table and walking away from.

What's your opinion toking. Do you or Don't you? If you do, what's your approach. What do you bet and how much do you wager for them.

Last of all - do you ever toke the shooter at the end of a great hand?

Let's hear it.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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