Best time for a full regression?

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Best time for a full regression?

Post by Bankerdude80 » Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:30 pm

You know the game, $10 min table, a shooter is having a decent roll. You've collected on your initial place bets and have started spreading more bets across. He continues to roll, you collect, press, collect...

Your exposure across is growing exponentially. At what point to you call all your bets down and start over with $52-54 across (or more)?

the shooter makes 2nd point?
the 3rd point?
the shooter scores his 4th point/first fire bet point?
when your gut tells you to?

What has worked best and has been most consistent for you over the years?

I am never comfortable leaving a boatload of money up on the table unless I've done a full regression at least once. It seems to be an elusive thing, coming down just before the devil shows.
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Re: Best time for a full regression?

Post by freak » Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:53 am

For me it's my gut combined with monetary win goals and the length of the hand. So let's assume I had $110 inside and regressed at roll 3-5 to $44 inside and the bets on the table are "paid for". My win goal for the session is $200. Around roll 15 I see that I have collected about $50 in profit and have built back up to about $110 inside and another $30 - $40 on the PL with odds. Essentially if I take it all down I've hit my win goal for the session. What I like to do at this point is take half and leave half. Rather than reduce to an even $44 inside I like to leave at least one "hero" number. So I might leave $30 on the six or eight, $10 on the five and 10 odds on the PL. Now I have about $125 in profit and $75 working. If the six hits I'll place the eight for $18, press the six to $42. Next few hits collect. Once I get to roll 25 or so I just collect/press for the duration unless there's a big negative event. If that happens, like a big chip spill or dice off the table 3 times in a row or horn numbers 3 times in a row I'll take it all down. Not off, down. Something about seeing it in the rack makes me reluctant to put it back out there. But if the hand continues I'll start over with one or two numbers in the 15 - $18 range but never more than an amount that leaves my full win goal (if achieved) in the rack. I should say this is something I can pretty easily achieve in practice play at home, but remains difficult in live casino play. Live I usually lean toward too much pressing not enough regressing/taking down. Fortunately L tends to get conservative on the long hands and she wants to come down. That voice in her often saves the day. She might say "You've got $105 on the board. What can we take down?" My brain says "Really? It's just a $42 eight and an $18 six and a $25 four and a $20 nine. They've been earning their keep. How can I come down? I'm not even on the five or ten. How can that be $105? " But thankfully I reduce to a $30 eight, $18 six and take down the four and nine. Next roll nine. Dang! Missed it. Next roll 7out. That $45 I took down is more than the $28 the nine would have earned. It almost always works out that way. I do love to collect to the end of a long hand, but saving $100+ across by coming down a few rolls before the devil shows also feels really great.
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Re: Best time for a full regression?

Post by heavy » Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:39 pm

At what point to you call all your bets down and start over with $52-54 across (or more)?
I used to have all of this stuff "programmed" out fairly well. Starting with $12 each on the six and eight I'd go up and out, eventually adding the five and nine if they were producing - or the four and ten. Typically I like to add the five and nine individually, while I'd usually bet the four and ten as a "pair." Once I got to the point that I had $110 inside OR $160 Across I'd do my first regression - usually to $44 inside or $64 across. From there I would press more aggressively until I reached $220 inside or $270 across. Then I'd regress down to $110 inside and start pressing again. I rarely regressed after a second regression.

These days I'm doing much more early pressing and much less regression. I've learned to use my pay off on my inside action to fund my outside action as well. Of course, there are a million ways to approach this whole thing. The main thing is to stay within your comfort level. And if that little voice in your head tells you it's time to turn them off or take them down - don't wait for the next roll. Do it right then.
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Re: Best time for a full regression?

Post by dork » Fri Mar 28, 2014 2:18 am

On a inside number as the point, I'll bet the PL w/$30 odds, and place $80 inside, sometimes with $10-20 on the 4/10 (if I'm ahead; for starting hands, I'll skip the 4/10 bets). Two payoffs and I'll regress to $52/54 across for the 3rd roll; the place bet will come down to 2x odds.

If the point is a 4/10, I won't bet the farthest inside number from it--if 4 is the point, then the 9 isn't bet; PL w/30 odds, $24 five, $30 six and eight. Two hits and regress as above. Th'only time I'd bet the 9/10 in this example is if I'm up ~ $120--if 7 out right now, I'm still up $100. It's not etched in stone... horseshoes and hand grenades--$110 up, I'll bet the 9/10.

My regimen is "up one unit" except for that 3rd roll--if it's a box number, that roll determines my signature number--I'll try to get to the 4th parlay (e.g., for the '5', the bet will go: $10, $24, $60, $150, $210). Sometimes I chicken out and take the 3rd payoff ($84) because I'm not 'way ahead, so I'll interrupt the parlays, taking the 3x payoff before resuming to the 4x. I've taken the 4x bet down to $10 a few times; when I do that, everything else goes to 2 units except the second highest place bet (not including the 4x signature number). That 2nd highest bet is the new 'signature' number, and I'll try to go 4x uninterrupted on it. I've only done that once, but it was glorious.

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Re: Best time for a full regression?

Post by Bankerdude80 » Wed Apr 02, 2014 7:02 pm

irish wrote:At least two rolls before the 7.
How? I heard that the gaming authorities have barred you from bringing your Crystal Ball onto the premises. :lol:

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