Moderators: 220Inside, DarthNater
Re: question
I think it's bad form.
Some members join these things just so that they can specifically 'mine' other members e-mail addresses for their own marketing uses (or they ask an already-established member to do it for them).
Some members join these things just so that they can specifically 'mine' other members e-mail addresses for their own marketing uses (or they ask an already-established member to do it for them).
Re: question
Hmmm. Was the e-mail from me?
We don't give out any e-mail addresses around here. However, there are plenty of spam-bot e-mail harvesters out there that hack their way into website databases with the specific intent to get your e-mail addy and spam you. Another issue - sometimes one of the administrators of the craps sites sends out a "blast" e-mail without thinking to hide all of the e-mail addresses by sending the e-mail to themselves - with a BCC to all of the club members. Yeah, I got an e-mail from the golden girls once that had every one of their members - e-mail addresses on it.
We don't give out any e-mail addresses around here. However, there are plenty of spam-bot e-mail harvesters out there that hack their way into website databases with the specific intent to get your e-mail addy and spam you. Another issue - sometimes one of the administrators of the craps sites sends out a "blast" e-mail without thinking to hide all of the e-mail addresses by sending the e-mail to themselves - with a BCC to all of the club members. Yeah, I got an e-mail from the golden girls once that had every one of their members - e-mail addresses on it.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy
- Heavy
Re: question
gtc nor you are the culpert. The kicker was that they are trying to fool you into thinking that gtc approves of it, lmao they kicked this tennesse tuxedo of there site along time ago for trying to sell stuff to customers of theirs.
Re: question
You mean there's someone ELSE out there with stuff to sell? Good grief!
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy
- Heavy
Re: question
Heavy this email i got used your name to, like you approved and endorsed the method do you?
Re: question
Sigh. How can I endorse something that I've never actually seen?
No, I have neither approved nor endorsed any system. Nor did I give anyone permission to use my name in promoting a system. Could you forward a copy of the e-mail to me along with a reference point as to where in the text it states that I approved of it?
No, I have neither approved nor endorsed any system. Nor did I give anyone permission to use my name in promoting a system. Could you forward a copy of the e-mail to me along with a reference point as to where in the text it states that I approved of it?
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy
- Heavy
Re: question
Okay, thanks. If you don't mind, send me a copy if you still have it.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy
- Heavy
Re: question
I want to know this how does nelli have any friends in this comunity?
Re: question
The funniest thought is this either Beu, or Nelli, or both is really pushing the method, using reffrences to three of the dice world elite, but will not give anyone of these three there method to test against actual rolls.
If i wanted someone to endorse a produst i would give it to them with the agreement that if it tested out they would buy it and in this case sell it and kick me back a portion of the sales.
What a novel thought
If i wanted someone to endorse a produst i would give it to them with the agreement that if it tested out they would buy it and in this case sell it and kick me back a portion of the sales.
What a novel thought
Re: question
...and then Scooby Doo, Shaggy and the rest of the gang solve the mystery.

Re: question
The only mystery to me is how did such a great guy like Beu get involved with Nelli?
Re: question
Is there a numbers guy on this site that has done a 20000 roll simulation on the method using a computer to tell if it works.
every numbers guy i know Nellie has turned down there offer to run the simulation to put there stamp of approval on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
every numbers guy i know Nellie has turned down there offer to run the simulation to put there stamp of approval on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: question
I know that dice controll works.
I no that very few people can make it work because they do not listen in class, do not practice enuff or properly, and lst but not least they do not spend enuff time with instructors.
I no that very few people can make it work because they do not listen in class, do not practice enuff or properly, and lst but not least they do not spend enuff time with instructors.
Re: question
Okay, boys and girls. I think I have the definitive answer to the e-mail solicitation question that came up earlier in this thread. The e-mail in question was sent out by Steve Nelli. In that e-mail his intent was to cite Dice Coach as a knowledgeable who endorsed his "method." For the benefit of those on the e-mail list who did not know who Dice Coach was, he included some snippet/endorsements of Dice Coach from several folks in the business, including yours truly. My name was mentioned as someone who knew and endorsed Dice Coach's program - not someone who endorsed Nelli's program. Clearly some folks became confused about this and brought it to Nelli's attention as well as mine, since I received a phone call from Steve this evening explaining how this thing had apparently gone wrong and apologizing for any inconvenience it caused.
Regarding the e-mail mailing list source - Steve said he did not get the list from Dice Coach. It came from an open source e-mail discussion group that he used to participate with where e-mails were blasted to all participants and were not hidden in any way from the other participants. He did not name the particular source, but it sounded a lot like PARR's old list server. I don't know if that's the case or not and did not ask. I will say that all of us who use blast e-mail lists are very cognizant of Federal regulations as to what we can and cannot do - not only because of anti-spamming legislation but also under the Federal Privacy Act. None of us share our e-mail data bases with one another. And believe me - this was also the cased BEFORE the Privacy Act and anti-spamming legislation. We're all VERY protective of our e-mail lists because none of us want anyone else soliciting "our" customers - even in cases where they may be "shared" customers.
Hopefully that puts this question to bed. Thanks again for bringing it to my attention.
Regarding the e-mail mailing list source - Steve said he did not get the list from Dice Coach. It came from an open source e-mail discussion group that he used to participate with where e-mails were blasted to all participants and were not hidden in any way from the other participants. He did not name the particular source, but it sounded a lot like PARR's old list server. I don't know if that's the case or not and did not ask. I will say that all of us who use blast e-mail lists are very cognizant of Federal regulations as to what we can and cannot do - not only because of anti-spamming legislation but also under the Federal Privacy Act. None of us share our e-mail data bases with one another. And believe me - this was also the cased BEFORE the Privacy Act and anti-spamming legislation. We're all VERY protective of our e-mail lists because none of us want anyone else soliciting "our" customers - even in cases where they may be "shared" customers.
Hopefully that puts this question to bed. Thanks again for bringing it to my attention.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy
- Heavy
Re: question
Please heavy you no the intent was to get people to think that you dom and billy approved of the method.
I am not nor have i ever been a parr student.
beu said to me that i requested the email which is a crock.
I do not know steve so i will not judge him but his methods and beu,s are very much in bad form.
really is ther anyone out there that has run a computer simulation on the method?
I am not nor have i ever been a parr student.
beu said to me that i requested the email which is a crock.
I do not know steve so i will not judge him but his methods and beu,s are very much in bad form.
really is ther anyone out there that has run a computer simulation on the method?
Re: question
Well, don't shoot the messenger. No, I don't know of anyone who has run a sim of the method. I'd be curoius to see the complexity of it. But I'm not $4K worth of curious.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy
- Heavy
Re: question
Got the same email / sales pitch without ever signing up for anything PARR.
WOW $4K to learn how chart a table.
If any of you would like to send me only 2K dollars I will gladly send you my Super Method Version 2.0. (just kidding)
Forget the money here it is for free.
1. stand at a table with at least 5 players
2. note player positions at the table
3. record every dice toss for each player during a 2 hour period before betting
4. if you are a green chip player have a bankroll of $2500
5. after 2 hours start with player #1 and bet his top 3 repeaters at 4 units
6. after two hits of a repeater take down your bets and don't bet on him until a decision is rendered
7. if he makes his point repeat step 5-6
8. if he SO, bet on the next player using steps 5-7
9. if the player is a SO repeater bet the hell out of the Don't Pass / Don't Come bets
10. when your bankroll increases by 50% double all betting amounts
I can even post a template drawing of a table (to note player positions) and a chart to record dice outcomes.
If you would like an audio version of the Super Method Version 2.0 it can be arranged.
I might even make an iPhone app - which will sell for only $99.00
I will not discuss much more without each and everyone of you signing a non disclosure agreement - so don't ask
Dr. D.I.C.E. Crap
WOW $4K to learn how chart a table.
If any of you would like to send me only 2K dollars I will gladly send you my Super Method Version 2.0. (just kidding)
Forget the money here it is for free.
1. stand at a table with at least 5 players
2. note player positions at the table
3. record every dice toss for each player during a 2 hour period before betting
4. if you are a green chip player have a bankroll of $2500
5. after 2 hours start with player #1 and bet his top 3 repeaters at 4 units
6. after two hits of a repeater take down your bets and don't bet on him until a decision is rendered
7. if he makes his point repeat step 5-6
8. if he SO, bet on the next player using steps 5-7
9. if the player is a SO repeater bet the hell out of the Don't Pass / Don't Come bets
10. when your bankroll increases by 50% double all betting amounts
I can even post a template drawing of a table (to note player positions) and a chart to record dice outcomes.
If you would like an audio version of the Super Method Version 2.0 it can be arranged.
I might even make an iPhone app - which will sell for only $99.00
I will not discuss much more without each and everyone of you signing a non disclosure agreement - so don't ask
Dr. D.I.C.E. Crap
Re: question
There where several boys over at gtc that where not instructors or anything that wanted to run it he refused people where willing to agree if it played out they would buy no questions wonder why he would not let them test it unless they bought it first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This system sells because it is very diffacult to become a controled shooter very very they pray on those who are strugling with controled shooting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People need to believe in somthing and controled shooting takes discapline from the very start, i know far to many people that go out take a class and only hear what they want to and never get it right, not only that but they ingrain so many bad habits into there shoot that the work they have to do to over come it is to much for them.
People it takes more than one class.
My background i took a 2 day gtc class june of 08, wanted more info right away went to beu for a tune up august of 08, took another 2 day class october 08 went to tunica april 09 for a private tune June 09 took and advantced class got super lucky plus someone liked me i was the only student in this two day class with two instructors ya that is right two days of me and two elite instructors i got so tired day two that they went of to help other i needed a break, i mean the first day we went at it for 4 hours straight working on nothing but fundamentals. took the advantced class aging so i could take it with my friends i have taken two more tuneups and a video elite tune up.
I practice everyday working on two things feeling the dice leave my hand and proper rotation hitting the same spot over and over what is my srr do not care after the second advantced class it was 9.5 .
do i win everytime out hell no.
do i have days when i can call my shot hell yes.
do i have days when the dice are all over the table yes and at the same time i have more days where the dice stay in about a 8 inch area after hitting the wall.
I have played with many a people that are trying to become controlled shooters i love it they are very special to me i love to be around others who have the same goals.
People think about this craps has been around for a very long time do you think that someone just invented a way to beat it all the time, hell no if they did dont you think casinos would catch on to these people and say you are out they do this with people that win.
Ah then why do they let people set the dice because so very few of them win consistently why run out nine lossers to prevent one winner, and ever seen peole leave the table after a controled shooter tosses a monster or do they stick around and give it all back and then some chasing that bigger win.
This system sells because it is very diffacult to become a controled shooter very very they pray on those who are strugling with controled shooting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People need to believe in somthing and controled shooting takes discapline from the very start, i know far to many people that go out take a class and only hear what they want to and never get it right, not only that but they ingrain so many bad habits into there shoot that the work they have to do to over come it is to much for them.
People it takes more than one class.
My background i took a 2 day gtc class june of 08, wanted more info right away went to beu for a tune up august of 08, took another 2 day class october 08 went to tunica april 09 for a private tune June 09 took and advantced class got super lucky plus someone liked me i was the only student in this two day class with two instructors ya that is right two days of me and two elite instructors i got so tired day two that they went of to help other i needed a break, i mean the first day we went at it for 4 hours straight working on nothing but fundamentals. took the advantced class aging so i could take it with my friends i have taken two more tuneups and a video elite tune up.
I practice everyday working on two things feeling the dice leave my hand and proper rotation hitting the same spot over and over what is my srr do not care after the second advantced class it was 9.5 .
do i win everytime out hell no.
do i have days when i can call my shot hell yes.
do i have days when the dice are all over the table yes and at the same time i have more days where the dice stay in about a 8 inch area after hitting the wall.
I have played with many a people that are trying to become controlled shooters i love it they are very special to me i love to be around others who have the same goals.
People think about this craps has been around for a very long time do you think that someone just invented a way to beat it all the time, hell no if they did dont you think casinos would catch on to these people and say you are out they do this with people that win.
Ah then why do they let people set the dice because so very few of them win consistently why run out nine lossers to prevent one winner, and ever seen peole leave the table after a controled shooter tosses a monster or do they stick around and give it all back and then some chasing that bigger win.