Heavy's Squeezebox (Outside - In) Progression

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Heavy's Squeezebox (Outside - In) Progression

Post by heavy » Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:16 pm

Okay guys, this strategy evolved out of Al's Army March. I took Al's play and instead of having the bets "march" from the four or ten - to the other end of the box numbers (ten to the nine to the eight to the six . . . ) I opted to have the wins "march" to the six and eight. Basically you're pressing off your weaker numbers onto your stronger numbers.

Let's go with $64 across so we're working with numbers you're comfortable with. Those of you who like to play at higher levels can add a zero to that $64 . . . or make it $320 across . . . or $160 . . . you get the drift.

Bet is $64 across.
Ten rolls and pays $18. Take down the $10 bet on the ten. Add it to the $18 payoff and cap it with $2. Press the total $30 onto the nine.
Nine rolls - pays $56. Take down the $40 nine, add it to the $56 and press $96 onto your $12 eight. You now have a $108 eight. Eight rolls and pays $126. Take the $108 plus the $126 down and lock up $234.

Hey! you say. What about the other end of the table. Well, let's do something out of sequence here.

Six rolls - collect $14 - Same bet. Under this strategy I always collect (don't press) on the six or eight hits. My sixes and eights are always pressed off outside numbers.
Five rolls - pays $14. Take down the $10 five and stack it with the $14 payoff and press the six $24 to $36.
Six rolls again. Pays $42. Same bet.
Four rolls. Pays $18. Take down the $10 four and add it to the $18 - cap it with $2 from your rack and place the $30 total on the nine (remember, we've already been paid on the nine and moved the initial bet plus winnings to the six).
Since this is Heavy's Perfect World Casino the five rolls next and pays $42. Now we're going to press $72 total onto the $36 six - making it look like . . . yeah, you got it. $108. Score a hit on the six and you'll collect $126 and down, locking up another $234.

$468 off the table - initial $64 investment plus $4 "cap" money - makes for a $68 initial investment and a $400 win.
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Re: Heavy's Squeezebox (Outside - In) Progression

Post by heavy » Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:51 am

Yeah, I probably got Frank and Nancy confused. The crux of this play is to always take down the outside number when it hits, stack the winnings on top of it and press it all onto the next inside number. Continue until you have nothing left but the six and eight.
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Re: Heavy's Squeezebox (Outside - In) Progression

Post by Maddog » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:06 pm

I sometimes play a low-budget variation to Heavy’s Outside-In Squeeze.

After the point is set, Place bet $22 inside ($5 five, $6 six, $6 eight, $5 nine).
If the point is an inside number, I don’t Place bet the point number.

If the six or eight hit, same bet.
If the five or nine hit, take down that bet add it to the winnings, and press the six or eight.

~ Come-out roll is an eight, point is set as eight, Place bet $16 inside ($5 five, $6 six, eight is point, $5 nine).
~ Next roll is a five, win $7, take down the Place 5 and add it to the winnings ($5 + $7 = $12) and have the dealer stack it all on the six, making the six now look like $18.
~ Next roll is a six, win $21 and same bet.
~ Next roll is a five, dang-it.
~ Next roll is a nine, win $7, take down the Place 9 and add it to the winnings ($5 + $7 = $12) and have the dealer stack it all on the six, making the six now look like $30.

From this point you may want to do same-bets on the six, use $10 from your next hit on the six to re-set the five and nine, do partial press, regress back to $22 inside, etc.

Now, when I play this on my shooting I make two adjustments. (1) I always press the eight with any winnings, my eight is much stronger then my six. If eight is the point, I often press my odds (All my casinos offer at least 10x odds), and (2) I take down the opposite of the number that hit. So if a nine hit, instead of taking down the nine for the squeeze play, I take down the five. The thinking here is that if my toss is on, and I just tossed a nine, reasonable odds that I will toss another nine somewhere down the line.

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Re: Heavy's Squeezebox (Outside - In) Progression

Post by nickelmidnight » Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:14 pm

I like this Heavy. Since I have a high SRR but never know what my signature numbers will be and hit all the box numbers in a short order it makes perfect sense. Thanks Heavy

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