Oscar's Grind

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Oscar's Grind

Post by heavy » Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:53 pm

Man, it's been years since I've talked to anyone about Oscar's Grind. I remember me, Dylanfreak, and a couple of other guys used to play the Oscar on the Don'ts way back in the day. I think we all pretty much moved away from it because while it was conservative - we were occasionally getting tapped a bit by it. Nevertheless, I thought I'd bring it up again.

Oscar's Grind, also known as Hoyle's Press, is a system that's very long in the tooth. It's also one of the most boring craps strategies of all time. In each series of plays you are looking to win just one unit. I'll run through an example for you using $5 units. If you like to play bigger than than that - add a zero after that $5 and you'll be playing at the $50 level. You should also set a win goal. We'll say it's $40 - or $400 if you're playing at the higher level.

With this strategy you are only going to play the Pass or Don't Pass. If you have a Come Out winner - regardless of which side you're playing, then lock it up and BAM, you're already starting on your next "series" because you just one your one unit objective.

If you lose your first bet you continue to make subsequent $5 bets until you win. When you win you increase your next wager one unit to $10. You continue this process until you hit your win objective (or loss limit). Here's an example:

W - +5 - Next bet $10
W - + 10 - Total Win +15 - Next bet $15
W - +15 - Total Win +30 - Next bet $20
L - -20 - Total Win + 10 - Next bet $5

Clear as mud? Let's keep it simple. Start with a $5 unit. On every win increase your wager $5 until you hit your win goal - then get the hell out of Dodge. On any loss - start the cycle over with a $5 bet.

Hint: Stick with your win goal. If you hit your loss limit - or fall asleep at the table - it's time to color up and run.

Now, have any of you guys played Oscar's Grind? Is anyone playing it now? You can use this strategy at pretty much any "even money" game. Let's hear from you.
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Re: Oscar's Grind

Post by DeadCat » Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:09 am

When I was working at a bank office in Henderson, I used to test systems at the Joker's Wild and their $1 table. Man, was it dull. I would be playing it and keeping track in a notebook and it seemed to take dozens of hands and to win $1. As I recall you just kind of hover just below being profitable. Of course I wouldn't expect to win much using $1 units at any strategy but Heavy is right when he says falling asleep was possible.


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Re: Oscar's Grind

Post by Dylanfreake » Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:30 pm

I have used Oscars grind in the past . I think it is one of the few good craps playing strategies. I also think all of the good , money winning strategies are dull and slow. The big reason that , I quit using Oscar`s Grind is because of my small bankroll. At the time I was really wanting to play Oscar`s Grind.

For me to play Oscars Grind properly at a $5 table , I would want to have a Gambling Bankroll of $10,000 and be willing to risk 4% of that per session ($400).
Last edited by Dylanfreake on Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Oscar's Grind

Post by al_falcons » Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:07 pm

Hey Americraps, was someone playing this the other day at your table? I would imagine it to be a grind but if you have a nice bankroll it could be profitable at cold to choppy tables.

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Re: Oscar's Grind

Post by Americraps » Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:16 pm

It was similar system, but not the same. I think I posted this one in another thread, but I'll repeat it here.
The guy started with $25 on the DP. If he won, same bet. If he lost, add $5. Keep adding $5 till he was up for the sequence. So, first bet $25- Lose Total = down $25
Next bet $30- Lose Total down $55.
Next bet $35-lose Total down $90.
Next bet $40 win. Total down $50
Next bet $45 win. Total down $5
Next bet $50 win. Total up $45.
Next bet $25. This guy claimed you were safe with a $1K buyin. I don't know if that is BS or not.
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Re: Oscar's Grind

Post by soxfan » Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:15 pm

I've never been a fan of oscar's grind, I must say. If I'n gonna be risking serious units on a negative progression I'd rather go with sure win, or better yet, star, where I have to potential to pull down 5, 10 or more units of sweet profit with a single coup of back to back wins, hey hey.

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Re: Oscar's Grind

Post by heavy » Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:12 am

Dylanfreak - it looks to me like we're going to have to dust off old Perry B's Stepladder to the Dark Side play. Or was that Professor H's play? Damn, I sure miss all of those brain cells I killed in the sixties.

Okay, for those of you who don't have a hard drive full of systems you've accumulated through the years - the Star System is just another Fibonacci variant. However, instead of playing 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-etc you STOP at a 5 unit bet. The Star begins with a 1 unit bet and runs 1-1-2-3-5. That is the top rung of the first "ladder" in the progression. The second "ladder" is played with a 2 unit bet and runs 1-1-2-4-6-10-16. The third "ladder is played with a 3 unit bet and runs 1-1-1-3-6-9-15-24.

I'm not EVEN going to go into all of the win/loss/break even points. Suffice to say there are some guys out there (like our old pal WWWW) that love this sort of thing. We used to have another forum member back on the original APC board - a Florida player as I recall - who was completely enthralled with the Star System and played it frequently in Biloxi - mostly at the roulette table. Whew. I am reaching waaaay back for this stuff.
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Re: Oscar's Grind

Post by Dylanfreake » Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:39 am

Heavy , it`s funny that you mentioned Perryb`s stepladder and that soxfan mentioned Star and SureWin. I kind of combined parts of each of these and called it the Dylanacci. Of course , I like to win those big units like soxfan , but I always adjust and combine these strategies to a more conservative way of play. At the same time , I do try to keep them simple.

If we ever do get into a discussion on Professor H`s Dont Pass Progressive Odds startegy , I will tell you how I think it should be played .

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Re: Oscar's Grind

Post by heavy » Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:31 am

By the way, DF, the guy whose name I couldn't remember last night was Arnie. I think he must have owned just about every betting system under the sun back in the day. Extremely smart guy. He had about a zillion different progressions all committed to memory. Me? Man, I gotta have a cheat-sheet. Again, those missing brain cells . . .
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Re: Oscar's Grind

Post by memo » Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:37 am

I would always pay special attention whenever Arnie made a post...
It may not have been to my liking for a particular style or play, but it was always insightful.
He was the first one to get me interested in regression betting..Although he would combine right side and wrong side betting together. I never grew enough brain cells to appriciate what he was doing.


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Re: Oscar's Grind

Post by heavy » Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:23 am

The thing I remember about meeting Arnie (he came out to a seminar we did in Biloxi way back in the day) was that he stuck with his plan. He played very little with the group - favoring lone wolf sessions where he focused much more on betting that tossing the dice. I believe he spent as much time at bac and roulette as he did at craps - perhaps even more.
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Re: Oscar's Grind

Post by Americraps » Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:35 pm

So DylanFreak, I have read the word Dylanacci, but don't know he particulars. Can you define this strategy for me?
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Re: Oscar's Grind

Post by al_falcons » Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:23 pm

Yes DylanFreak, tell us how goes the Dylanacci method!

Americraps, the Cowtipping is a great strategy too if you like to see the paint dry and win 20 or 30 bucks in a couple of hours. It is one of my favorite strategies to play when waiting for the dice back, playing from the don't at a cold or choppy table. With my practice rolls it wins about 50% of the time for an average win of $5!

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Re: Oscar's Grind

Post by heavy » Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:05 pm

Okay, guys. If we're going to have a Dylanacci discussion let's start a new thread so casual readers can find it. Otherwise it'll be buried here on the Oscar thread and we'll never remember where it is when someone asks six months from now. Thanks.
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Re: Oscar's Grind

Post by Dylanfreake » Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:07 am

Arnie posted on some roulette and bac sites under the name talisman.

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Re: Oscar's Grind

Post by al_falcons » Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:22 pm

Arnie and I did play together one night in Biloxi. I remember us both shooting very well and but only I coming out a winner because he was betting the don'ts. I don't remember which casino it was, maybe Treasure Bay? He is a good guy, have not seen him around here.

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Re: Oscar's Grind

Post by Dylanfreake » Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:48 am

Arnie/Talisman was a pretty big Craps and roulette player out of Florida. He liked playing at Grand casino in Tunica because of a single zero wheel.

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Re: Oscar's Grind

Post by Dylanfreake » Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:50 am

Arnie/Talisman was a pretty big Craps, baccarat and roulette player out of Florida. He liked playing at Grand casino in Tunica because of a single zero wheel.

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