See A - Bet A -

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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See A - Bet A -

Post by Americraps » Mon Oct 06, 2014 4:14 pm

After reading Heavy's awesome newsletter, I was inspired to do some studies on my most recent book of rolls.
1) See a horn, bet a horn,
2) See a horn, bet a field,
3) See a Hi/Lo, bet a Hi/Lo,
4) See a Hi/lo, take me down
5) See two fields in a row, bet the field (ala MP),
6) See a 7, bet a seven.

I'm using the 2v, so I should be throwing some ace deuces and yos, but not the 2 and 12s.

1) See a horn/Bet a horn 16 instances of back to back horns, 96 losers. Not profitable for me.

2)See a horn, bet the field. 114 horns, 47 field winners, 68 field losers.

3) See a HI/Lo, bet a Hi/Lo. Here are the # of rolls between aces and or midnights

0) 0
2) 2
3) 3
4) 2
5) 1
6) 3
7) 4
8) 3
9) 1
and then 1 instance for 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 26, 29, 36, 38, 47, 54, 60, 79 rolls.

There appears to be some kind of advantage possible. Maybe play a $2 hilo for 10 rolls and give up. That would have netted $88 if my math is correct. It makes sense to me that the HI Lo would come in groups. In my set the off axis 1/6 is the right die.

See a HI/LO, how many rolls till the seven.
1) 8
2) 4
3) 2
4) 2
5) 2
6) 3
7) 3
8 or more 10

The "take me down after a Hi/Lo" play is a part of just about every strategy sold out there. I've never acted on it, but these numbers beg for more investigation. I'm not sure of the math involved, maybe someone could chime in.

See 2 fields in a row, bet the field- I am using a 2v, and should be throwing a lot of fields if I can keep my on axis numbers up. Last book was at 40.97% both dice on axis, so not the best scenario for this betting style- Using the triple pay 12, I was down 10 units for the entire book.

See a 7 bet a seven- Assuming solo play, so a hand ender followed by a comeout seven counts as 2 in a row, still using the 2v.

1 seven in a row - 79
2 sevens in a row - 11
3 sevens in a row - 3 Comeout seven followed by yo- 2
4 sevens in a row- 1

This brings to mind a story Heavy wrote about. A darksider who in addition to a $25 flat bet on the don't, hopped the 7/11 on the comeout looking for a 3 in a row parlay. The 3 in a row parlay play would have worked 1 time. If you add the yo, the 2 in a row parlay would have worked 5 times.
See it in your mind FIRST...Then do it!

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Re: See A - Bet A -

Post by freak » Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:00 pm

Bravo for looking at the data. I think most of us will find that, although there will be moments when these see-a-X-bet-a-X plays work, most of the time they fail. This past weekend L had a hand with six 2s. SIX! The first three came back to back to back. We were right across from a crapless table. Everyone was just going nuts, telling L she needed to go play on the crapless table and we'd be KILLING it. Well, that roll on a crapless table would have been great. But we weren't playing crapless and betting for repeater 2s. We were shooting for and betting on box numbers. If we had been playing crapless chances are she would have rolled a totally different hand. This game is all about sequence. Whenever I'm losing and text a good craps buddy of mine he says "You must be putting your money in the wrong boxes." The right boxes are always there, they just aren't revealed until after the roll. The right box for this roll is quite often NOT the right box for the next.
I wanna see the dust...

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Re: See A - Bet A -

Post by Golfer » Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:58 pm

Americraps, thinking of hopping the 7's??????

There is hope in the universe.

I use the mini-v most days and when shooting well my off axis tosses produce a lot of field numbers. MP uses his Field Harvest. We have talked about it many times and I am still trying to get him to parlay once in awhile.

Freak, I will dream of Snakeyes tonight and parlays.

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